js/core: No retry on UI test caveat page

Before we were retrying the caveat page when it timed out.
The problem with identityd is supposed to be solved now, so the test
ought to pass all the time when the retry logic is removed.

Change-Id: I7094a5b0f59ce5761f4331b2e0c127d020977874
diff --git a/test/ui/src/test/java/io/v/webdriver/commonpages/CaveatTabPage.java b/test/ui/src/test/java/io/v/webdriver/commonpages/CaveatTabPage.java
index ccc0e34..e1473ba 100644
--- a/test/ui/src/test/java/io/v/webdriver/commonpages/CaveatTabPage.java
+++ b/test/ui/src/test/java/io/v/webdriver/commonpages/CaveatTabPage.java
@@ -41,26 +41,9 @@
     log("Waiting for Caveat Tab...");
     Util.takeScreenshot((TakesScreenshot)driver, "waiting-caveats.png", "Waiting for Caveats", htmlReportData);
     final String mainTabHandle = driver.getWindowHandle();
     // Wait until the corresponding tab is there, which means we should get two window handles.
-    // Wait at most 1 minute, then try again once.
-    String selectCaveatsTabHandle = null;
-    try {
-      log("Attempt #1");
-      selectCaveatsTabHandle = waitForCaveatTab(mainTabHandle);
-    } catch(TimeoutException e) {
-      log("Timeout occurred");
-      e.printStackTrace();
-    }
-    if (selectCaveatsTabHandle == null) {
-      Util.takeScreenshot((TakesScreenshot)driver, "found-caveats-no.png", "Found Caveats? No", htmlReportData);
-      log("Attempt #2");
-      // Refresh the page and try again.
-      driver.navigate().refresh();
-      selectCaveatsTabHandle = waitForCaveatTab(mainTabHandle);
-    }
+    String selectCaveatsTabHandle = waitForCaveatTab(mainTabHandle);
     log("Accept blessing");