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// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Defines a canonicalizer that returns a validated value ready
* for encoding. Any undefined values will be filled with their corresponding
* zero-values. This validated value is a modified copy of the given value.
* Canonicalizing a canonicalized value with the same type is a no-op.
* @private
* @name canonicalize
* @summary Namespace canonicalize implements utilities to canonicalize vdl
* types for use in encoding and decoding values.
* @description Namespace canonicalize implements utilities to canonicalize vdl
* types for use in encoding and decoding values.
* @namespace
* @memberof module:vanadium.vdl
var BigInt = require('./big-int.js');
var Complex = require('./complex.js');
var kind = require('./kind.js');
var registry; // Must be lazily required to avoid circular dependency.
var types = require('./types.js');
var Type = require('./type.js');
var TypeUtil = require('./type-util.js');
var guessType = require('./guess-type.js');
var jsValueConvert = require('./js-value-convert.js');
var overflow = require('./overflow.js');
var util = require('./util.js');
var stringify = require('./stringify.js');
var typeCompatible = require('./type-compatible.js');
var typeObjectFromKind = require('./type-object-from-kind.js');
var nativeTypeRegistry = require('./native-type-registry');
module.exports = {
value: canonicalizeExternal,
type: canonicalizeTypeExternal,
zero: canonicalizeZero,
fill: canonicalizeFill,
reduce: canonicalizeReduce
// Define the zero BigInt a single time, for use in the zeroValue function.
var ZERO_BIGINT = new BigInt(0, new Uint8Array());
* Creates a new copy of inValue that is the canonical wire format of inValue.
* @function
* @name fill
* @memberof module:vanadium.vdl.canonicalize
* @param {*} inValue The value to convert to the wire format.
* @param {module:vanadium.vdl.Type} t The type of inValue.
* @return {*} The canonical wire format of inValue.
function canonicalizeFill(inValue, t) {
return canonicalizeExternal(inValue, t, true);
* Creates a new copy of inValue that is the canonical in-memory format of
* inValue.
* @function
* @name reduce
* @memberof module:vanadium.vdl.canonicalize
* @param {*} inValue The value to convert to the in memory format.
* @param {module:vanadium.vdl.Type} t The type of inValue.
* @return {*} The canonical in-format of inValue.
function canonicalizeReduce(inValue, t) {
return canonicalizeExternal(inValue, t, false);
* Alias for canonicalizeExternal with inValue = undefined.
* @private
function canonicalizeZero(t, deepWrap) {
return canonicalizeExternal(undefined, t, deepWrap);
* Examines the given value and uses the type to return a canonicalized value.
* The canonicalization process fills in zero-values wherever needed.
* If the given value is undefined, its zero-value is returned.
* TODO(alexfandrianto): The performance is on the same order as encode, but it
* would be a good idea to consider adding more improvements.
* @private
* @param {*} inValue The value to be canonicalized.
* @param {module:vanadium.vdl.Type} t The target type.
* @param {boolean=} deepWrap Whether or not to deeply wrap. Defaults to true.
* @return {*} The canonicalized value. May potentially refer to v.
function canonicalizeExternal(inValue, t, deepWrap) {
if (deepWrap === undefined) {
deepWrap = true;
// Canonicalize the given value as a top-level value.
var inType = TypeUtil.isTyped(inValue) ? inValue._type : undefined;
return canonicalize(inValue, inType, t, deepWrap, new Map(), true);
* Helper function for canonicalizeExternal.
* Keeps track of a Map of old references to new references. This helps clone
* cycles and preserve shared references.
* @private
* @param {*} v The value to be canonicalized.
* @param {module:vanadium.vdl.Type} inType The inferred type of the value.
* This type is tracked in order to ensure that internal any keys/elems/fields
* are properly filled in with type information.
* @param {module:vanadium.vdl.Type} t The target type.
* @param {boolean} deepWrap Whether or not to deeply wrap the contents.
* @param {object} seen A cache from old to new
* references that based on type.
* @param {boolean} isTopLevelValue If true, then the return value is wrapped.
* @return {*} The canonicalized value. May potentially refer to v.
function canonicalize(inValue, inType, t, deepWrap, seen, isTopLevelValue) {
if (!(t instanceof Type)) {
t = new Type(t);
// This value needs a wrapper if either flag is set.
var needsWrap = deepWrap || isTopLevelValue;
// Special case JSValue. Convert the inValue to JSValue form.
var isJSValue = types.JSVALUE.equals(t);
if (isJSValue) {
inValue = jsValueConvert.fromNative(inValue);
// Special case Native Value. Convert the inValue to its wire form.
var isNative = nativeTypeRegistry.hasNativeType(t);
if (isNative) {
inValue = nativeTypeRegistry.fromNativeValue(t, inValue);
// Check for type convertibility; fail early if the types are incompatible.
if (!typeCompatible(inType, t)) {
if (inType.kind !== kind.TYPEOBJECT) {
throw new TypeError(inType + ' and ' + t +
' are not compatible');
// If the inType is ANY and inValue's type is ANY, then unwrap and try again.
// This allows any(foo) to be converted to foo.
if (types.ANY.equals(inType) && TypeUtil.isTyped(inValue) &&
types.ANY.equals(inValue._type)) {
return canonicalize(TypeUtil.unwrap(inValue), inValue._type, t, deepWrap,
seen, isTopLevelValue);
// Special case TypeObject. See canonicalizeType.
if (t.kind === kind.TYPEOBJECT) {
return canonicalizeType(inValue, seen);
// The outValue is an object associated with a constructor based on its type.
// We pre-allocate wrapped values and add them to seen so that they can be
// referenced in canonicalizeInternal (types may have recursive references).
var outValue = getObjectWithType(t, inValue);
var cacheType = outValue._type;
// Only top-level values and primitives should be wrapped unless deep wrapping
// is enabled; in this case outValue, is set to null.
if (!needsWrap && outValue._wrappedType) {
outValue = null;
// Seen maps an inValue and type to an outValue.
// If the inValue and type combination already have a cached value, then that
// is returned. Otherwise, the outValue is put into the seen cache.
// This ensures that shared references are preserved by canonicalize.
var cached = getFromSeenCache(seen, inValue, cacheType);
if (cached !== undefined) {
return cached;
var shouldCache = (inValue !== null && typeof inValue === 'object' &&
outValue !== null);
if (shouldCache) {
insertIntoSeenCache(seen, inValue, cacheType, outValue);
// Call canonicalizeInternal to perform the bulk of canonicalization.
// canonValue === outValue in the case of Objects, but not primitives.
// TODO(alexfandrianto): A little inaccurate. Map/Set/Array/Uint8Array, etc.
// These are all considered primitive at the moment, but they can attach an
// _type as a field using Object.define.
var canonValue;
var v;
if (t.kind === kind.ANY) {
// TODO(alexfandrianto): This logic is complex and unwieldy.
// See
// The inValue could be wrapped, unwrapped, or potentially even multiply
// wrapped with ANY. Unwrap the value and guess its type.
var dropped = unwrapAndGuessType(inValue);
v = dropped.unwrappedValue;
// Note: guessType is types.ANY whenever v is null or undefined.
// However, we should use inType if present.
var guessedType = dropped.guessedType;
if (inType && inType.kind !== kind.ANY) {
guessedType = inType;
if (guessedType.kind === kind.ANY) {
canonValue = null;
} else {
// The value inside an ANY needs to be canonicalized as a top-level value.
canonValue = canonicalize(v, guessedType, guessedType, deepWrap, seen,
} else {
v = TypeUtil.unwrap(inValue);
canonValue = canonicalizeInternal(deepWrap, v, inType, t, seen, outValue);
// We need to copy the msg field of WireError to the message property of
// Javascript Errors so that toString() works.
// TODO(bjornick): We should make this go away when we fix:
if (canonValue instanceof Error) {
if (!canonValue.message) {
Object.defineProperty(canonValue, 'message', { value: canonValue.msg });
if (!canonValue.stack) {
Object.defineProperty(canonValue, 'stack', { value: inValue.stack });
// Non-structLike types may need to wrap the clone with a wrapper constructor.
if (needsWrap && outValue !== null && outValue._wrappedType) {
outValue.val = canonValue;
return outValue;
// Special case JSValue. If !deepWrap, convert the canonValue to native form.
if (isJSValue && !deepWrap) {
return jsValueConvert.toNative(canonValue);
// Special case Native Value. If !deepWrap, return to native form.
if (isNative && !deepWrap) {
return nativeTypeRegistry.fromWireValue(t, canonValue);
return canonValue;
* Helper function for canonicalize, which canonicalizes and validates on an
* unwrapped value.
* @private
function canonicalizeInternal(deepWrap, v, inType, t, seen, outValue) {
// Any undefined value obtains its zero-value.
if (v === undefined) {
var zero = zeroValue(t);
// The deepWrap flag affects whether the zero value needs internal wrapping.
// Without it, the zero value is correct.
if (!deepWrap) {
return TypeUtil.unwrap(canonicalize(zero, inType, t, false, seen, false));
// Otherwise, canonicalize but remove the top-level wrapping.
// The top-level will be reapplied by this function's caller.
return TypeUtil.unwrap(canonicalize(zero, inType, t, true, seen, false));
} else if (v === null && (t.kind !== kind.ANY && t.kind !== kind.OPTIONAL)) {
throw makeError(v, t, 'value is null for non-optional type');
var inKeyType = inType ? inType.key : undefined;
var inElemType = inType ? inType.elem : undefined;
var inFieldType;
var key;
var i;
// Otherwise, the value is defined; validate it and canonicalize the value.
switch(t.kind) {
case kind.ANY:
// Any values are canonicalized with their internal value instead.
throw new Error('Unreachable; Any values are always extracted and then ' +
case kind.OPTIONAL:
// Verify the value is null or the correct Optional element.
if (v === null) {
return null;
return canonicalize(v, inElemType, t.elem, deepWrap, seen, false);
case kind.BOOL:
// Verify the value is a boolean.
if (typeof v !== 'boolean') {
throw makeError(v, t, 'value is not a boolean');
return v;
case kind.BYTE:
case kind.UINT16:
case kind.UINT32:
case kind.INT16:
case kind.INT32:
case kind.FLOAT32:
case kind.FLOAT64:
// Verify this is a valid number value and then convert.
if (typeof v === 'number' || v instanceof BigInt || isComplex(v)) {
// These numbers must be real.
assertRealNumber(v, t);
// Non-floats must be integers.
if (t.kind !== kind.FLOAT32 && t.kind !== kind.FLOAT64) {
assertInteger(v, t);
// Uints must be non-negative.
if (t.kind === kind.BYTE || t.kind === kind.UINT16 ||
t.kind === kind.UINT32) {
assertNonNegativeNumber(v, t);
// This also filters out numbers that exceed their bounds.
return convertToNativeNumber(v, t);
throw makeError(v, t, 'value is not a number');
case kind.UINT64:
case kind.INT64:
// Verify this is a valid number value and then convert.
if (typeof v === 'number' || v instanceof BigInt || isComplex(v)) {
// These numbers must be real integers.
assertRealNumber(v, t);
assertInteger(v, t);
if (t.kind === kind.UINT64) {
assertNonNegativeNumber(v, t); // also non-negative
return convertToBigIntNumber(v, t);
throw makeError(v, t, 'value is not a number or BigInt');
case kind.COMPLEX64:
case kind.COMPLEX128:
if (typeof v === 'number' || v instanceof BigInt || isComplex(v)) {
return convertToComplexNumber(v, t);
throw makeError(v, t, 'value is not a number or object of the form ' +
'{ real: <number>, imag: <number> }');
case kind.STRING:
case kind.ENUM:
// Determine the string representation.
var str;
if (typeof v === 'string') {
str = v;
} else if (v instanceof Uint8Array) {
str = uint8ArrayToString(v);
} else {
throw makeError(v, t, 'value cannot convert to string');
// For enums, check that the string actually appears in the labels.
if (t.kind === kind.ENUM && t.labels.indexOf(str) === -1) {
throw makeError(v, t, 'value refers to unexpected label: ' + v);
return str;
case kind.TYPEOBJECT:
// TypeObjects are canonicalized with a fake type, so they should never
// reach this case.
throw new Error('Unreachable; TypeObjects use canonicalizeType.');
case kind.LIST:
case kind.ARRAY:
// Verify the list/array and its internal contents.
// Values whose length exceeds the array length cannot convert.
var neededLen = v.length;
if (t.kind === kind.ARRAY) {
if (v.length > t.len) {
throw makeError(v, t, 'value has length ' + v.length +
', which exceeds type length ' + t.len);
neededLen = t.len;
// Special-case: Byte slices and byte arrays are treated like strings.
if (t.elem.kind === kind.BYTE) {
// Then v can be a string or Uint8Array.
if (v instanceof Uint8Array) {
return v;
if (typeof v === 'string') {
return uint8ArrayFromString(v, neededLen);
throw makeError(v, t, 'value is not Uint8Array or string');
// Check to be sure that we have a normal array.
if (!Array.isArray(v)) {
throw makeError(v, t, 'value is not an Array');
// Fill a placeholder with the canonicalized internal values of the array.
outValue = new Array(neededLen);
for (var arri = 0; arri < neededLen; arri++) {
outValue[arri] = canonicalize(v[arri], inElemType, t.elem, deepWrap,
seen, false);
return outValue;
case kind.SET:
// Verify that the value can be converted to an ES6 Set; return that copy.
if (typeof v !== 'object') {
throw makeError(v, t, 'value is not an object');
} else if (v instanceof Map) {
// Map is allowed to convert to Set, but it could fail.
v = mapToSet(v, t);
} else if (!(v instanceof Set) && !Array.isArray(v)) {
if (t.key.kind !== kind.STRING) {
throw makeError(v, t, 'cannot encode Object as VDL set with ' +
'non-string key type. Use Set instead.');
v = objectToSet(v); // v now refers to a Set instead of an Object.
inKeyType = types.STRING; // Object keys are strings.
// Recurse: Validate internal keys.
outValue = new Set();
v.forEach(function(value) {
outValue.add(canonicalize(value, inKeyType, t.key, deepWrap, seen,
return outValue;
case kind.MAP:
var useInTypeForElem = false; // Only used for struct/object => Map.
// Verify that the value can be converted to an ES6 Map; return that copy.
if ((typeof v !== 'object') || Array.isArray(v)) {
throw makeError(v, t, 'value is not a valid Map-type');
} else if (v instanceof Set) {
// Sets can always upconvert to Maps.
v = setToMap(v);
inElemType = types.BOOL; // Set should use bool as elem type.
} else if (!(v instanceof Map)) {
if (t.key.kind !== kind.STRING) {
throw makeError(v, t, 'cannot encode Object as VDL map with ' +
'non-string key type. Use Map instead.');
v = objectToMap(v); // v now refers to a Map instead of an Object.
inKeyType = types.STRING; // Object keys are strings.
// inElemType might change every time though! Set a flag.
useInTypeForElem = true;
// Recurse: Validate internal keys and values.
outValue = new Map();
v.forEach(function(val, key) {
if (useInTypeForElem && inType && inType.kind === kind.STRUCT) {
inElemType = lookupFieldType(inType, key);
canonicalize(key, inKeyType, t.key, deepWrap, seen, false),
canonicalize(val, inElemType, t.elem, deepWrap, seen, false)
return outValue;
case kind.STRUCT:
// Verify that the Struct and all its internal fields.
// TODO(alexfandrianto): We may want to disallow other types of objects
// (e.g., Uint8Array, Complex, and BigInt).
if (typeof v !== 'object' || Array.isArray(v)) {
throw makeError(v, t, 'value is not an Object');
// Copy over any private properties without canonicalization.
copyUnexported(v, outValue);
var fields = t.fields;
for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var fieldName = fields[i].name;
var fieldNameLower = util.uncapitalize(fieldName);
var fieldType = fields[i].type;
// Gather the correct struct entry (or Map/Set entry) and field type.
inFieldType = lookupFieldType(inType, fieldName);
var fieldVal = v[fieldNameLower];
if (v instanceof Map) {
fieldVal = v.get(fieldName);
} else if (v instanceof Set) {
fieldVal = v.has(fieldName);
// Each entry needs to be canonicalized too.
outValue[fieldNameLower] = canonicalize(fieldVal, inFieldType,
fieldType, deepWrap, seen, false);
return outValue;
case kind.UNION:
// Verify that the Union contains 1 field, 0-filling if there are none.
if (typeof v !== 'object' || Array.isArray(v)) {
throw makeError(v, t, 'value is not an object');
// TODO(bprosnitz): Ignores properties not defined by the Union type.
// If we want to throw in such cases, _type would have to be whitelisted.
var isSet = false;
for (i = 0; i < t.fields.length; i++) {
key = t.fields[i].name;
var lowerKey = util.uncapitalize(key);
if (v.hasOwnProperty(lowerKey) && v[lowerKey] !== undefined) {
// Increment count and canonicalize the internal value.
if (isSet) {
throw makeError(v, t, '>1 Union fields are set');
} else {
// The field indexes may not match, so get the field type by name.
inFieldType = lookupFieldType(inType, key);
outValue[lowerKey] = canonicalize(v[lowerKey], inFieldType,
t.fields[i].type, deepWrap, seen, false);
isSet = true;
// If none of the fields were set, then the Union is not valid.
if (!isSet) {
throw makeError(v, t, 'none of the Union fields are set');
// Copy over any private properties without canonicalization.
copyUnexported(v, outValue);
return outValue;
throw new TypeError('Unknown kind ' + t.kind);
* Use the type and its kind to find the proper 0-value.
* TODO(alexfandrianto): Assumes the type given is valid. Should we validate?
* For example, we assume all lists lack a len field in their type.
* zeroValues need further canonicalization, so it would make sense to have it
* be a simple initializer instead of being recursive.
* @param(Type) t The type whose zero value is needed.
* @return {*} the corresponding zero value for the input type.
* @private
function zeroValue(t) {
switch(t.kind) {
case kind.ANY:
case kind.OPTIONAL:
return null;
case kind.BOOL:
return false;
case kind.BYTE:
case kind.UINT16:
case kind.UINT32:
case kind.INT16:
case kind.INT32:
case kind.FLOAT32:
case kind.FLOAT64:
return 0;
case kind.UINT64:
case kind.INT64:
case kind.COMPLEX64:
case kind.COMPLEX128:
return new Complex(0, 0);
case kind.STRING:
return '';
case kind.ENUM:
return t.labels[0];
case kind.TYPEOBJECT:
return types.ANY;
case kind.ARRAY:
case kind.LIST:
var len = t.len || 0;
if (t.elem.kind === kind.BYTE) {
return new Uint8Array(len);
var arr = new Array(len);
for (var arri = 0; arri < len; arri++) {
arr[arri] = zeroValue(t.elem);
return arr;
case kind.SET:
return new Set();
case kind.MAP:
return new Map();
case kind.UNION:
var zeroUnion = {};
var name = util.uncapitalize(t.fields[0].name);
zeroUnion[name] = zeroValue(t.fields[0].type);
return zeroUnion;
case kind.STRUCT:
return t.fields.reduce(function(obj, curr) {
var name = util.uncapitalize(;
obj[name] = zeroValue(curr.type);
return obj;
}, {});
throw new TypeError('Unknown kind ' + t.kind);
* Constructs an error for the value, type, and custom message.
* @param {*} value The value.
* @param {module:vanadium.vdl.Type} type The type.
* @param {string} message The custom error message.
* @return {Error} The constructed error.
* @private
function makeError(value, type, message) {
return new TypeError('Value: ' + stringify(value) + ', Type: ' +
type.toString() + ' - ' + message);
* Examines the given type and canonicalizes it. If the type is not valid for
* its kind, then an error is thrown.
* @param {module:vanadium.vdl.Type} t The type to be canonicalized.
* @return {module:vanadium.vdl.Type} The canonicalized type.
* @throws {Error} If the type is invalid.
* @private
function canonicalizeTypeExternal(t) {
return canonicalizeType(t, new Map());
* Helper function for canonicalizeTypeExternal.
* Keeps track of a Map of old references to new references. This helps clone
* cycles and preserve shared references.
* For unseen types, canonicalizeType calls canonicalize with a per-kind struct
* representation of TypeObject.
* @private
function canonicalizeType(type, seen) {
if (type === undefined) {
// We whitelist undefined and return types.ANY. This check matches
// canonicalizeValue's undefined => zeroValue(type).
return zeroValue(types.TYPEOBJECT);
} else {
var cached = getFromSeenCache(seen, type, types.TYPEOBJECT);
if (cached !== undefined) {
return cached;
if (!type.hasOwnProperty('kind')) {
throw new TypeError('kind not specified');
if (typeof type.kind !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('kind expected to be a number. Got ' + type.kind);
// The Type for each kind has its own Type Object.
// Verify deeply that the given type is in the correct form.
var typeOfType = typeObjectFromKind(type.kind);
// If the type has a field that is not relevant to its kind, then throw.
Object.keys(type).forEach(function(key) {
var upperKey = util.capitalize(key);
var hasMatch = typeOfType.fields.some(function fieldMatch(field) {
return === upperKey;
if (!hasMatch) {
throw new TypeError('Type has unexpected field ' + key);
// Call canonicalize with this typeOfType. Even though typeOfType is a Struct,
// behind the scenes, canonType will be a TypeObject.
var canonType = canonicalize(type, typeOfType, typeOfType, false, seen,
// Certain types may not be named.
if (type.kind === kind.ANY || type.kind === kind.TYPEOBJECT) {
if ( !== '') {
throw makeError(
'Any and TypeObject should be unnamed types');
// Union needs at least 1 field.
if (type.kind === kind.UNION && canonType.fields.length <= 0) {
throw makeError(canonType, typeOfType, 'union needs >=1 field');
return canonType;
// Copy the unexported struct fields from the value to the copy.
// Do not copy _type and _wrappedType since they would block the prototype.
// TODO(alexfandrianto): Only used in Struct and Union. Do we need it elsewhere?
function copyUnexported(value, copy) {
Object.keys(value).filter(function(key) {
return !util.isExportedStructField(key) && key !== '_type' &&
key !== '_wrappedType';
}).forEach(function(key) {
copy[key] = value[key];
// Convert the given object into a Set.
function objectToSet(o) {
var keys = Object.keys(o).filter(util.isExportedStructField);
return keys.reduce(function(m, key) {
return m;
}, new Set());
// Convert the given object into a Map.
function objectToMap(o) {
var keys = Object.keys(o).filter(util.isExportedStructField);
return keys.reduce(function(m, key) {
m.set(util.capitalize(key), o[key]);
return m;
}, new Map());
// Convert a Set to a Map.
function setToMap(s) {
var m = new Map();
s.forEach(function(k) {
m.set(k, true);
return m;
// Convert a Map to a Set.
function mapToSet(m, t) {
var s = new Set();
m.forEach(function(v, k) {
// Is the value true? Since it may be a wrapped bool, unwrap it.
if (TypeUtil.unwrap(v) === true) {
} else if (TypeUtil.unwrap(v) !== false) {
throw makeError(m, t, 'this Map value cannot convert to Set');
return s;
* Creates an empty object with the correct Constructor and prototype chain.
* @param {type} type The proposed type whose constructor is needed.
* @param {v} value The value that is passed in. If v is a native type,
* its constructor is used instead of looking up in the registry.
* @return {object} The empty object with correct type.
* @private
function getObjectWithType(t, v) {
// Get the proper constructor from the Registry.
registry = registry || require('./registry.js');
var Constructor = registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(t);
if (v && nativeTypeRegistry.hasNativeType(t)) {
Constructor = v.constructor;
// Then make an empty object with that constructor.
var obj = Object.create(Constructor.prototype);
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'constructor', { value: Constructor });
return obj;
* Adds the new reference into the cache.
* @param {object} seen Cache of old to new refs by type.
* @param {object} oldRef The old reference.
* @param {module:vanadium.vdl.Type} type The type the new reference is being
* cached under.
* @param {object} newRef The new reference.
* @private
function insertIntoSeenCache(seen, oldRef, type, newRef) {
if (!seen.has(oldRef)) {
seen.set(oldRef, new Map());
seen.get(oldRef).set(type, newRef);
* Returns a cached value from the seen cache.
* If there is no such value, the function returns undefined.
* @param {object} seen Cache of old to new refs by type.
* @param {object} oldRef The old reference.
* @param {module:vanadium.vdl.Type} type The type the new reference is being
* cached under.
* @return {object | undefined} The cached value or undefined, if not present.
* @private
function getFromSeenCache(seen, oldRef, type) {
if (seen.has(oldRef) && seen.get(oldRef).has(type)) {
return seen.get(oldRef).get(type);
* Recursively unwraps v to drop excess ANY. Guesses the type, after.
* Ex: null => { unwrappedValue: undefined, guessedType: types.ANY }
* Ex: { val: null, of type ANY } =>
* { unwrappedValue: undefined, guessedType: types.ANY }
* Ex: ANY in ANY with null =>
* { unwrappedValue: undefined, guessedType: types.ANY }
* Ex: wrapped primitive =>
{ unwrappedValue: primitive, guessedType: typeOfPrimitiveWrapper }
* Ex: nativeVal => { unwrappedValue: nativeVal, guessedType: types.JSVALUE }
* @param{*} v The value which may have nested ANY
* @return{object} Object with guessedType => type and unwrappedValue => value
* @private
function unwrapAndGuessType(v) {
if (v === null || v === undefined) {
return {
unwrappedValue: undefined,
guessedType: types.ANY
var t = guessType(v);
if (t.kind !== kind.ANY) {
return {
unwrappedValue: v,
guessedType: t
return unwrapAndGuessType(TypeUtil.unwrap(v));
* Finds the correct struct/union field type given a field name.
* We rely on type compatibility to ensure that only Struct has leeway.
* Maps use their elem as the field type, while Sets use types.BOOL.
* @private
function lookupFieldType(t, fieldName) {
if (!t) {
return undefined;
// Maps, Sets, Union, and Structs can have a field type by name.
switch(t.kind) {
case kind.MAP:
return t.elem;
case kind.SET:
return types.BOOL;
case kind.STRUCT:
case kind.UNION:
for (var i = 0; i < t.fields.length; i++) {
if (t.fields[i].name === fieldName) {
return t.fields[i].type;
return undefined;
* Helper function to create a BigInt from a native number.
* Since this contains a try/catch, it cannot be optimized and thus should not
* be in-lined in a larger function.
* @private
function bigIntFromNativeNumber(v, t) {
try {
return BigInt.fromNativeNumber(v);
} catch(e) {
throw makeError(v, t, e);
* Helper function to convert from a BigInt to a native number.
* Since this contains a try/catch, it cannot be optimized and thus should not
* be in-lined in a larger function.
* @private
function bigIntToNativeNumber(v, t) {
try {
return v.toNativeNumber();
} catch(e) {
throw makeError(v, t, e);
// Assumes that v is intended to be a numerical representation.
// Only use this for numerical kinds.
function assertRealNumber(v, t) {
if ((isComplex(v)) && v.imag !== 0) {
throw makeError(v, t, 'value is not purely real');
// Assumptions made; real number
// Only use this for the numerical kinds.
function assertNonNegativeNumber(v, t) {
switch(t.kind) {
case kind.BYTE:
case kind.UINT16:
case kind.UINT32:
case kind.UINT64:
var isNegative = (v < 0 || ((v instanceof BigInt) && v.getSign() < 0) ||
((isComplex(v)) && v.real < 0));
if (isNegative) {
throw makeError(v, t, 'value cannot be negative');
// Assumptions made; real number
// Only use this for the numerical kinds.
// Assumes that the value given is a real number.
function assertInteger(v, t) {
switch(t.kind) {
case kind.BYTE:
case kind.UINT16:
case kind.UINT32:
case kind.UINT64:
case kind.INT16:
case kind.INT32:
case kind.INT64:
var isInt;
if (v instanceof BigInt) {
isInt = true;
} else if (isComplex(v)) {
isInt = (Math.round(v.real) === v.real);
} else {
isInt = (Math.round(v) === v);
if (!isInt) {
throw makeError(v, t, 'value cannot be a non-integer');
// Assumptions made; num is a number
function assertBounds(v, t, num) {
var top = overflow.getMax(t.kind);
var bot = overflow.getMin(t.kind);
if (num > top) {
throw makeError(v, t, num + ' is too large: max ' + top);
} else if (num < bot) {
throw makeError(v, t, num + ' is too small: min ' + bot);
// Assumptions made; real integer
// Only use this for the small number kinds.
// TODO(alexfandrianto): We don't distinguish between float32 and float64 yet.
function convertToNativeNumber(v, t) {
var num = v;
if (v instanceof BigInt) {
num = bigIntToNativeNumber(v, t);
} else if (isComplex(v)) {
num = v.real;
assertBounds(v, t, num);
return num;
// Assumptions made; real integer
// Only use this for the UINT64 and INT64 kinds.
function convertToBigIntNumber(v, t) {
if (v instanceof BigInt) {
if (v.getUintBytes().length > 8) {
throw makeError(v, t, 'BigInt has too many bytes');
return v;
if (isComplex(v)) {
return bigIntFromNativeNumber(v.real, t);
return bigIntFromNativeNumber(v, t);
// Assumptions made; number
// Only use this for the Complex64 and Complex128 kinds.
function convertToComplexNumber(v, t) {
if (v instanceof BigInt) {
var num = bigIntToNativeNumber(v, t);
assertBounds(v, t, num);
return new Complex(num, 0);
if (isComplex(v)) {
assertBounds(v, t, v.real);
assertBounds(v, t, v.imag);
return new Complex(v.real, v.imag);
assertBounds(v, t, v);
return new Complex(v, 0);
// Converts a Uint8Array to a string. Converts in chunks to avoid any issues
// with maximum stack call size.
function uint8ArrayToString(arr) {
var SIZE = 0x8000; // Arbitrary; avoids exceeding max call stack size.
var chunks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i += SIZE) {
chunks.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, arr.subarray(i, i+SIZE)));
return chunks.join('');
// Converts a string to a Uint8Array.
// The array may have a length longer than the string.
function uint8ArrayFromString(str, neededLen) {
var arr = new Uint8Array(neededLen);
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
arr[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return arr;
// True if the value given can be treated like a Complex number.
function isComplex(v) {
return v && (typeof v === 'object') && (typeof v.real === 'number') &&
(typeof v.imag === 'number');