blob: 840bb0d15b0a8b5596111751a4ea413ec1e91f09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var vanadium = require('../../');
var config = require('./default-config');
module.exports = service;
// DRYs up test code by wrapping the default success case for:
// vanadium.init() -> runtime.bindTo() -> assertions -> runtime.close()
// To make a connection to the default integration test wspr instance and
// bind to a service use:
// service('test_service/cache', function(err, ctx, cache, end, runtime) {
// assert.error(err)
// // your assertions here...
// // use the `end` function to close the underlying runtime/wspr
// // connection and end your test run.
// end(assert)
// })
function service(name, callback) {
vanadium.init(config, function(err, runtime) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
var ctx = runtime.getContext();
runtime.newClient().bindTo(ctx, name, function(err, service) {
callback(err, ctx, service, end, runtime);
// hoisted and passed as the last argument to the callback argument.
function end(assert) {
if (typeof assert === 'function') {
return runtime.close(assert);
} else if (!! assert.end && typeof assert.end === 'function') {
return runtime.close(function(err) {
assert.error(err, 'should not error on runtime.close(...)');
} else {
var message = 'end(callback) requires a callback or assert object';
throw new Error(message);