blob: 89d63afd663fd660690185ecdc0a0c0e31129ccf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// touchhandler handles all touch events for the app
package touchhandler
import (
func OnTouch(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
switch u.CurView {
case uistate.Opening:
switch t.Type.String() {
case "begin":
beginClickOpening(t, u)
case uistate.Table:
switch t.Type.String() {
case "begin":
beginClickTable(t, u)
case uistate.Pass:
switch t.Type.String() {
case "begin":
beginClickPass(t, u)
case "move":
moveClickPass(t, u)
case "end":
endClickPass(t, u)
case uistate.Take:
switch t.Type.String() {
case "begin":
beginClickTake(t, u)
case "move":
moveClickTake(t, u)
case "end":
endClickTake(t, u)
case uistate.Play:
switch t.Type.String() {
case "begin":
beginClickPlay(t, u)
case "move":
moveClickPlay(t, u)
case "end":
endClickPlay(t, u)
case uistate.Split:
switch t.Type.String() {
case "begin":
beginClickSplit(t, u)
case "move":
moveClickSplit(t, u)
case "end":
endClickSplit(t, u)
case uistate.Score:
switch t.Type.String() {
case "begin":
beginClickScore(t, u)
u.LastMouseXY.X = t.X
u.LastMouseXY.Y = t.Y
func beginClickOpening(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
buttonList := findClickedButton(t, u)
if len(buttonList) > 0 {
if u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[0].GetHand() == nil {
allHands := u.CurTable.Deal()
gamelog.LogDeal(u, u.CurPlayerIndex, allHands)
func beginClickTable(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
if u.Debug {
buttonList := findClickedButton(t, u)
if len(buttonList) > 0 {
if u.Buttons[0] == buttonList[0] {
u.CurPlayerIndex = 0
} else if u.Buttons[1] == buttonList[0] {
u.CurPlayerIndex = 1
} else if u.Buttons[2] == buttonList[0] {
u.CurPlayerIndex = 2
} else if u.Buttons[3] == buttonList[0] {
u.CurPlayerIndex = 3
} else if u.Buttons[4] == buttonList[0] {
} else if u.Buttons[5] == buttonList[0] {
func beginClickPass(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
u.CurCard = findClickedCard(t, u)
buttonList := findClickedButton(t, u)
if len(buttonList) > 0 {
if u.Debug {
if u.Buttons[0] == buttonList[0] {
pullTab := u.Buttons[0]
if pullTab.GetDisplayingImage() {
u.CurImg = u.Buttons[0]
for _, img := range u.Other {
u.Eng.SetSubTex(img.GetNode(), img.GetAlt())
blueBanner := u.Other[0]
if blueBanner.GetNode().Arranger == nil {
finalX := blueBanner.GetInitial().X
finalY := pullTab.GetInitial().Y + pullTab.GetDimensions().Y - blueBanner.GetDimensions().Y
finalPos := coords.MakeVec(finalX, finalY)
reposition.AnimateImageNoChannel(blueBanner, finalPos, blueBanner.GetDimensions(), u)
} else if u.Buttons[1] == buttonList[0] {
} else if u.Buttons[2] == buttonList[0] {
} else {
pullTab := u.Buttons[0]
if pullTab.GetDisplayingImage() {
for _, img := range u.Other {
u.Eng.SetSubTex(img.GetNode(), img.GetAlt())
func moveClickPass(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
if u.CurCard != nil {
reposition.DragCard(t, u)
} else if u.CurImg != nil {
imgs := make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
cards := make([]*card.Card, 0)
pullTab := u.Buttons[0]
blueBanner := u.BackgroundImgs[1]
imgs = append(imgs, pullTab)
imgs = append(imgs, blueBanner)
for _, d := range u.DropTargets {
imgs = append(imgs, d)
cards = append(cards, d.GetCardHere())
for i := 2; i < 7; i++ {
text := u.BackgroundImgs[i]
u.Eng.SetSubTex(text.GetNode(), text.GetAlt())
reposition.DragImgs(t, cards, imgs, u)
func endClickPass(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
if u.CurCard != nil {
if !dropCardOnTarget(u.CurCard, t, u) {
// check to see if card was removed from a drop target
removeCardFromTarget(u.CurCard, u)
// add card back to hand
reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
// check to see whether pull tab should be displayed
readyToPass := true
for _, d := range u.DropTargets {
if d.GetCardHere() == nil {
readyToPass = false
pullTab := u.Buttons[0]
if readyToPass {
u.Eng.SetSubTex(pullTab.GetNode(), pullTab.GetImage())
} else {
u.Eng.SetSubTex(pullTab.GetNode(), pullTab.GetAlt())
} else if u.CurImg != nil && touchingStaticImg(t, u.Other[0], u) {
ch := make(chan bool)
success := passCards(ch, u.CurPlayerIndex, u)
go func() {
if !success {
fmt.Println("Invalid pass")
} else {
u.CurCard = nil
u.CurImg = nil
func beginClickTake(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
u.CurCard = findClickedCard(t, u)
buttonList := findClickedButton(t, u)
if len(buttonList) > 0 {
if u.Debug {
if u.Buttons[0] == buttonList[0] {
} else if u.Buttons[1] == buttonList[0] {
func moveClickTake(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
if u.CurCard != nil {
reposition.DragCard(t, u)
func endClickTake(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
if u.CurCard != nil {
// check to see if card was removed from a drop target
removeCardFromTarget(u.CurCard, u)
// add card back to hand
reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
doneTaking := true
for _, d := range u.DropTargets {
if d.GetCardHere() != nil {
doneTaking = false
if doneTaking {
ch := make(chan bool)
success := takeCards(ch, u.CurPlayerIndex, u)
go func() {
if !success {
fmt.Println("Invalid take")
} else {
u.CurCard = nil
func beginClickPlay(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
u.CurCard = findClickedCard(t, u)
buttonList := findClickedButton(t, u)
if len(buttonList) > 0 {
if u.Debug {
if u.Buttons[0] == buttonList[0] {
u.CurImg = u.Buttons[0]
} else if u.Buttons[1] == buttonList[0] {
} else if u.Buttons[2] == buttonList[0] {
func moveClickPlay(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
if u.CurCard != nil {
reposition.DragCard(t, u)
func endClickPlay(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
if u.CurCard != nil {
if !dropCardOnTarget(u.CurCard, t, u) {
// check to see if card was removed from a drop target
removeCardFromTarget(u.CurCard, u)
// add card back to hand
reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
} else {
ch := make(chan bool)
if err := playCard(ch, u.CurPlayerIndex, u); err != "" {
view.ChangePlayMessage(err, u)
go func() {
u.CurCard = nil
func beginClickSplit(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
buttonList := findClickedButton(t, u)
if len(buttonList) > 0 {
func moveClickSplit(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
func endClickSplit(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
func beginClickScore(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
buttonList := findClickedButton(t, u)
if len(buttonList) > 0 {
success := gamelog.LogReady(u)
for !success {
// returns a card object if a card was clicked, or nil if no card was clicked
func findClickedCard(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) *card.Card {
// i goes from the end backwards so that it checks cards displayed on top of other cards first
for i := len(u.Cards) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
c := u.Cards[i]
if touchingCard(t, c, u) {
return c
return nil
// returns a button object if a button was clicked, or nil if no button was clicked
func findClickedButton(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) []*staticimg.StaticImg {
pressed := make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
for _, b := range u.Buttons {
if touchingStaticImg(t, b, u) {
pressed = append(pressed, b)
return pressed
// returns true if pass was successful
func passCards(ch chan bool, playerId int, u *uistate.UIState) bool {
cardsPassed := make([]*card.Card, 0)
dropsToReset := make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
for _, d := range u.DropTargets {
passCard := d.GetCardHere()
if passCard != nil {
cardsPassed = append(cardsPassed, passCard)
dropsToReset = append(dropsToReset, d)
// if the pass is not valid, don't pass any cards
if u.CurTable.ValidPass(cardsPassed) && !u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[playerId].GetDonePassing() {
success := gamelog.LogPass(u, cardsPassed)
for !success {
success = gamelog.LogPass(u, cardsPassed)
// UI component
pullTab := u.Buttons[0]
blueBanner := u.BackgroundImgs[1]
imgs := []*staticimg.StaticImg{pullTab, blueBanner}
for _, d := range dropsToReset {
imgs = append(imgs, d)
var blankTex sprite.SubTex
for _, i := range imgs {
u.Eng.SetSubTex(i.GetNode(), blankTex)
reposition.AnimateHandCardPass(ch, u.Other, cardsPassed, u)
return true
return false
func takeCards(ch chan bool, playerId int, u *uistate.UIState) bool {
player := u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[playerId]
passedCards := player.GetPassedTo()
if len(passedCards) == 3 {
success := gamelog.LogTake(u)
for !success {
success = gamelog.LogTake(u)
reposition.AnimateHandCardTake(ch, u.Other, u)
return true
return false
func playCard(ch chan bool, playerId int, u *uistate.UIState) string {
c := u.DropTargets[0].GetCardHere()
if c != nil {
// checks to make sure that:
// -player has not already played a card this round
// -all players have passed cards
// -the play is in the right order
// -the play is valid given game logic
if u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[playerId].GetDonePlaying() {
return "You have already played a card in this trick"
if !u.CurTable.AllDonePassing() {
return "Not all players have passed their cards"
if !u.CurTable.ValidPlayOrder(playerId) {
return "It is not your turn"
if err := u.CurTable.ValidPlayLogic(c, playerId); err != "" {
return err
success := gamelog.LogPlay(u, c)
for !success {
success = gamelog.LogPlay(u, c)
reposition.AnimateHandCardPlay(ch, c, u)
return ""
return "No card has been played"
func pressButton(b *staticimg.StaticImg, u *uistate.UIState) {
u.Eng.SetSubTex(b.GetNode(), b.GetAlt())
func unpressButtons(u *uistate.UIState) {
for _, b := range u.Buttons {
u.Eng.SetSubTex(b.GetNode(), b.GetImage())
func dropCardOnTarget(c *card.Card, t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) bool {
for _, d := range u.DropTargets {
// checking to see if card was dropped onto a drop target
if touchingStaticImg(t, d, u) {
lastDroppedCard := d.GetCardHere()
if lastDroppedCard != nil {
reposition.ResetCardPosition(lastDroppedCard, u.Eng)
if u.CurView == uistate.Pass || u.CurView == uistate.Play {
reposition.RealignSuit(lastDroppedCard.GetSuit(), lastDroppedCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
} else if u.CurView == uistate.Table {
u.Eng.SetSubTex(lastDroppedCard.GetNode(), lastDroppedCard.GetBack())
lastDroppedCard.Move(lastDroppedCard.GetCurrent(), u.TableCardDim, u.Eng)
oldY := c.GetInitial().Y
suit := c.GetSuit()
u.CurCard.Move(d.GetCurrent(), c.GetDimensions(), u.Eng)
// realign suit the card just left
if u.CurView == uistate.Pass || u.CurView == uistate.Play {
reposition.RealignSuit(suit, oldY, u)
return true
return false
func removeCardFromTarget(c *card.Card, u *uistate.UIState) bool {
for _, d := range u.DropTargets {
if d.GetCardHere() == c {
return true
return false
func touchingCard(t touch.Event, c *card.Card, u *uistate.UIState) bool {
withinXBounds := t.X/u.PixelsPerPt >= c.GetCurrent().X && t.X/u.PixelsPerPt <= c.GetDimensions().X+c.GetCurrent().X
withinYBounds := t.Y/u.PixelsPerPt >= c.GetCurrent().Y && t.Y/u.PixelsPerPt <= c.GetDimensions().Y+c.GetCurrent().Y
return withinXBounds && withinYBounds
func touchingStaticImg(t touch.Event, s *staticimg.StaticImg, u *uistate.UIState) bool {
withinXBounds := t.X/u.PixelsPerPt >= s.GetCurrent().X && t.X/u.PixelsPerPt <= s.GetDimensions().X+s.GetCurrent().X
withinYBounds := t.Y/u.PixelsPerPt >= s.GetCurrent().Y && t.Y/u.PixelsPerPt <= s.GetDimensions().Y+s.GetCurrent().Y
return withinXBounds && withinYBounds