blob: 3dcfac7879e435d918f4f7f55dd613f2b7dc6c6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @summary Namespace context defines an interface to carry
* data that crosses API boundaries.
* @description
* <p>Namespace context defines an interface to carry data that
* crosses API boundaries. The context carries deadlines and
* cancellation as well as other arbitrary values.</p>
* <p>Application code receives contexts in two main ways:
* <ol>
* <li>The runtime returned from vanadium.init() has a getContext() method.
* This context will generally be used for stand-alone client programs.
* <pre>
* vanadium.init(function(err, runtime) {
* var ctx = runtime.getContext();
* doSomething(ctx);
* });
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>The first parameter to every Vanadium server method implementation
* is a Context.
* <pre>
* var MyService = {
* method: function(ctx, serverCall) {
* doSomething(ctx);
* }
* }
* </pre>
* </li>
* </ol></p>
* <p>Once you have a context you can derive further contexts to
* change settings. For example to adjust a deadline you might do:
* </p>
* <pre>
* vanadium.init(function(err, runtime) {
* var ctx = runtime.getContext();
* // We'll use cacheCtx to lookup data in memcache
* // if it takes more than a second to get data from
* // memcache we should just skip the cache and perform
* // the slow operation.
* var cacheCtx = context.withTimeout(ctx, 1000);
* fetchDataFromMemcache(cachCtx, key, function(err) {
* if (err) {
* // Here we use the original ctx, not the derived cacheCtx
* // so we aren't constrained by the 1 second timeout.
* recomputeData(ctx);
* }
* });
* });
* </pre>
* <p>Contexts form a tree where derived contexts are children of the
* contexts from which they were derived. Children inherit all the
* properties of their parent except for the property being replaced
* (the deadline in the example above).</p>
* <p>Contexts are extensible. The value/withValue methods allow you to attach
* new information to the context and extend its capabilities.
* In the same way we derive new contexts via the 'With' family of functions
* you can create functions to attach new data:</p>
* <pre>
* function Auth() {
* // Construct my Auth object.
* }
* var authKey = vanadium.context.ContextKey();
* function setAuth(parent, auth) {
* return parent.withValue(authKey, auth);
* }
* function getAuth(ctx) {
* return ctx.value(authKey);
* }
* </pre>
* Note that all keys are of type ContextKey to prevent collisions.
* By keeping your key unexported you can control how and when the
* attached data changes. For example you can ensure that only data
* of the correct type is attached.
* @namespace
* @name context
* @memberof module:vanadium
var Deferred = require('../lib/deferred');
var Promise = require('../lib/promise');
var inherits = require('inherits');
var vError = require('../gen-vdl/');
var ContextKey = require('../context/context-key');
var BigInt = require('../vdl/big-int');
module.exports = {
Context: Context,
ContextKey: ContextKey,
var CanceledError;
* @summary A Context carries deadlines, cancellation and data across API
* boundaries.
* @description
* Generally application code should not call this constructor to
* create contexts. Instead it should call
* [runtime.getContext]{@link module:vanadium~Runtime#getContext} or
* use the context supplied as the first argument to server method
* implementations.
* @constructor
* @memberof module:vanadium.context
function Context() {
if (!(this instanceof Context)) {
return new Context();
* Returns the time at which this context will be automatically
* canceled. If no deadline has been set, null is returned.
* @return {Date} The Date corresponding to the deadline.
Context.prototype.deadline = function() {
return null;
* Returns true if the context has exceeded its deadline,
* been cancelled, or been finished.
* @return {boolean} True if the context is done.
Context.prototype.done = function() {
return false;
* Frees resources associated with the context without generating an error.
* Only applicable to context objects returned from withCancel(). It does
* nothing for other contexts.
Context.prototype.finish = function() {
// Do nothing for most contexts.
* Can be used to cancel the context and generate a
* {@link module:vanadium.verror.CanceledError}.
* Only applicable to context objects returned from withCancel(). It does
* nothing for other contexts.
Context.prototype.cancel = function() {
// Do nothing for most contexts.
* Returns a promise that will be resolved when the context exceeds
* its deadline, is cancelled, or is finished. Optionally you can
* pass a callback that will be run when the promise is resolved.
* @param {module:vanadium~voidCb} [cb] If provided, the function
* will be called on completion.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be called on completion.
Context.prototype.waitUntilDone = function(callback) {
// The root context can never be cancelled, and therefore we
// throw away the context and return a promise that will never
// be resolved.
return new Promise(function(){});
* Returns the value corresponding to the given key. The
* [value]{@link module:vanadium.context.Context#value}/
* [withValue]{@link module:vanadium.context.Context#withValue}
* methods can be used to attach data to context that
* will be carried across API boundaries. You should use this only
* for data that is relevant across multiple API boundaries and not
* just to pass extra parameters to functions and methods. The key
* must be an instance of ContextKey. This function will return null
* if there is no value associated with the given key.
* @param {module:vanadium.context.ContextKey} key A ContextKey to look up.
* @return {*} The value associated with the key, or null.
Context.prototype.value = function(key) {
return null;
* Returns a new context derived from the current context but that
* will return the given value when value(key) is called with the
* given key.
* @param {module:vanadium.context.ContextKey} key A key.
* @param {*} value A value to associate with the key.
* @return {module:vanadium.context.Context} A new derived context.
Context.prototype.withValue = function(key, value) {
return new ValueContext(this, key, value);
* Returns a new context derived from the current context but that can
* be cancelled. The returned context will have two additional
* methods [cancel()]{@link module:vanadium.context.Context#cancel} which
* can be used to cancel the context and
* generate a {@link module:vanadium.verror.CanceledError} and
* [finish()]{@link module:vanadium.context.Context#finish} which
* frees resources associated with the context without generating an error.
* @return {module:vanadium.context.Context} A new derived cancellable context.
Context.prototype.withCancel = function() {
return new CancelContext(this);
* Returns a new context derived from the current context but that
* will be automatically cancelled after a given deadline. The
* returned context will have an additional method cancel() which can
* be used to cancel the context early.
* @param {Date} deadline A date object which specifies the deadline.
* @return {module:vanadium.context.Context} A new derived cancellable context.
Context.prototype.withDeadline = function(deadline) {
return new DeadlineContext(this, deadline);
* Returns a new context derived from the current context but that
* will be automatically cancelled after a given timeout. The
* returned context will have an additional method cancel() which can
* be used to cancel the context early.
* @param {number} timeout A timeout in milliseconds.
* @return {module:vanadium.context.Context} A new derived cancellable context.
Context.prototype.withTimeout = function(timeout) {
var msTimeout = timeout;
if (timeout instanceof BigInt) {
msTimeout = timeout.toNativeNumberApprox();
return new DeadlineContext(this, + msTimeout);
// ChildContext is a the base class for other context specializations.
// It defers all its calls to its parent.
function ChildContext(parent) {
this._parent = parent;;
inherits(ChildContext, Context);
ChildContext.prototype.deadline = function() {
return this._parent.deadline();
ChildContext.prototype.done = function() {
return this._parent.done();
ChildContext.prototype.waitUntilDone = function(callback) {
return this._parent.waitUntilDone(callback);
ChildContext.prototype.value = function(key) {
return this._parent.value(key);
ChildContext.prototype.finish = function() {
return this._parent.finish();
ChildContext.prototype.cancel = function() {
return this._parent.cancel();
// ValueContext is a context that associates a single key with a
// single value.
function ValueContext(parent, key, value) {
if (!(key instanceof ContextKey)) {
throw new vError.BadArgError(
'Attempting to set a value on a context, ' +
'but the key is not of type ContextKey.');
this._key = key;
this._value = value;, parent);
inherits(ValueContext, ChildContext);
ValueContext.prototype.value = function(key) {
if (!(key instanceof ContextKey)) {
throw new vError.BadArgError(
['Attempting to look up a value on a context, ' +
'but the key is not of type ContextKey.']);
if (key._key === this._key._key) {
return this._value;
return this._parent.value(key);
// cancellableAncestor walks up the tree of parent contexts to find
// the nearest ancestor that is cancellable.
function cancellableAncestor(parent) {
for (; parent instanceof ChildContext; parent = parent._parent) {
if (parent instanceof CancelContext) {
return parent;
// If we've reached the root, there is no cancellable ancestor.
return null;
// A CancelContext is a context which can be cancelled.
function CancelContext(parent) {
this._id = CancelContext._nextID;
this._done = false;
this._deferred = new Deferred();
this._children = {};
// We need to arrange to be cancelled when our parent is.
var ca = cancellableAncestor(parent);
if (ca) {
ca._children[this._id] = this;
}, parent);
inherits(CancelContext, ChildContext);
CancelContext._nextID = 0;
CancelContext.prototype.done = function() {
return this._done;
CancelContext.prototype._cancel = function(error) {
this._done = true;
if (error) {
} else {
for (var id in this._children) {
if (this._children.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
this._children = {};
CancelContext.prototype.cancel = function() {
var ca = cancellableAncestor(this._parent);
if (ca) {
delete ca._children[this._id];
CanceledError = require('../gen-vdl/').CanceledError;
this._cancel(new CanceledError(this));
CancelContext.prototype.finish = function() {
CancelContext.prototype.waitUntilDone = function(callback) {
return this._deferred.promise;
// A DeadlineContext cancels itself when its deadline is met.
function DeadlineContext(parent, deadline) {
this._deadline = deadline;
// deadline could be a BigInt. In order to use this timeout, it must be
// converted to a native number.
if (deadline instanceof BigInt) {
this._deadline = deadline.toNativeNumberApprox();
this._timerID = setTimeout(this._expire.bind(this),
this._deadline -;, parent);
inherits(DeadlineContext, CancelContext);
DeadlineContext.prototype.deadline = function() {
return this._deadline;
DeadlineContext.prototype._cancel = function(error) {
clearTimeout(this._timerID);, error);
DeadlineContext.prototype._expire = function(error) {
this._cancel(new vError.TimeoutError(this));