TBR croupier: Quickly improve score view

Make the avatars stretch and remove an unneeded button.

Change-Id: I8f47b9fca4fe51dfe6dc16fddd4c83b69812d25c
diff --git a/lib/components/hearts/hearts.part.dart b/lib/components/hearts/hearts.part.dart
index 084460c..0f787eb 100644
--- a/lib/components/hearts/hearts.part.dart
+++ b/lib/components/hearts/hearts.part.dart
@@ -673,15 +673,12 @@
                 child: new Center(
                     child: new Text("${game.scores[i]}", style: scoreStyle)),
                 flex: 1)
-          ], direction: crossDirection),
+          ], direction: crossDirection, alignItems: FlexAlignItems.stretch),
           flex: 2));
     return new Column([
-      new Flexible(child: new Flex(scores, direction: mainDirection), flex: 5),
-      new Flexible(
-          child: new Row([w, _makeButton("Return to Lobby", _quitGameCallback)],
-              justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceAround),
-          flex: 1),
+      new Flexible(child: new Flex(scores, direction: mainDirection), flex: 7),
+      new Flexible(child: w, flex: 1),
       new Flexible(child: _makeDebugButtons(), flex: 1)