blob: 9bc4709fbd6a81a5a949454d0df69939c6077614 [file] [log] [blame]
var mercury = require('mercury');
var _ = require('lodash');
var arraySet = require('../../lib/arraySet');
var recommendShortcuts = require('./recommend-shortcuts');
var log = require('../../lib/log')('components:browse:handle-shortcuts');
var store = require('../../lib/store');
var namespaceService = require('../../services/namespace/service');
module.exports = {
load: loadShortcuts,
set: setShortcut,
find: findShortcut
// Data is loaded from and saved to this key in the store.
var userShortcutsID = 'user-shortcuts';
* Returns a promise that loads the user's shortcuts into the browse state.
function loadShortcuts(browseState) {
return loadShortcutKeys().then(function getShortcuts(rawShortcuts) {
rawShortcuts = rawShortcuts || [];
// Clear out the old shortcuts and fill them with new ones.
browseState.put('userShortcuts', mercury.array([]));
rawShortcuts.forEach(function(rawShortcut, i) {
function(shortcut) {
browseState.userShortcuts.put(i, shortcut);
).catch(function(err) {
// TODO(alexfandrianto): We should find a way to indicate that the
// service is not accessible at the moment. A toast is not enough.
log.error('Could not load shortcut', rawShortcut, err);
}).catch(function(err) {
log.error('Unable to load user shortcuts', err);
return Promise.reject(err);
* Returns a promise that resolves to an array of user-defined shortcut keys.
function loadShortcutKeys() {
return store.getValue(userShortcutsID);
* Returns a promise that saves the new status of the shortcut key to the store.
function saveShortcutKey(key, shouldSet) {
return loadShortcutKeys().then(function(keys) {
keys = keys || []; // Initialize the shortcuts, if none were loaded.
arraySet.set(keys, key, shouldSet);
return store.setValue(userShortcutsID, keys);
* Update the given browseState with the shortcut information in the given data.
* data should have 'save' (boolean) and 'item' (@see services/namespace/item).
* This update is done asynchronously; to maintain consistency, shortcuts are
* refreshed before they are persisted. Additionally, what is rendered in the
* browseState may not perfectly match the data present in the store.
function setShortcut(browseState, browseEvents, data) {
// Update the user shortcuts, as the data specifies.
findShortcut.bind(null, browseState())
// The recommended shortcuts may have changed too.
// Persist the updated user shortcut.
return saveShortcutKey(data.item.objectName, {
text: 'Error while modifying shortcut',
type: 'error'
log.error('Error while modifying shortcut', err);
* Check the browseState for the index of the given item. -1 if not present.
* Note: browseState should be observed.
function findShortcut(browseState, item) {
return _.findIndex(browseState.userShortcuts, function(shortcut) {
// Since shortcuts can be assigned out of order, check for undefined.
return shortcut !== undefined && item.objectName === shortcut.objectName;