js.core: Remove variable name conflicts from VDL generated Go code

The previous VDL generated Go code contained common variable
names, such as ctx, opts and err.  This meant that users couldn't
pick these names for their variables.  This CL fixes those cases.

Note that we already generate different code for exported
interfaces vs. unexported implementations.  The interfaces use
user-provided variable names, which is better for documentation,
while the implementations already avoid conflicts by using
generated variables names i0, i1, ... for input args, and
similarly o0, o1, ... for output args.

This CL ensures the generated interfaces use _ for non-user
provided variables, to avoid any possible naming conflict.

Fixes v.io/i/912

MultiPart: 4/7

Change-Id: I9254c6d43237e873f8ed3c403892e44de448ed47
5 files changed
tree: 7aab734187574414468dfe276525ee4bfcc147a5
  1. extension/
  2. go/
  3. jsdocs/
  4. src/
  5. test/
  6. .gitattributes
  7. .gitignore
  8. .jshintignore
  9. .jshintrc
  10. .npmignore
  15. Makefile
  16. package.json
  18. README.md

Vanadium JavaScript

This repository defines the JavaScript API for Vanadium. The client and server APIs defined here work both in Node.js and the browser.


npm install --save vanadium/js


The entry point to the API is through a module called vanadium, everything else is considered private and should not be accessed by the users of the API.

The vanadium module is exported as a global in the browser JavaScript library and for Browserify and Node.js the “main” property in the package.json points to /src/vanadium making it the index module and therefore Browserify and Node.js users can gain access to the API with:

var vanadium = require("vanadium");

One of the goals of this project is to only write the code once and have it run in both Node.js and browsers. Therefore, specific build and testing steps have been designed in the project to ensure this goal.

When run in a browser, vanadium.js expects that the vanadium extension will be installed.

Bugs and feature requests

Bugs and feature requests should be filed in the Vanadium issue tracker.

Building and testing

GNU Make is used to build and test Vanadium.

Build everything:

make build

Test everything:

make test

Run a specific test suite:

make test-unit
make test-unit-node
make test-unit-browser

make test-integration
make test-integration-node
make test-integration-browser

Remove all build and testing artifacts:

make clean