blob: 95855e8a77174baffc69befea046b36dd12c43ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
// channel holds logic for finding and communicating with members of a
// channel.
// Usage:
// // Construct a new channel.
// c := newChannel(ctx, mounttable, proxy, "path/to/channel/name")
// // Join the channel.
// err := c.join()
// // Get all members in the channel.
// members, err := c.getMembers()
// // Send a message to a member.
// c.sendMessageTo(member, "message")
// // Send a message to all members in the channel.
// c.broadcastMessage("message")
// // Leave the channel.
// c.leave()
import (
mt ""
_ ""
// message is a message that will be displayed in the UI.
type message struct {
SenderName string
Text string
Timestamp time.Time
// chatServerMethods implements the chat server VDL interface.
type chatServerMethods struct {
// Incoming messages get sent to messages channel.
messages chan<- message
var _ vdl.ChatServerMethods = (*chatServerMethods)(nil)
func newChatServerMethods(messages chan<- message) *chatServerMethods {
return &chatServerMethods{
messages: messages,
// SendMessage is called by clients to send a message to the server.
func (cs *chatServerMethods) SendMessage(call rpc.ServerCall, IncomingMessage string) error {
remoteb, _ := security.RemoteBlessingNames(call.Context())
cs.messages <- message{
SenderName: firstShortName(remoteb),
Text: IncomingMessage,
Timestamp: time.Now(),
return nil
// member is a member of the channel.
type member struct {
// Blessings is the remote blessings of the member. There could
// potentially be multiple.
Blessings []string
// Name is the name we will display for this member.
Name string
// Path is the path in the mounttable where the member is mounted.
Path string
// members are sortable by Name.
type byName []*member
func (b byName) Len() int { return len(b) }
func (b byName) Swap(i, j int) { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] }
func (b byName) Less(i, j int) bool { return b[i].Name < b[j].Name }
// channel interface.
type channel struct {
// Vanadium context.
ctx *context.T
// The location where we mount ourselves and look for other users.
path string
// The implementation of the chat server.
chatServerMethods *chatServerMethods
// The chat server.
server rpc.Server
// Channel that emits incoming messages.
messages chan message
// Cached list of channel members.
members []*member
func newChannel(ctx *context.T, mounttable, proxy, path string) (*channel, error) {
// Set the namespace root to the mounttable passed on the command line.
newCtx, _, err := v23.SetNewNamespace(ctx, mounttable)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Set the proxy that will be used to listen.
listenSpec := v23.GetListenSpec(ctx)
listenSpec.Proxy = proxy
messages := make(chan message)
return &channel{
chatServerMethods: newChatServerMethods(messages),
messages: messages,
path: path,
ctx: newCtx,
server: nil,
}, nil
// openAuthorizer allows RPCs from all clients.
type openAuthorizer struct{}
func (o openAuthorizer) Authorize(*context.T) error {
return nil
// UserName returns a short, human-friendly representation of the chat client.
func (cr *channel) UserName() string {
// TODO(ashankar): It is wrong to assume that
// v23.GetPrincipal(ctx).BlessingStore().Default() returns a valid
// "sender". Think about the "who-am-I" API and use that here instead.
userName := fmt.Sprint(v23.GetPrincipal(cr.ctx).BlessingStore().Default())
if sn := shortName(userName); sn != "" {
userName = sn
return userName
// getLockedName picks a random name inside the channel's mounttable path and
// tries to "lock" it by settings restrictive permissions on the name. It
// tries repeatedly until it finds an unused name that can be locked, and
// returns the locked name.
func (cr *channel) getLockedName() (string, error) {
myPatterns := security.DefaultBlessingPatterns(v23.GetPrincipal(cr.ctx))
// myACL is an ACL that only allows my blessing.
myACL := access.AccessList{
In: myPatterns,
// openACL is an ACL that allows anybody.
openACL := access.AccessList{
In: []security.BlessingPattern{security.AllPrincipals},
permissions := access.Permissions{
// Give everybody the ability to read and resolve the name.
string(mt.Resolve): openACL,
string(mt.Read): openACL,
// All other permissions are only for us.
string(mt.Admin): myACL,
string(mt.Create): myACL,
string(mt.Mount): myACL,
// Repeatedly try to SetPermissions under random names until we find a free
// one.
// Collisions should be rare. 25 times should be enough to find a free
// one
maxTries := 25
for i := 0; i < maxTries; i++ {
// Pick a random suffix, the hash of our default blessing and the time.
now := time.Now().UnixNano()
hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", cr.UserName(), now)))
suffix := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(hash[:])
name := naming.Join(cr.path, suffix)
ns := v23.GetNamespace(cr.ctx)
if err := ns.SetPermissions(cr.ctx, name, permissions, ""); err != nil {
// Try again with a different name.
// SetPermissions succeeded! We now own the name.
return name, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("Error getting a locked name. Tried %v times but did not succeed.", maxTries)
// join starts a chat server and mounts it in the channel path.
func (cr *channel) join() error {
// Create a new server.
s, err := v23.NewServer(cr.ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// Start listening for incoming connections.
if _, err := s.Listen(v23.GetListenSpec(cr.ctx)); err != nil {
return err
// Get a locked name in the mounttable that we can mount our server on.
name, err := cr.getLockedName()
if err != nil {
return err
// Serve the chat server on the locked name.
serverChat := vdl.ChatServer(cr.chatServerMethods)
if err := s.Serve(name, serverChat, openAuthorizer{}); err != nil {
return err
cr.server = s
return nil
// leave stops the chat server and removes our mounted name from the
// mounttable.
func (cr *channel) leave() error {
// Stop serving.
// Get the names we are mounted at. Should only be one.
names := cr.server.Status().Mounts.Names()
// Delete the name and all sub-names in the hierarchy.
ns := v23.GetNamespace(cr.ctx)
for _, name := range names {
if err := ns.Delete(cr.ctx, name, true); err != nil {
return err
cr.server = nil
return nil
// newMember creates a new member object.
func (cr *channel) newMember(blessings []string, path string) *member {
name := "unknown"
if len(blessings) > 0 {
// Arbitrarily choose the first blessing as the display name.
name = shortName(blessings[0])
return &member{
Name: name,
Blessings: blessings,
Path: path,
// getMembers gets a list of members in the channel.
func (cr *channel) getMembers() ([]*member, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(cr.ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// Glob on the channel path for mounted members.
globPath := cr.path + "/*"
globChan, err := v23.GetNamespace(ctx).Glob(ctx, globPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
members := []*member{}
for reply := range globChan {
switch v := reply.(type) {
case *naming.MountEntry:
if len(v.Servers) == 0 {
// No servers mounted at that name, only a
// lonely ACL. Safe to ignore.
// TODO(nlacasse): Should there be a time-limit
// on ACLs in the namespace? Seems like we'll
// have an ACL graveyard before too long.
member := cr.newMember(v.Servers[0].BlessingPatterns, v.Name)
members = append(members, member)
cr.members = members
return members, nil
// broadcastMessage sends a message to all members in the channel.
func (cr *channel) broadcastMessage(messageText string) error {
for _, member := range cr.members {
// TODO(nlacasse): Sending messages async means they might get sent out of
// order. Consider either sending them sync or maintain a queue.
go cr.sendMessageTo(member, messageText)
return nil
// sendMessageTo sends a message to a particular member. It ensures that the
// receiving server has the same blessings that the member does.
func (cr *channel) sendMessageTo(member *member, messageText string) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(cr.ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
s := vdl.ChatClient(member.Path)
// The AllowedServersPolicy options require that the server matches the
// blessings we got when we globbed it.
opts := make([]rpc.CallOpt, len(member.Blessings))
for i, blessing := range member.Blessings {
opts[i] = options.AllowedServersPolicy{security.BlessingPattern(blessing)}
if err := s.SendMessage(ctx, messageText, opts...); err != nil {
return // member has disconnected.