blob: 3c00bfc2a850d2ee6ce2d8b28baf69ad7d6e42fb [file] [log] [blame]
package mocks
import (
const (
// Pet Feeder limits
MIN_FILL = 0.0
MAX_FILL = 1.0
HUNGER_DELAY = 60000 // hunger worsens every 60s
MOOD_DELAY_BASE = 40000 // mood worsens every 40s to 85s
EAT_DELAY = 500 // dog eating progress updates every 0.5s
EAT_SPEED = 0.02 // eats 0.02 of the dog bowl every interval
HUNGER_BAND = 0.2 // upon eating 0.2 of the dog bowl, hunger improves
PLAY_MINIMUM = 3 // playtime lasts at least 3s for mood to improve
var (
// Dog mood strings
moods = [][]string{
{"angry", "sullen", "depressed"},
{"bored", "tired", "unhappy"},
{"content", "at-ease", "lazy"},
{"happy", "friendly", "playful"},
{"exuberant", "loving", "excited"},
responses = [][]string{
{"*whine*", "*whimper*", "*growl*"},
{"<ignores you>", "*bark*", "<turns away>"},
{"<yawns>", "<pants>", "<looks at you>"},
{"*playful bark*", "<lick>", "<wags tail>"},
{"*<tackle hug>*", "<brushes up>", "*woof! woof!*"},
// Dog hunger strings
hungers = []string{
"starving", "famished", "hungry", "not hungry", "satiated", "full", "bloated",
// PetFeeder allows clients to remotely feed their pets.
type PetFeeder struct {
status float64
// NewPetFeeder creates a new PetFeeder stub.
func NewPetFeeder() *PetFeeder {
return &PetFeeder{status: MIN_FILL}
// Status returns the current status of the Pet Feeder
func (p *PetFeeder) Status(ipc.ServerCall) (float64, error) {
return p.status, nil
// Fill fills the pet feeder bowl with food. Errors if the bowl will overflow.
func (p *PetFeeder) Fill(_ ipc.ServerCall, amount float64) error {
if p.status+amount > MAX_FILL {
p.status = MAX_FILL
return fmt.Errorf("pet feeder overflowed")
p.status += amount
return nil
// Empty removes all food from the pet feeder bowl.
func (p *PetFeeder) Empty(ipc.ServerCall) error {
p.status = MIN_FILL
return nil
// RoboDog allows clients to play with a virtual robotic dog.
type RoboDog struct {
name string // the dog's current name
mood int // mood improves when played with and not hungry
hunger int // hunger worsens over time. Improves while eating.
eating bool // the dog is busy while eating.
feeder *PetFeeder // The PetFeeder that this dog is linked to.
// NewRoboDog creates a new RoboDog stub.
func NewRoboDog(p *PetFeeder) *RoboDog {
r := &RoboDog{
name: "VDog",
eating: false,
feeder: p,
// Make the dog hungrier and hungrier.
// Worsen the dog's mood over time. Faster when dog is hungrier.
// If available, slowly eat from the feeder and improve hunger.
// But I need a way to signal that these things should stop...
// defer could catch this during cleanup, but is it even really necessary?
// Also, I don't care about race conditions.
go r.hungerCycle()
go r.moodCycle()
go r.eatCycle()
return r
// Helper goroutine to emulate the dog's hunger cycle.
func (r *RoboDog) hungerCycle() {
for {
// Delay for a while... hunger worsens!
time.Sleep(HUNGER_DELAY * time.Millisecond)
// Helper goroutine to emulate the dog's mood cycle.
func (r *RoboDog) moodCycle() {
for {
// Delay for a while... mood worsens!
// Delay is longer when the dog is less hungry.
time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Millisecond)
// Helper goroutine to emulate the dog's eating cycle.
func (r *RoboDog) eatCycle() {
var eaten float64
for {
// Check in on the dog at intervals.
time.Sleep(EAT_DELAY * time.Millisecond)
// If the dog is eating, empty the feeder by the same amount.
if r.eating {
eat := math.Min(r.feeder.status, EAT_SPEED)
r.feeder.status -= eat
eaten += eat
if eaten >= HUNGER_BAND {
eaten -= HUNGER_BAND
// Eat if there's any food and hunger is not at max.
r.eating = (r.feeder.status != MIN_FILL && r.hunger != MAX_HUNGER)
func (r *RoboDog) Status(ipc.ServerCall) (sample.RoboDogStatus, error) {
dogMoods := moods[r.mood]
dogMood := dogMoods[rand.Intn(len(dogMoods))] // pick a random mood
dogHunger := hungers[r.hunger]
return sample.RoboDogStatus{,
}, nil
// Speak allows a client to speak with the robotic dog.
func (r *RoboDog) Speak(call ipc.ServerCall, words string) (string, error) {
// If dog is eating, the dog cannot listen or respond.
if r.eating {
return "*munch* *munch*", nil
// Secret: If dog's name was spoken. Mood up!
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(words), strings.ToLower( {
// The dog's response depends on mood.
return r.respond(), nil
// Play allows a client to play with the robotic dog.
// Errors if the dog does not want to play.
func (r *RoboDog) Play(_ ipc.ServerCall, duration uint32) error {
if r.eating {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is busy eating now",
} else if r.mood == MIN_MOOD {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is in a bad mood",
// Delay for a while... mood improves!
time.Sleep(time.Duration(duration) * time.Second)
if duration >= PLAY_MINIMUM {
return nil
// SetName allows a client to set the robotic dog's name.
func (r *RoboDog) SetName(_ ipc.ServerCall, name string) error { = name
return nil
// Helper to pick a random response based on the dog's mood.
func (r *RoboDog) respond() string {
responseList := responses[r.mood]
return responseList[rand.Intn(len(responseList))] // pick a random response
// Helper to change the dog's mood.
func (r *RoboDog) changeMood(amount int) {
r.mood += amount
// Do not overflow on mood.
if r.mood > MAX_MOOD {
r.mood = MAX_MOOD
} else if r.mood < MIN_MOOD {
r.mood = MIN_MOOD
// Helper to change the dog's hunger.
func (r *RoboDog) changeHunger(amount int) {
r.hunger += amount
// Do not overflow on hunger.
if r.hunger > MAX_HUNGER {
r.hunger = MAX_HUNGER
} else if r.hunger < MIN_HUNGER {
r.hunger = MIN_HUNGER