| SHELL := /bin/bash -euo pipefail |
| |
| NODE_DIR := $(shell jiri v23-profile list --info Target.InstallationDir nodejs) |
| export PATH := ./go/bin:$(JIRI_ROOT)/release/go/bin:node_modules/.bin:$(NODE_DIR)/bin:$(PATH) |
| |
| # This target causes any target files to be deleted if the target task fails. |
| |
| UNAME := $(shell uname) |
| |
| # When running browser tests on non-Darwin machines, set the --headless flag. |
| # This uses Xvfb underneath the hood (inside prova => browser-launcher => |
| # headless), which is not supported on OS X. |
| # See: https://github.com/kesla/node-headless/ |
| ifndef NOHEADLESS |
| ifneq ($(UNAME),Darwin) |
| HEADLESS := --headless |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| ifdef STOPONFAIL |
| STOPONFAIL := --stopOnFirstFailure |
| endif |
| |
| ifndef NOTAP |
| TAP := --tap |
| endif |
| |
| ifndef NOQUIT |
| QUIT := --quit |
| endif |
| |
| ifdef XUNIT |
| TAP := --tap # TAP must be set for xunit to work |
| OUTPUT_TRANSFORM := tap-xunit |
| endif |
| |
| BROWSER_OUTPUT_LOCAL := >($(OUTPUT_TRANSFORM) --package=javascript.browser > $(BROWSER_OUTPUT_LOCAL)) |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| PROVA_OPTS := --includeFilenameAsPackage $(TAP) $(QUIT) $(STOPONFAIL) |
| |
| BROWSER_OPTS := --browser --launch chrome $(HEADLESS) --log=./tmp/chrome.log |
| |
| .DEFAULT_GOAL := all |
| |
| .PHONY: all |
| all: |
| |
| go/bin: $(shell find $(JIRI_ROOT) -name "*.go") |
| jiri go build -a -o $@/principal v.io/x/ref/cmd/principal |
| jiri go build -a -tags wspr -o $@/servicerunner v.io/x/ref/cmd/servicerunner |
| jiri go build -a -o $@/syncbased v.io/x/ref/services/syncbase/syncbased |
| |
| .PHONY: gen-vdl |
| gen-vdl: |
| jiri run vdl generate --lang=javascript --js-out-dir=src/gen-vdl v.io/v23/services/syncbase/... |
| |
| node_modules: package.json |
| npm prune |
| npm install |
| # Link Vanadium from JIRI_ROOT. |
| rm -rf ./node_modules/vanadium |
| cd "$(JIRI_ROOT)/release/javascript/core" && npm link |
| npm link vanadium |
| touch node_modules |
| |
| # We use the same test runner as vanadium.js. It handles starting and stopping |
| # all required services (proxy, wspr, mounntabled), and runs tests in chrome |
| # with prova. |
| # TODO(sadovsky): Some of the deps in our package.json are needed solely for |
| # runner.js. We should restructure things so that runner.js is its own npm |
| # package with its own deps. |
| .NOTPARALLEL: test |
| .PHONY: test |
| test: test-integration |
| |
| .NOTPARALLEL: test-integration |
| .PHONY: test-integration |
| test-integration: test-integration-browser test-integration-node |
| |
| .PHONY: test-integration-node |
| test-integration-node: export PATH := ./test:$(PATH) |
| test-integration-node: go/bin lint node_modules |
| node ./node_modules/vanadium/test/integration/runner.js --services=start-syncbased.sh -- \ |
| prova test/integration/test-*.js $(PROVA_OPTS) $(NODE_OUTPUT_LOCAL) |
| |
| .PHONY: test-integration-browser |
| test-integration-browser: export PATH := ./test:$(PATH) |
| test-integration-browser: go/bin lint node_modules |
| node ./node_modules/vanadium/test/integration/runner.js --services=start-syncbased.sh -- \ |
| make test-integration-browser-runner |
| |
| # Note: runner.js sets the V23_NAMESPACE and PROXY_ADDR env vars for the |
| # spawned test subprocess; we specify "make test-integration-browser-runner" as |
| # the test command so that we can then reference these vars in the Vanadium |
| # extension and our prova command. |
| .PHONY: test-integration-browser-runner |
| test-integration-browser-runner: VANADIUM_JS := $(JIRI_ROOT)/release/javascript/core |
| test-integration-browser-runner: BROWSER_OPTS := --options="--load-extension=$(VANADIUM_JS)/extension/build-test/,--ignore-certificate-errors,--enable-logging=stderr" $(BROWSER_OPTS) |
| test-integration-browser-runner: |
| $(MAKE) -C $(VANADIUM_JS)/extension clean |
| $(MAKE) -C $(VANADIUM_JS)/extension build-test |
| prova ./test/integration/test-*.js $(PROVA_OPTS) $(BROWSER_OPTS) $(BROWSER_OUTPUT_LOCAL) |
| |
| .PHONY: clean |
| clean: |
| rm -rf \ |
| docs \ |
| go/bin \ |
| node_modules \ |
| tmp |
| |
| .PHONY: lint |
| lint: node_modules |
| ifdef NOLINT |
| @echo "Skipping lint - disabled by NOLINT environment variable" |
| else |
| jshint . |
| endif |
| |
| # The following target is copied and modifed from ../core/Makefile. |
| DOCSTRAP_LOC:= node_modules/ink-docstrap |
| JS_SRC_FILES = $(shell find src -name "*.js" | sed 's/ /\\ /') |
| docs: $(JS_SRC_FILES) ../core/jsdocs/docstrap-template/compiled/site.vanadium.css | node_modules |
| # Copy our compiled style template |
| cp -f ../core/jsdocs/docstrap-template/compiled/site.vanadium.css ${DOCSTRAP_LOC}/template/static/styles |
| |
| # Build the docs |
| jsdoc $^ --readme ./jsdocs/index.md --configure ./jsdocs/conf.json --template ${DOCSTRAP_LOC}/template --destination $@ |
| |
| # Copy favicon |
| cp -f ../core/jsdocs/favicon.ico $@ |
| |
| # serve-docs |
| # |
| # Serve the docs at http://localhost:8020. |
| serve-docs: docs |
| static docs -p 8020 |
| |
| .PHONY: serve-docs |
| |
| .PHONY: deploy-docs-production |
| deploy-docs-production: docs |
| make -C $(JIRI_ROOT)/infrastructure/deploy jsdoc-syncbase-production |
| |
| .PHONY: deploy-docs-staging |
| deploy-docs-staging: docs |
| make -C $(JIRI_ROOT)/infrastructure/deploy jsdoc-syncbase-staging |