| SHELL := /bin/bash -euo pipefail |
| |
| NODE_DIR := $(shell jiri profile list --info Target.InstallationDir v23:nodejs) |
| export PATH := $(JIRI_ROOT)/release/go/bin:node_modules/.bin:$(NODE_DIR)/bin:clients/shell/go/bin:$(PATH) |
| export GOPATH := $(shell pwd)/clients/shell/go:$(GOPATH) |
| export VDLPATH := $(shell pwd)/clients/shell/go/src:$(JIRI_ROOT)/release/go/src |
| GO := jiri go |
| |
| # NOTE: we run npm using 'node npm' to avoid relying on the shebang line in the |
| # npm script, which can exceed the Linux shebang length limit on Jenkins. |
| NPM := $(NODE_DIR)/bin/npm |
| |
| # This target causes any target files to be deleted if the target task fails. |
| # This is especially useful for browserify, which creates files even if it |
| # fails. |
| |
| # Default browserify options: use sourcemaps. |
| BROWSERIFY_OPTS := --debug |
| # Names that should not be mangled by minification. |
| RESERVED_NAMES := 'context,ctx,callback,cb,$$stream,serverCall' |
| # Don't mangle RESERVED_NAMES, and screw ie8. |
| MANGLE_OPTS := --mangle [--except $(RESERVED_NAMES) --screw_ie8 ] |
| # Don't remove unused variables from function arguments, which could mess up signatures. |
| # Also don't evaulate constant expressions, since we rely on them to conditionally require modules only in node. |
| COMPRESS_OPTS := --compress [ --no-unused --no-evaluate ] |
| # Work-around for Browserify opening too many files by increasing the limit on file descriptors. |
| # https://github.com/substack/node-browserify/issues/431 |
| INCREASE_FILE_DESC = ulimit -S -n 2560 |
| |
| # Browserify and extract sourcemap, but do not minify. |
| define BROWSERIFY |
| mkdir -p $(dir $2) |
| browserify $1 $(BROWSERIFY_OPTS) | exorcist $2.map > $2 |
| endef |
| |
| # Browserify, minify, and extract sourcemap. |
| mkdir -p $(dir $2) |
| browserify $1 $(BROWSERIFY_OPTS) --g [ uglifyify $(MANGLE_OPTS) $(COMPRESS_OPTS) ] | exorcist $2.map > $2 |
| endef |
| |
| UNAME := $(shell uname) |
| |
| # When running browser tests on non-Darwin machines, set the --headless flag. |
| # This uses Xvfb underneath the hood (inside prova => browser-launcher => |
| # headless), which is not supported on OS X. |
| # See: https://github.com/kesla/node-headless/ |
| ifndef NOHEADLESS |
| ifneq ($(UNAME),Darwin) |
| HEADLESS := --headless |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| ifdef STOPONFAIL |
| STOPONFAIL := --stopOnFirstFailure |
| endif |
| |
| ifndef NOTAP |
| TAP := --tap |
| endif |
| |
| ifndef NOQUIT |
| QUIT := --quit |
| endif |
| |
| ifdef XUNIT |
| TAP := --tap # TAP must be set for xunit to work |
| OUTPUT_TRANSFORM := tap-xunit |
| endif |
| |
| BROWSER_OUTPUT_LOCAL := >($(OUTPUT_TRANSFORM) --package=javascript.browser > $(BROWSER_OUTPUT_LOCAL)) |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| PROVA_OPTS := --includeFilenameAsPackage $(TAP) $(QUIT) $(STOPONFAIL) |
| |
| BROWSER_OPTS := --browser --launch chrome $(HEADLESS) --log=./tmp/chrome.log |
| |
| .DEFAULT_GOAL := all |
| |
| .PHONY: all |
| all: build-shell build-web |
| |
| .PHONY: deploy-production |
| deploy-production: build-web-assets |
| make -C $(JIRI_ROOT)/infrastructure/deploy chat-production |
| |
| .PHONY: deploy-staging |
| deploy-staging: build-web-assets |
| make -C $(JIRI_ROOT)/infrastructure/deploy chat-staging |
| |
| node_modules: package.json |
| node $(NPM) prune |
| node $(NPM) install |
| # Link Vanadium from JIRI_ROOT. |
| rm -rf ./node_modules/vanadium |
| cd "$(JIRI_ROOT)/release/javascript/core" && node $(NPM) link |
| node $(NPM) link vanadium |
| touch node_modules |
| |
| # TODO(sadovsky): Make it so we only run "go install" when binaries are out of |
| # date. |
| vanadium-binaries: |
| $(GO) install -a -tags wspr v.io/x/ref/cmd/servicerunner |
| $(GO) install \ |
| v.io/x/ref/services/mounttable/mounttabled \ |
| v.io/x/ref/services/xproxy/xproxyd \ |
| v.io/x/ref/cmd/{principal,vdl} \ |
| v.io/x/ref/services/agent/agentd |
| |
| gen-vdl: vanadium-binaries |
| vdl generate --lang=go v.io/x/chat/vdl |
| vdl generate --lang=javascript --js-out-dir=clients/web/js v.io/x/chat/vdl |
| |
| clients/shell/go/bin/chat: vanadium-binaries gen-vdl |
| clients/shell/go/bin/chat: $(shell find clients/shell/go/src -name "*.go") |
| $(GO) install v.io/x/chat |
| |
| build-shell: vanadium-binaries clients/shell/go/bin/chat |
| |
| run-shell: build-shell |
| clients/shell/run.sh |
| |
| mkdir-build: |
| @mkdir -p build |
| |
| build/bundle.css: clients/web/css/index.css $(shell find clients/web/css -name "*.css") mkdir-build node_modules |
| node tools/rework-css.js $< 1> $@ |
| |
| # https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Automatic-Variables.html |
| # Note, on OS X you'll likely need to run "ulimit -S -n 1024" for the browserify |
| # command to succeed. (Run "ulimit -S -a" and "ulimit -H -a" to see all soft and |
| # hard limits respectively.) |
| # Also see: https://github.com/substack/node-browserify/issues/899 |
| build/bundle.js: clients/web/js/index.js $(shell find clients/web/js -name "*.js") gen-vdl mkdir-build node_modules vanadium-binaries |
| ifndef NOMINIFY |
| $(call BROWSERIFY,$<,$@) |
| else |
| $(call BROWSERIFY-MIN,$<,$@) |
| endif |
| |
| build/index.html: clients/web/public/index.html mkdir-build |
| cp $< $@ |
| |
| build/markdown-preview.css: markdown/markdown-preview.css mkdir-build |
| cp $< $@ |
| |
| # This task has the minimal set of dependencies to build the web client assets, |
| # so that it can be run on a GCE instance during the deploy process. |
| # In particular, it does not depend on a vanadium environment or golang. |
| build-web-assets: mkdir-build node_modules build/bundle.css build/bundle.js build/index.html build/markdown-preview.css README.md |
| node tools/render-md.js |
| |
| # TODO(sadovsky): For some reason, browserify and friends get triggered on each |
| # build-web invocation, even if their inputs haven't changed. |
| build-web: build-web-assets vanadium-binaries |
| |
| serve-web: build-web-assets |
| node server.js |
| |
| test: test-shell test-web |
| |
| test-shell: build-shell |
| # We must pass --v23.tcp.address=localhost:0, otherwise the chat server |
| # will listen on the external IP address of the gce instance, and our |
| # firewall rules prevent connections on unknown ports unless coming from |
| # localhost. |
| $(GO) test v.io/x/chat/... --v23.tcp.address=localhost:0 |
| |
| # We use the same test runner as vanadium.js. It handles starting and stopping |
| # all required services (proxy, wspr, mounntabled), and runs tests in chrome |
| # with prova. |
| # TODO(sadovsky): Some of the deps in our package.json are needed solely for |
| # runner.js. We should restructure things so that runner.js is its own npm |
| # package with its own deps. |
| test-web: lint build-web |
| node ./node_modules/vanadium/test/integration/runner.js -- \ |
| make test-web-runner |
| |
| # Note: runner.js sets the V23_NAMESPACE and PROXY_ADDR env vars for the |
| # spawned test subprocess; we specify "make test-web-runner" as the test |
| # command so that we can then reference these vars in the Vanadium extension |
| # and our prova command. |
| test-web-runner: APP_FRAME := "./build/index.html?mtname=$(V23_NAMESPACE)" |
| test-web-runner: VANADIUM_JS := $(JIRI_ROOT)/release/javascript/core |
| test-web-runner: BROWSER_OPTS := --options="--load-extension=$(VANADIUM_JS)/extension/build-test/,--ignore-certificate-errors,--enable-logging=stderr" $(BROWSER_OPTS) |
| test-web-runner: |
| $(MAKE) -C $(VANADIUM_JS)/extension clean |
| $(MAKE) -C $(VANADIUM_JS)/extension build-test |
| prova clients/web/test/test-*.js -f $(APP_FRAME) $(PROVA_OPTS) $(BROWSER_OPTS) $(BROWSER_OUTPUT_LOCAL) |
| |
| |
| # Run UI tests for the chat web client. |
| # These tests do not normally need to be run locally, but they can be if you |
| # want to verify that the a specific version of chat is compatible with a |
| # local (or live) version of the Vanadium extension. |
| # |
| # This test takes additional environment variables (typically temporary) |
| # - GOOGLE_BOT_USERNAME and GOOGLE_BOT_PASSWORD (To sign into Google/Chrome) |
| # - CHROME_WEBDRIVER (The path to the chrome web driver) |
| # - WORKSPACE (optional, defaults to $JIRI_ROOT/release/projects/chat) |
| # - TEST_URL (optional, defaults to https://chat.staging.v.io) |
| # - NO_XVFB (optional, defaults to using Xvfb. Set to true to watch the test.) |
| # - BUILD_EXTENSION (optional, defaults to using the live one. Set to true to |
| # use a local build of the Vanadium extension.) |
| # |
| # In addition, this test requires that maven, Xvfb, and xvfb-run be installed. |
| # The HTML report will be in $JIRI_ROOT/release/projects/chat/htmlReports |
| WORKSPACE ?= $(JIRI_ROOT)/release/projects/chat |
| TEST_URL ?= https://chat.staging.v.io |
| ifndef NO_XVFB |
| XVFB := TMPDIR=/tmp xvfb-run -s '-ac -screen 0 1024x768x24' |
| endif |
| |
| BUILD_EXTENSION_PROPERTY := "-DvanadiumExtensionPath=$(VANADIUM_JS)/extension/build" |
| endif |
| |
| test-ui: |
| make -B -C $(VANADIUM_JS)/extension build-dev |
| endif |
| mvn test \ |
| -f=$(JIRI_ROOT)/release/projects/chat/clients/web/test/ui/pom.xml \ |
| -Dtest=ChatUITest \ |
| -DchromeDriverBin=$(CHROME_WEBDRIVER) \ |
| -DhtmlReportsRelativePath=htmlReports \ |
| -DgoogleBotUsername=$(GOOGLE_BOT_USERNAME) \ |
| -DgoogleBotPassword=$(GOOGLE_BOT_PASSWORD) \ |
| -DtestUrl=$(TEST_URL) |
| |
| clean: |
| rm -rf build |
| rm -rf clients/shell/go/{bin,pkg} |
| rm -rf clients/shell/credentials |
| rm -rf clients/web/test/ui/target |
| rm -rf htmlReports |
| rm -rf node_modules |
| |
| lint: node_modules |
| jshint . |
| |
| .PHONY: all vanadium-binaries go-deps gen-vdl |
| .PHONY: build-shell build-web-assets build-web serve-web |
| .PHONY: test test-shell test-web clean lint |
| |
| .NOTPARALLEL: test |