blob: a536734caec2e04deefbf6211743e7e139082015 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package io.v.v23.i18n;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import io.v.v23.V;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* CatalogTest tests the catalog implementation.
public class CatalogTest extends TestCase {
static {
public void testLookupSetAndRemove() {
String want = "expected format";
Catalog cat = new Catalog();
expectLookup(cat, "", "en", "bar", 1);
expectLookup(cat, "", "en-US", "bar", 2);
expectLookup(cat, "", "en", "foo", 3);
expectLookup(cat, "", "en-US", "foo", 4);
assertTrue("set() found en-US/bar", cat.set("en-US", "bar", want).isEmpty());
assertTrue("set() found en-US/foo", cat.setWithBase("en-US", "foo", want).isEmpty());
expectLookup(cat, "", "en", "bar", 5);
expectLookup(cat, want, "en-US", "bar", 6);
expectLookup(cat, want, "en", "foo", 7);
expectLookup(cat, want, "en-US", "foo", 8);
// Check that set(..., "") doesn't delete the base entry.
assertTrue("set found en/bar", cat.set("en", "bar", "other format").isEmpty());
assertEquals("set didn't find en-US/bar", want, cat.set("en-US", "bar", ""));
assertEquals("set didn't find en-US/foo", want, cat.setWithBase("en-US", "foo", ""));
// The previous setWithBase will not have removed the base entry.
assertTrue("set didn't find en/foo", cat.set("en", "foo", "").equals(want));
expectLookup(cat, "other format", "en", "bar", 9);
// Test that a lookup of en-US finds the "en" entry.
expectLookup(cat, "other format", "en-US", "bar", 10);
assertEquals("set didn't find en/bar", "other format", cat.set("en", "bar", ""));
expectLookup(cat, "", "en", "bar", 11);
expectLookup(cat, "", "en-US", "bar", 12);
expectLookup(cat, "", "en", "foo", 13);
expectLookup(cat, "", "en-US", "foo", 14);
public void testFormatParams() {
expectFormatParams("", "", "1st");
expectFormatParams("", "{_}");
expectFormatParams("? ? ? ? ? ?", "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}");
expectFormatParams("{ foo }?", "{ foo }{2}");
expectFormatParams("3rd: foo 2nd bar 1st 4th (3rd)",
"{3}: foo {2} bar {_} ({3})", "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th");
expectFormatParams("?: foo 4th ?", "{0}: foo {4} {5}", "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th");
expectFormatParams(" foo 1st 2nd 3rd 4th{-1}",
"{_} foo {_}{-1}", "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th");
expectFormatParams("{ foo }2nd", "{ foo }{2}", "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th");
// Test the formatting of colon-formats.
expectFormatParams("", "{:_}");
expectFormatParams("", "{_:}");
expectFormatParams("", "{:_:}");
expectFormatParams(": 1st 2nd", "{:_}", "1st", "2nd");
expectFormatParams("1st 2nd:", "{_:}", "1st", "2nd");
expectFormatParams(": 1st 2nd:", "{:_:}", "1st", "2nd");
expectFormatParams("", "{:_}", "");
expectFormatParams("", "{_:}", "");
expectFormatParams("", "{:_:}", "");
expectFormatParams(": 1st", "{:1}", "1st");
expectFormatParams("1st:", "{1:}", "1st");
expectFormatParams(": 1st:", "{:1:}", "1st");
expectFormatParams("", "{:1}", "");
expectFormatParams("", "{1:}", "");
expectFormatParams("", "{:1:}", "");
expectFormatParams("?: ? ?: ?: ?: ?", "{0}{:1} {2:} {3}{:4:} {5}");
expectFormatParams("{: foo }?", "{: foo }{2}");
expectFormatParams("{ foo :}?", "{ foo :}{2}");
expectFormatParams("{: foo :}?", "{: foo :}{2}");
expectFormatParams("3rd: foo 2nd bar: 1st 4th (3rd)",
"{3:} foo {2} bar{:_} ({3})", "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th");
expectFormatParams("?: foo: 4th ?",
"{0:} foo{:4} {5}", "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th");
expectFormatParams(" foo: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th{-1}",
"{_:} foo{:_}{-1}", "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th");
expectFormatParams("{ foo }: 2nd",
"{4:}{ foo }{:2}", "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "");
expectFormatParams("1st foo 2nd: bar: 3rd wombat: 4th: numbat",
"{1} foo {2:} bar{:3} wombat{:4:} numbat",
"1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th");
expectFormatParams(" foo bar wombat numbat",
"{1} foo {2:} bar{:3} wombat{:4:} numbat",
"", "", "", "");
private static String MERGE_DATA =
"# In what follows we use the \"languages\" \"fwd\" and \"back\".\n" +
"fwd foo \"{1} foo to {2}\"\n" +
"# Next line has a missing trailing double quote, so will be ignored.\n" +
" back foo \"{2} from foo {1}\n" +
"\n" +
"# Comment \"quote\"\n" +
"\n" +
"# The following two lines are ignored, since each has fewer than three tokens.\n" +
"one" +
"one two\n" +
"\n" +
"fwd bar \"{1} bar to {2}\"\n" +
"back bar \"{2} from bar {1}\" extraneous word\n" +
"\n" +
"back \"{2} from funny msg id {1}\"\n" +
" \"odd and\\b \\\"funny\\\"\"";
public void testMergeAndOutput() throws Exception {
Catalog cat = new Catalog();
// Check that Merge() works.
cat.merge(new ByteArrayInputStream(MERGE_DATA.getBytes("UTF-8")));
expectLookup(cat, "{1} foo to {2}", "fwd", "foo", 1);
expectLookup(cat, "", "back", "foo", 2);
expectLookup(cat, "{1} bar to {2}", "fwd", "bar", 3);
expectLookup(cat, "{2} from bar {1}", "back", "bar", 4);
expectLookup(cat, "{2} from funny msg id {1}", "back", "", 5);
expectLookup(cat, "odd and\\b \\\"funny\\\"", "", "", 6);
// Verify that the result of Output is as expected.
PipedInputStream in = new PipedInputStream();
PipedOutputStream out = new PipedOutputStream(in);
Set<String> lines = new HashSet<String>();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
String line = null;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
expectInSet(lines, "fwd foo \"{1} foo to {2}\"");
expectInSet(lines, "fwd bar \"{1} bar to {2}\"");
expectInSet(lines, "back bar \"{2} from bar {1}\"");
expectInSet(lines, "back \"{2} from funny msg id {1}\"");
expectInSet(lines, " \"odd and\\b \\\"funny\\\"\"");
"Wrong number of lines in <%s>; got %d, want 5", lines, lines.size()),
lines.size() == 5);
private void expectLookup(Catalog cat, String want, String language, String msgID, int tag) {
String got = cat.lookup(language, msgID);
"%d: cat.lookup(%s, %s): got %s, want %s", tag, language, msgID, got, want),
want, got);
private void expectFormatParams(String want, String format, Object... params) {
String got = Catalog.formatParams(format, params);
"formatParams(%s, %s): got %s, want %s", format, params, got, want),
want, got);
private void expectInSet(Set<String> set, String elem) {
assertTrue(String.format("Set %s doesn't contain element: %s", set, elem),