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// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// player keeps track of all player-specific variables, as well as some basic logic functions to support more complex table logic
package player
import (
// Returns a player instance with playerIndex equal to index
func NewPlayer(index int, name string, iconTex, deviceTex sprite.SubTex) *Player {
return &Player{
hand: nil,
tricks: make([]*card.Card, 0),
score: 0,
playerIndex: index,
playerName: name,
playerIconImage: iconTex,
playerDeviceImage: deviceTex,
donePassing: false,
doneTaking: false,
doneScoring: false,
type Player struct {
hand []*card.Card
passedFrom []*card.Card
passedTo []*card.Card
tricks []*card.Card
score int
playerIndex int
playerName string
playerIconImage sprite.SubTex
playerDeviceImage sprite.SubTex
donePassing bool
doneTaking bool
donePlaying bool
doneScoring bool
// Returns the hand of p
func (p *Player) GetHand() []*card.Card {
return p.hand
// Returns the cards that have been passed to p
func (p *Player) GetPassedTo() []*card.Card {
return p.passedTo
// Returns the cards that p passed
func (p *Player) GetPassedFrom() []*card.Card {
return p.passedFrom
// Returns the score of p
func (p *Player) GetScore() int {
return p.score
// Returns the playerIndex of p
func (p *Player) GetPlayerIndex() int {
return p.playerIndex
func (p *Player) GetName() string {
return p.playerName
func (p *Player) GetIconImage() sprite.SubTex {
return p.playerIconImage
func (p *Player) GetDeviceImage() sprite.SubTex {
return p.playerDeviceImage
// Returns true if p has finished the pass phase of the current round
func (p *Player) GetDonePassing() bool {
return p.donePassing
// Returns true if p has finished the take phase of the current round
func (p *Player) GetDoneTaking() bool {
return p.doneTaking
// Returns true if p has finished the play phase of the current trick
func (p *Player) GetDonePlaying() bool {
return p.donePlaying
// Returns true if p has finished the score phase of the current round
func (p *Player) GetDoneScoring() bool {
return p.doneScoring
// Adds card to the hand of p
func (p *Player) AddToHand(card *card.Card) {
p.hand = append(p.hand, card)
// Removes card from the hand of p, every time it appears
func (p *Player) RemoveFromHand(card *card.Card) {
for i, c := range p.hand {
if c == card {
p.hand = append(p.hand[:i], p.hand[i+1:]...)
// Sets hand of p in one chunk of cards
func (p *Player) SetHand(cards []*card.Card) {
p.hand = cards
// Sets passedTo of p to cards
func (p *Player) SetPassedTo(cards []*card.Card) {
p.passedTo = cards
// Sets passedFrom of p to cards
func (p *Player) SetPassedFrom(cards []*card.Card) {
p.passedFrom = cards
// Sets p.donePassing to isDone
func (p *Player) SetDonePassing(isDone bool) {
p.donePassing = isDone
// Sets p.doneTaking to isDone
func (p *Player) SetDoneTaking(isDone bool) {
p.doneTaking = isDone
// Sets p.donePlaying to isDone
func (p *Player) SetDonePlaying(isDone bool) {
p.donePlaying = isDone
// Sets p.doneScoring to isDone
func (p *Player) SetDoneScoring(isDone bool) {
p.doneScoring = isDone
// Adds cards to the tricks deck of p
func (p *Player) TakeTrick(cards []*card.Card) {
p.tricks = append(p.tricks, cards...)
// Adds points to the total score of p
func (p *Player) UpdateScore(points int) {
p.score += points
// Calculates and returns the total point value of the cards in the tricks deck of p
func (p *Player) CalculateScore() int {
score := 0
for _, c := range p.tricks {
if c.GetSuit() == card.Heart {
score += 1
} else if c.GetSuit() == card.Spade && c.GetFace() == card.Queen {
score += 13
return score
// Sets the passedTo deck of p to a new empty list
func (p *Player) ResetPassedTo() {
p.passedTo = make([]*card.Card, 0)
// Sets the passedFrom deck of p to a new empty list
func (p *Player) ResetPassedFrom() {
p.passedFrom = make([]*card.Card, 0)
// Sets the tricks deck of p to a new empty list
func (p *Player) ResetTricks() {
p.tricks = make([]*card.Card, 0)
// Resets the score of p to 0 for a new game
func (p *Player) ResetScore() {
p.score = 0
// Given a suit, returns whether not there is at least one card of that suit in the hand of p
func (p *Player) HasSuit(suit card.Suit) bool {
for _, c := range p.hand {
if c.GetSuit() == suit {
return true
return false
// Returns true if p has at least one heart card in hand and no cards of any other suit
func (p *Player) HasOnlyHearts() bool {
return !(p.HasSuit(card.Club) || p.HasSuit(card.Diamond) || p.HasSuit(card.Spade) || !p.HasSuit(card.Heart))
// Returns true if the hand of p doesn't contain any 0-point cards (all clubs and diamonds, and all spades aside from the queen)
func (p *Player) HasAllPoints() bool {
for _, c := range p.hand {
if !c.WorthPoints() {
return false
return true
// Returns true if p has the two of clubs in hand
func (p *Player) HasTwoOfClubs() bool {
for _, c := range p.hand {
if c.GetSuit() == card.Club && c.GetFace() == card.Two {
return true
return false