blob: 114aa86589b204bef64a643dafe92b31124027e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Tests for encoder and decoder compatibility.
var test = require('prova');
var testdata = require('../vdl-out/');
var ByteArrayMessageReader = require(
var ByteArrayMessageWriter = require(
var Decoder = require('./../../src/vom/decoder.js');
var Encoder = require('./../../src/vom/encoder.js');
var canonicalize = require('./../../src/vdl/canonicalize.js');
var typeCompatible = require('./../../src/vdl/type-compatible.js');
var util = require('./../../src/vdl/byte-util.js');
var stringify = require('./../../src/vdl/stringify.js');
// Test that the received type matches the expected type.
testdata.Tests.val.forEach(function(t) {
test('type toString compatibility - ' +, function(assert) {
var typeStr = t.typeString;
var type = t.value._type;
assert.equal(type.toString(), typeStr, 'type string matches');
// Test that the encoded typed constants match the standard vom byte-encoding.
testdata.Tests.val.forEach(function(t) {
test('encode compatibility - ' +, function(assert) {
var messageWriter = new ByteArrayMessageWriter();
var encoder = new Encoder(messageWriter);
var data = util.bytes2Hex(messageWriter.getBytes());
assert.equal(data, t.hex, + ' hex comparison');
// Test that the decoded typed constants match the standard vom byte-encoding.
testdata.Tests.val.forEach(function(t, i) {
test('decode compatibility - ' +, function(assert) {
var data = util.hex2Bytes(t.hex);
var messageReader = new ByteArrayMessageReader(data);
var decoder = new Decoder(messageReader, false);
decoder.decode().then(function(result) {
assert.equal(stringify(result), stringify(t.value), +
' value comparison');
assert.deepEqual(result._type, t.value._type, +
' type comparison');
assert.deepEqual(result._type.toString(), t.typeString, + ' type string ok');
assert.deepEqual(result.prototype, t.value.prototype, + ' prototype comparison');
// Ensure that we lost no information; encode(decode(t.hex)) === t.hex.
var messageWriter = new ByteArrayMessageWriter();
var encoder = new Encoder(messageWriter);
var hex = util.bytes2Hex(messageWriter.getBytes());
assert.equal(hex, t.hex, + ' hex comparison');
// Test that the types within the same list are compatible.
var compatTests = testdata.CompatTests.val;
compatTests.forEach(function(typelist, typename) {
test('vom type compatibility - ' + typename, function(assert) {
for (var j = 0; j < typelist.length; j++) {
var type1 = typelist[j];
// Check that type1 and type2 are compatible, in both orders.
for (var k = 0; k < typelist.length; k++) {
var type2 = typelist[k];
assert.ok(typeCompatible(type1, type2), type1.toString() +
' and ' + type2.toString() + ' should be compatible');
// Test that the types between lists are incompatible.
compatTests.forEach(function(typelist1, typename1) {
compatTests.forEach(function(typelist2, typename2) {
test('vom type incompatibility - ' + typename1 + ' vs ' + typename2,
function(assert) {
if (typename1 === typename2) {
// Check each set of types against the other sets in both orders.
// All pairs of types from different sets should be incompatible.
for (var i = 0; i < typelist1.length; i++) {
var type1 = typelist1[i];
for (var j = 0; j < typelist2.length; j++) {
var type2 = typelist2[j];
assert.notOk(typeCompatible(type1, type2), type1.toString() +
' and ' + type2.toString() + ' should not be compatible');
// Test that values follow the VDL conversion rules; success cases.
var convertTests = testdata.ConvertTests.val;
convertTests.forEach(function(convertLists, typename) {
test('vom type conversion success - ' + typename, function(assert) {
// Calues within the same convert list are convertible.
for (var level = 0; level < convertLists.length; level++) {
var convertData = convertLists[level];
var name =;
var values = convertData.values;
// Each pair of values should be able to convert to every other value's
// type within a set.
// TODO(alexfandrianto): also test the unwrapped native value...
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
var val1 = values[i];
for (var j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
var val2 = values[j];
var convert1 = canonicalize.reduce(val1, val2._type);
assert.equal(stringify(convert1), stringify(val2), name +
' converts to ' + val2._type.toString());
// Test that values follow the VDL conversion rules; failure cases.
convertTests.forEach(function(convertLists, typename) {
test('vom type conversion failure - ' + typename, function(assert) {
// Higher-level lists cannot down convert to lower-level lists.
for (var level = 0; level < convertLists.length; level++) {
var values = convertLists[level].values;
for (var lower = 0; lower < level; lower++) {
var targetType = convertLists[lower].primaryType;
var targetName = convertLists[lower].name;
// Every conversion attempt must throw.
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
assert.throws(canonicalize.reduce.bind(null, values[i], targetType),
targetName + ' cannot be converted from this instance of ' +