blob: 4a7b9a980a11168d9dc59200f6727a6c2594f562 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var test = require('prova');
var service = require('./get-service');
var makeError = require('../../src/verror/make-errors');
var actions = require('../../src/verror/actions');
var E = makeError('randomPrefix.verror', actions.NO_RETRY,
'{1} {2}: RandomError: {_}');
test('Test PassTime of Go native service', function(assert) {
service('test_service/native', function(err, ctx, native, end) {
if (err) {
return end(assert);
var now = new Date();
native.passTime(ctx, now, function(err, result) {
assert.ok(result instanceof Date, 'native type is returned');
var diff = Math.abs(result - now);
// It might be ok to do an equals on the two date objects but because
// Numbers are floating point and there is some amount of math to do
// the conversion, === on these dates might not be true even when the
// dates are really the same.
assert.ok(diff < 1);
test('Test PassError of Go native service', function(assert) {
service('test_service/native', function(err, ctx, native, end) {
if (err) {
return end(assert);
var e = new E(null, 'extra string', 4, false);
var expectedMessage = 'app op: RandomError: extra string 4 false';
native.passError(ctx, e, function(err, result) {
// Bluebird adds __stackCleaned__ as part of its processing but it
// doesn't show up in the vom decoded message, so we can't do a
// deepEqual.
assert.equal(e.retryCode, err.retryCode);
assert.equal(e.msg, err.msg);
assert.equal(e.message, err.message);
assert.equal(e.msg, expectedMessage);
assert.equal(e.message, expectedMessage);
// The decoded error has the paramList values wrapped, since the
// paramList is a list of any. The error passed into the call
// does not have that wrapping. We add the wrapping to e to make sure
// the decoded error has the wrapped paramlist.
// Note: 'extra string', 4, and false are native values. They would
// normally be converted to JSValue since the paramList is []any. However,
// they are specifically guessed to be string, number, and bool in order
// to avoid revealing JSValue to other languages in the common case.
e.paramList = (v) { return { val: v }; });
assert.deepEqual(e.paramList, err.paramList);