blob: 28b3ffa34b51def135744937e4ed704afb1dea6a [file] [log] [blame]
#!mojo mojo:dart_content_handler?strict=true
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:mojo_apptest/apptest.dart';
import 'package:mojo/application.dart';
import 'package:v23discovery/discovery.dart';
const String mojoUrl = '';
const String interfaceName = '';
main(List args, Object handleToken) {
runAppTests(handleToken, [discoveryApptests]);
discoveryApptests(Application application, String url) {
test('Local Discovery - Advertise and Scan', () async {
// Advertise
Client advertiseClient = new Client(application.connectToService, mojoUrl);
Advertisement input =
new Advertisement(interfaceName, ['/h1:123/x', '/h1:123/y']);
input.attributes['myAttr1'] = 'myAttrValue1';
input.attributes['myAttr2'] = 'myAttrValue2';
String attachmentContent = new List.generate(500, (_) => 'X').join();
input.attachments['myAttachment'] = UTF8.encode(attachmentContent);
Advertiser advertiser = await advertiseClient.advertise(input);
// Scan
Client scanClient = new Client(application.connectToService, mojoUrl);
Scanner scanner =
await scanClient.scan('v.InterfaceName = "$interfaceName"');
Update update = await scanner.onUpdate.first;
expect(update.updateType, equals(UpdateTypes.found));
expect(, isNotEmpty);
expect(update.interfaceName, equals(interfaceName));
expect(update.addresses, equals(input.addresses));
expect(update.attributes, equals(input.attributes));
expect(UTF8.decode(await update.fetchAttachment('myAttachment')),
expect(update.fetchAttachment('badAttachmentKey'), throwsArgumentError);
// Clean up
await advertiser.stop();
await scanner.stop();
// TODO(aghassemi): Multiple mojo connections seem to hange in Dart
// Test passes on its own but not when combined with the test above.
// Disabling for now until the mojo issues is resolved.
// test('Global Discovery - Advertise and Scan', () async {
// const String path = 'a/b';
// const Duration ttl = const Duration(seconds: 10);
// const Duration scanInterval = const Duration(seconds: 1);
// // Advertise
// // Gloabl discovery only supports address.
// Client advertiseClient = new
// application.connectToService, mojoUrl, path,
// ttl: ttl);
// Advertisement input = new Advertisement('', ['/h1:123/x', '/h1:123/y']);
// Advertiser advertiser = await advertiseClient.advertise(input);
// // Scan
// Client scanClient = new
// application.connectToService, mojoUrl, path,
// scanInteral: scanInterval);
// Scanner scanner = await scanClient.scan('');
// Update update = await scanner.onUpdate.first;
// expect(update.updateType, equals(UpdateTypes.found));
// expect(, isNotEmpty);
// expect(update.addresses, equals(input.addresses));
// // Clean up
// await advertiser.stop();
// await scanner.stop();
// });