blob: a0072d41e23c69cffaab441e7b2621e6bd080987 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:io';
import '../mobile/device.dart';
import '../mobile/device_spec.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
import '../util.dart';
const String lockProp = 'mHoldingWakeLockSuspendBlocker';
/// Check if the device is locked
Future<bool> _deviceIsLocked(Device device) async {
Process process = await Process.start(
['-s', '${}', 'shell', 'dumpsys', 'power']
bool isLocked;
RegExp lockStatusPattern = new RegExp(lockProp + r'=(.*)');
Stream lineStream = process.stdout
.transform(new Utf8Decoder())
.transform(new LineSplitter());
await for (var line in lineStream) {
Match lockMatcher = lockStatusPattern.firstMatch(line.toString());
if (lockMatcher != null) {
isLocked = == 'false';
await process.exitCode;
return isLocked;
/// Unlock devices if the device is locked
Future<int> unlockDevice(Device device) async {
bool isLocked = await _deviceIsLocked(device);
if (isLocked == null) {
printError('adb error: cannot find device $lockProp property');
return 1;
if (!isLocked) return 0;
Process wakeUpAndUnlockProcess = await Process.start(
['-s', '${}', 'shell', 'input', 'keyevent', 'KEYCODE_MENU']
return await wakeUpAndUnlockProcess.exitCode;
/// Uninstall tested apps
Future<int> uninstallTestedApps(Map<DeviceSpec, Device> deviceMapping) async {
int result = 0;
for (DeviceSpec spec in deviceMapping.keys) {
Device device = deviceMapping[spec];
String androidManifestPath
= normalizePath(spec.appRootPath, 'android/AndroidManifest.xml');
String androidManifest = await new File(androidManifestPath).readAsString();
RegExp packagePattern
= new RegExp(r'<manifest[\s\S]*?package="(\S+)"\s+[\s\S]*?>', multiLine: true);
Match packageMatcher = packagePattern.firstMatch(androidManifest);
if (packageMatcher == null) {
printError('Package name not found in $androidManifestPath');
return 1;
String packageName =;
Process uninstallProcess = await Process.start(
['-s', '${}', 'uninstall', '$packageName']
Stream lineStream = uninstallProcess.stdout
.transform(new Utf8Decoder())
.transform(new LineSplitter());
await for (var line in lineStream) {
print('Uninstall $packageName on device ${}: ${line.toString().trim()}');
result += await uninstallProcess.exitCode;
if (result != 0) {
printError('Cannot uninstall testing apps from devices');
return 1;
return 0;
/// Get device property
Future<String> getProperty(String deviceID, String propName) async {
ProcessResult results = await
['-s', deviceID, 'shell', 'getprop', propName]
return results.stdout.toString().trim();
/// Get device pixels and dpi to compute screen diagonal size in inches
Future<String> getScreenSize(String deviceID) async {
Process sizeProcess = await Process.start(
['-s', '$deviceID', 'shell', 'wm', 'size']
RegExp sizePattern = new RegExp(r'Physical size:\s*(\d+)x(\d+)');
Stream sizeLineStream = sizeProcess.stdout
.transform(new Utf8Decoder())
.transform(new LineSplitter());
int xSize;
int ySize;
await for (var line in sizeLineStream) {
Match sizeMatcher = sizePattern.firstMatch(line.toString());
if (sizeMatcher != null) {
xSize = int.parse(;
ySize = int.parse(;
if (xSize == null || ySize == null) {
printError('Screen size not found.');
return null;
Process densityProcess = await Process.start(
['-s', '$deviceID', 'shell', 'wm', 'density']
RegExp densityPattern = new RegExp(r'Physical density:\s*(\d+)');
Stream densityLineStream = densityProcess.stdout
.transform(new Utf8Decoder())
.transform(new LineSplitter());
int density;
await for (var line in densityLineStream) {
Match densityMatcher = densityPattern.firstMatch(line.toString());
if (densityMatcher != null) {
density = int.parse(;
if (density == null) {
printError('Density not found.');
return null;
double xInch = xSize / density;
double yInch = ySize / density;
double diagonalSize = sqrt(xInch * xInch + yInch * yInch);
if (diagonalSize < 3.5) return 'small';
if (diagonalSize < 5) return 'normal';
if (diagonalSize < 8) return 'large';
return 'xlarge';