blob: 8c5a0ff722f1af666c81fc940705ee684362a259 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of discovery;
typedef Future _StopFunction();
class _Client implements Client {
final DiscoveryProxy _discoveryProxy = new DiscoveryProxy.unbound();
_Client(ConnectToServiceFunction cts, String url) {
cts(url, _discoveryProxy);
Future<Scanner> scan(String query) async {
StreamController<ScanUpdate> onUpdate = new StreamController<ScanUpdate>();
ScanHandlerStub handlerStub = new ScanHandlerStub.unbound();
handlerStub.impl = new _ScanHandler(onUpdate);
DiscoveryStartScanResponseParams scanResponse =
await _discoveryProxy.ptr.startScan(query, handlerStub);
if (scanResponse.err != null) {
throw scanResponse.err;
Future stop() {
return _discoveryProxy.ptr.stopScan(scanResponse.scanId);
return new _Scanner(stop,;
Future<Advertiser> advertise(Service service,
{List<String> visibility: null}) async {
DiscoveryStartAdvertisingResponseParams advertiseResponse =
await _discoveryProxy.ptr.startAdvertising(service, visibility);
if (advertiseResponse.err != null) {
throw advertiseResponse.err;
Future stop() {
return _discoveryProxy.ptr.stopAdvertising(advertiseResponse.instanceId);
return new _Advertiser(stop);
class _Scanner implements Scanner {
final Stream<ScanUpdate> onUpdate;
final _StopFunction _stop;
_Scanner(this._stop, this.onUpdate) {}
Future stop() {
return _stop();
class _Advertiser implements Advertiser {
final _StopFunction _stop;
_Advertiser(this._stop) {}
Future stop() {
return _stop();
class _ScanHandler extends ScanHandler {
StreamController<ScanUpdate> _onUpdate;
update(ScanUpdate update) {