blob: 526ec6c349c917c33a90d84771aaffb01a6610fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package io.v.baku.toolkit.bind;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.TextView;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import rx.subscriptions.CompositeSubscription;
public abstract class SyncbaseBinding {
* Builder class for scalar Syncbase bindings, which bind individual Syncbase data rows to
* Android widget properties. The Baku Toolkit offers read-only and read/write scalar data
* bindings. (Write-only bindings are generally no more useful than direct database writes.)
* Unidirectional read-only bindings are simpler and preferred, but some standard Android
* widgets like {@link EditText} are more naturally bidirectional. To behave in a reasonable
* manner, bidirectional bindings with Android widgets require coordination between the read and
* write directions. The Baku Toolkit provides default coordination policies for reasonable
* behavior.
* The {@link #deleteValue(Object)} and {@link #defaultValue(Object)} options are minimally
* typesafe, but keeping this builder simple is preferable, and the absence of rigorous static
* type checking here is acceptable.
public static class Builder<T> extends BaseBuilder<Builder<T>> {
private String mKey;
private boolean mExplicitDefaultValue;
private T mDeleteValue, mDefaultValue;
private final List<CoordinatorChain<T>> mCoordinators = new ArrayList<>();
* Sets the row name for the Syncbase side of the binding.
public Builder<T> key(final String key) {
mKey = key;
return this;
private String getKey(final Object fallback) {
return mKey == null ? fallback.toString() : mKey;
* For bidirectional bindings, this value being input in the widget will trigger a delete of
* the bound Syncbase row.
* Note that although this option is generic and attempts to enforce some weak measure of
* type safety in normal use, type pollution may still result in a
* {@link ClassCastException} at build time.
public <U extends T> Builder<U> deleteValue(final U deleteValue) {
mDeleteValue = deleteValue;
return (Builder<U>) this;
private T getDefaultValue(final T fallback) {
return mExplicitDefaultValue ? mDefaultValue : fallback;
* If the Syncbase row is not present, the widget will be bound to this value.
* Note that although this option is generic and attempts to enforce some weak measure of
* type safety in normal use, type pollution may still result in a
* {@link ClassCastException} at build time.
public <U extends T> Builder<U> defaultValue(final U defaultValue) {
mDefaultValue = defaultValue;
mExplicitDefaultValue = true;
return (Builder<U>) this;
* An alias that sets {@link #defaultValue(Object) defaultValue} and
* {@link #deleteValue(Object) deleteValue} to {@code zeroValue}.
public <U extends T> Builder<U> zeroValue(final U zeroValue) {
return deleteValue(zeroValue).defaultValue(zeroValue);
public final Builder<T> coordinators(final CoordinatorChain<T>... coordinators) {
return chain(coordinators);
public final Builder<T> chain(final CoordinatorChain<T>... coordinators) {
Collections.addAll(mCoordinators, coordinators);
return this;
public Builder<T> coordinators(final Iterable<CoordinatorChain<T>> coordinators) {
return chain(coordinators);
public Builder<T> chain(final Iterable<CoordinatorChain<T>> coordinators) {
Iterables.addAll(mCoordinators, coordinators);
return this;
* Constructs a binding from a `String` in Syncbase to the text of a {@link TextView}, only
* propagating changes from Syncbase to the `TextView` and not in the other direction. This
* is a simple unidirectional binding that does not involve any coordinators.
* If {@link #subscriptionParent(CompositeSubscription) subscriptionParent} is set, this
* method adds the generated binding to it.
public Builder<T> bindReadOnly(final TextView textView) {
final Builder<String> t = (Builder<String>) this;
SyncbaseBindingTermini.bindRead(mRxTable, getKey(textView.getId()),
String.class, t.getDefaultValue(""))
return this;
* Binds to the provided view in a read-only direction. This method delegates to
* {@link #bindReadOnly(TextView)} for {@link TextView}s. Other view types are not yet
* supported.
public Builder<T> bindReadOnly(final View view) {
if (view instanceof TextView) {
return bindReadOnly((TextView) view);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No read-only binding for view " + view);
* Binds to the view identified by {@code viewId} in a read-only direction.
* @see #bindTo(View)
public Builder<T> bindReadOnly(final @IdRes int viewId) {
return bindReadOnly(mActivity.findViewById(viewId));
* Constructs a two-way, bidirectional binding between a `String` in Syncbase and the text
* of a {@link TextView}.
* Defaults:
* * {@link #defaultValue(Object) defaultValue}: `""`
* * {@link #deleteValue(Object) deleteValue}: `null`
* * {@link #coordinators(Iterable) coordinators}: {@link DebouncingCoordinator}, and
* ensures that there is a {@link SuppressWriteOnReadCoordinator} somewhere in the chain,
* injecting it right above the `TextView` if absent.
* The coordination policy must end its downlink on the Android main thread.
* @todo(rosswang): provide a Coordinator that coerces this.
* If {@link #subscriptionParent(CompositeSubscription) subscriptionParent} is set, this
* method adds the generated binding to it.
* @todo(rosswang): produce a SyncbaseBinding, and allow mutable bindings.
public Builder<T> bindTo(final TextView textView) {
final Builder<String> t = (Builder<String>) this;
TwoWayBinding<String> core = SyncbaseBindingTermini.bind(mRxTable,
getKey(textView.getId()), String.class, t.getDefaultValue(""),
(String) mDeleteValue, mOnError);
boolean hasSuppressWriteOnRead = false;
for (final CoordinatorChain<String> c : t.mCoordinators) {
core = c.apply(core);
if (core instanceof SuppressWriteOnReadCoordinator) {
hasSuppressWriteOnRead = true;
if (mCoordinators.isEmpty()) {
core = new DebouncingCoordinator<>(core);
if (!hasSuppressWriteOnRead) {
core = new SuppressWriteOnReadCoordinator<>(core);
subscribe(TextViewBindingTermini.bind(textView, core, mOnError));
return this;
* Binds to the provided view in a default manner. This method delegates to
* {@link #bindTo(TextView)} for {@link TextView}s. Other view types are not yet supported.
public Builder<T> bindTo(final View view) {
if (view instanceof TextView) {
return bindTo((TextView) view);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No default binding for view " + view);
* Binds to the view identified by {@code viewId}.
* @see #bindTo(View)
public Builder<T> bindTo(final @IdRes int viewId) {
return bindTo(mActivity.findViewById(viewId));
* @see io.v.baku.toolkit.bind.SyncbaseBinding.Builder
public static <T> Builder<T> builder() {
return new Builder<>();