blob: 54acd696c1af763f66e3450b210754833f14b739 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Tests the invoker and signature generation on the
* vdl-generated testdata/base.js file.
* This test is primarily to ensure that the vdl-generated format remains
* compatible with that expected by the JavaScript signature generator.
var test = require('prova');
var Invoker = require('../../src/invocation/invoker.js');
var Context = require('../../src/context').Context;
var vdl = require('../../src/vdl');
var stringify = require('../../src/vdl/stringify');
var base = require('../vdl-out/');
function BasePartialImpl() {
BasePartialImpl.prototype.methodA3 = function(ctx, serverCall, $stream, a) {
return ['methodA3', $stream, a];
BasePartialImpl.prototype.methodA4 = function(ctx, serverCall, $stream, a) {
BasePartialImpl.prototype.methodB1 = function(ctx, serverCall, a, b, cb) {
test('Invoker and signature for vdl-generated base.js',
function(t) {
var impl = new BasePartialImpl();
impl._serviceDescription = base.ServiceB.
var injections = {
context: new Context(),
stream: 'stream'
var invoker = new Invoker(impl);
invoker.invoke('MethodA3', ['a'], injections, function(err, res) {
t.deepEquals(res, [['methodA3', 'stream', 'a']]);
var scalarsType = new base.Scalars()._type;
var compositesType = new base.Composites()._type;
var compCompType = new base.CompComp()._type;
var sig = invoker.signature();
var expectedSig = [{
'name': 'ServiceB',
'pkgPath': '',
'doc': '',
'embeds': [
'name': 'ServiceA',
'pkgPath': '',
'doc': ''
'methods': [
'name': 'MethodA3',
'doc': '',
'inArgs': [
'name': 'a',
'doc': '',
'type': vdl.types.INT32
'outArgs': [
'name': 's',
'doc': '',
'type': vdl.types.STRING
'inStream': null,
'outStream': {
'name': '',
'doc': '',
'type': scalarsType
'tags': [
val: 'tag'
val: new vdl.BigInt(1, new Uint8Array([0x6]))
'name': 'MethodA4',
'doc': '',
'inArgs': [
'name': 'a',
'doc': '',
'type': vdl.types.INT32
'outArgs': [],
'inStream': {
'name': '',
'doc': '',
'type': vdl.types.INT32
'outStream': {
'name': '',
'doc': '',
'type': vdl.types.STRING
'tags': []
'name': 'MethodB1',
'doc': '',
'inArgs': [
'name': 'a',
'doc': '',
'type': scalarsType
'name': 'b',
'doc': '',
'type': compositesType
'outArgs': [
'name': 'c',
'doc': '',
'type': compCompType
'inStream': null,
'outStream': null,
'tags': []
var expectedStr = stringify(expectedSig);
var resultStr = stringify(sig);
t.equals(resultStr, expectedStr);