Merge branch 'master' of
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7e2fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9057a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+SHELL := /bin/bash -euo pipefail
+V23_GOPATH := $(shell echo `v23 run env | grep GOPATH | cut -d\= -f2`)
+ifdef ANDROID
+	# Configure compiler and linker for Android.
+	export GOROOT := $(MOJO_DIR)/src/third_party/go/tool/android_arm
+	export CGO_ENABLED := 1
+	export GOOS := android
+	export GOARCH := arm
+	export GOARM := 7
+	ANDROID_NDK := $(V23_ROOT)/third_party/android/ndk-toolchain
+	export CC := $(ANDROID_NDK)/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
+	export CXX := $(ANDROID_NDK)/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++
+	MOJO_ANDROID_FLAGS := --android
+	MOJO_BUILD_DIR := $(MOJO_DIR)/src/out/android_Debug
+	MOJO_SHARED_LIB := $(PWD)/gen/lib/android/libsystem_thunk.a
+	MOJO_SHELL_PATH := $(MOJO_BUILD_DIR)/apks/MojoShell.apk
+	# Configure compiler and linker for Linux.
+	export GOROOT := $(MOJO_DIR)/src/third_party/go/tool/linux_amd64
+	MOJO_BUILD_DIR := $(MOJO_DIR)/src/out/Debug
+	MOJO_SHARED_LIB := $(PWD)/gen/lib/linux_amd64/libsystem_thunk.a
+GOPATH := $(V23_GOPATH):$(MOJO_DIR):$(MOJO_DIR)/third_party/go:$(MOJO_BUILD_DIR)/gen/go:$(PWD)/go:$(PWD)/gen/go
+# NOTE(nlacasse): Running Go Mojo services requires passing the
+# --enable-multiprocess flag to mojo_shell.  This is because the Go runtime is
+# very large, and can interfere with C++ memory if they are in the same
+# process.
+MOJO_SHELL_FLAGS := -v --enable-multiprocess \
+	--config-alias MOJO_BUILD_DIR=$(MOJO_BUILD_DIR)
+LDFLAGS := -shared
+# Compiles a Go program and links against the Mojo C library.
+# $1 is input filename.
+# $2 is output filename.
+define MOGO_BUILD
+	mkdir -p $(dir $2)
+	CGO_LDFLAGS="-L$(dir $(MOJO_SHARED_LIB)) -lsystem_thunk $(CGO_LDFLAGS)" \
+	$(GOROOT)/bin/go build -o $2 -tags=mojo -ldflags="$(LDFLAGS)" -buildmode=c-shared $1
+	rm -f $(basename $2).h
+# Generates go bindings from .mojom file.
+# $1 is input filename.
+# $2 is output directory.
+# $3 is language (go, dart, ...).
+define MOJOM_GEN
+	mkdir -p $2
+	$(MOJO_DIR)/src/mojo/public/tools/bindings/ $1 -d . -o $2 -g $3
+# Builds the library that Mojo services must be linked with.
+$(MOJO_SHARED_LIB): | mojo-env-check
+	mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	ar rcs $@ $(MOJO_BUILD_DIR)/obj/mojo/public/platform/native/system.system_thunks.o
+.PHONY: mojo-env-check
+ifndef MOJO_DIR
+	$(error MOJO_DIR is not set)
+ifndef V23_ROOT
+	$(error V23_ROOT is not set)
+ifeq ($(wildcard $(MOJO_BUILD_DIR)),)
+	$(error ERROR: $(MOJO_BUILD_DIR) does not exist.  Please see for instructions on compiling Mojo resources.)
+ifdef ANDROID
+ifeq ($(wildcard $(ANDROID_NDK)),)
+	$(error ERROR: $(ANDROID_NDK) does not exist.  Please install android profile with "v23 profile install android")