blob: 82d5493d9bf376fa83b7f24b14f1ad1484f3cbf2 [file] [log] [blame]
# All JS files except build.js and third party
JS_FILES = $(shell find browser -name "*.js")
# Builds everything
all: public/bundle.js public/bundle.html public/platform.js
# Creating the bundle JS file
public/bundle.js: $(JS_FILES) node_modules
jshint browser # lint all browser JavaScript files
browserify browser/app.js -o public/bundle.js
# Creating the bundle HTML file
public/bundle.html: web-component-dependencies.html node_modules bower_components
vulcanize --output public/bundle.html web-component-dependencies.html --inline
# Copies the web components platform file
public/platform.js: bower_components
cp bower_components/platform/platform.js public/platform.js
# Install what we need from NPM
node_modules: package.json
npm prune
npm install
touch node_modules
# Install non-JS dependencies from bower
bower_components: bower.json node_modules
bower prune
bower install
touch bower_components
# PHONY targets:
# Uses prova to run tests in a headless chrome and then quit after all test finish
jshint test # lint all test JavaScript files
prova test/**/*.js --browser --launch chrome --headless --progress --quit
# Continuously watch for changes to .js, .html or .css files.
# Rebundles the appropriate bundles when local files change
watch -n 1 make
# Continuously reruns the tests as they change
@echo "Tests being watched at:"
prova test/**/*.js --browser --launch chrome
# Serves the needed daemons and starts a server at http://localhost:$(HTTP_PORT)
# CTRL-C to stop
# Clean all build artifacts
rm -f public/bundle.js
rm -f public/bundle.html
rm -f public/platform.js
rm -rf node_modules
rm -rf bower_components
.PHONY: start clean watch test watch-test