blob: afde65c70f5ac56b80a3865c66897765c85f0d93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of game_component;
class SolitaireGameComponent extends GameComponent {
SolitaireGameComponent(NavigatorState navigator, Game game, NoArgCb cb,
{double width, double height})
: super(navigator, game, cb, width: width, height: height);
SolitaireGameComponentState createState() => new SolitaireGameComponentState();
class SolitaireGameComponentState extends GameComponentState<SolitaireGameComponent> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Container(
new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: material.Colors.grey[300]),
child: buildSolitaire());
void _endRoundDebugCallback() {
setState(() {
SolitaireGame game = as SolitaireGame;
Widget _makeDebugButtons() => new Container(
width: config.width,
child: new Flex([
new Flexible(flex: 1, child: new Text('P${}')),
new Flexible(
flex: 5, child: _makeButton('End Round', _endRoundDebugCallback)),
new Flexible(flex: 4, child: _makeButton('Quit', _quitGameCallback))
Widget _makeButton(String text, NoArgCb callback, {bool inactive: false}) {
var borderColor =
inactive ? material.Colors.grey[500] : material.Colors.white;
var backgroundColor = inactive ? material.Colors.grey[500] : null;
return new FlatButton(
child: new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
border: new Border.all(width: 1.0, color: borderColor),
backgroundColor: backgroundColor),
padding: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
child: new Text(text)),
enabled: !inactive,
onPressed: inactive ? null : callback);
Widget buildSolitaire() {
SolitaireGame game = as SolitaireGame;
switch (game.phase) {
case SolitairePhase.Deal:
return showDeal();
case SolitairePhase.Play:
return showPlay();
case SolitairePhase.Score:
return showScore();
return null;
NoArgCb _makeFlipCallback(int index) {
SolitaireGame game = as SolitaireGame;
return () {
void _moveCallback(logic_card.Card card, List<logic_card.Card> collection) {
setState(() {
SolitaireGame game =;
String reason = game.canPlay(card, collection);
if (reason == null) {
game.move(card, collection);
} else {
print("You can't do that! ${reason}");
game.debugString = reason;
Widget showPlay() {
SolitaireGame game = as SolitaireGame;
double cardSize = config.width / 8.0;
List<Widget> row1 = new List<Widget>();
row1.add(new Row([
new CardCollectionComponent(config.navigator, game.cardCollections[SolitaireGame.OFFSET_ACES + 0], true, Orientation.show1,
widthCard: cardSize, heightCard: cardSize,
acceptCallback: _moveCallback,
dragChildren: true,
acceptType: DropType.card),
new CardCollectionComponent(config.navigator, game.cardCollections[SolitaireGame.OFFSET_ACES + 1], true, Orientation.show1,
widthCard: cardSize, heightCard: cardSize,
acceptCallback: _moveCallback,
dragChildren: true,
acceptType: DropType.card),
new CardCollectionComponent(config.navigator, game.cardCollections[SolitaireGame.OFFSET_ACES + 2], true, Orientation.show1,
widthCard: cardSize, heightCard: cardSize,
acceptCallback: _moveCallback,
dragChildren: true,
acceptType: DropType.card),
new CardCollectionComponent(config.navigator, game.cardCollections[SolitaireGame.OFFSET_ACES + 3], true, Orientation.show1,
widthCard: cardSize, heightCard: cardSize,
acceptCallback: _moveCallback,
dragChildren: true,
acceptType: DropType.card),
row1.add(new Row([
new CardCollectionComponent(config.navigator, game.cardCollections[SolitaireGame.OFFSET_DISCARD], true, Orientation.show1,
widthCard: cardSize, heightCard: cardSize,
dragChildren: true),
new InkWell(
child: new CardCollectionComponent(config.navigator, game.cardCollections[SolitaireGame.OFFSET_DRAW], false, Orientation.show1,
widthCard: cardSize, heightCard: cardSize),
onTap: game.canDrawCard ? game.drawCardUI : null
List<Widget> row2 = new List<Widget>();
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
new InkWell(
child: new CardCollectionComponent(config.navigator, game.cardCollections[SolitaireGame.OFFSET_DOWN + i], false, Orientation.show1, widthCard: cardSize, heightCard: cardSize),
onTap: game.cardCollections[SolitaireGame.OFFSET_UP + i].length == 0 ? _makeFlipCallback(i) : null
List<Widget> row3 = new List<Widget>();
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
new CardCollectionComponent(config.navigator, game.cardCollections[SolitaireGame.OFFSET_UP + i], true, Orientation.vert,
widthCard: cardSize, heightCard: cardSize, height: config.height * 0.6,
acceptCallback: _moveCallback,
dragChildren: true,
acceptType: DropType.card)
return new Column([
new Row(row1, justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween),
new Row(row2, justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween),
new Row(row3, justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween),
Widget showScore() {
SolitaireGame game = as SolitaireGame;
return new Container(
new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor:[500]),
child: new Flex([
new Text('Player ${game.playerNumber}'),
_makeButton("Return to Lobby", _quitGameCallback),
], direction: FlexDirection.vertical));
Widget showDeal() {
SolitaireGame game = as SolitaireGame;
return new Container(
new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor:[500]),
child: new Flex([
new Text('Player ${game.playerNumber}'),
_makeButton('Deal', game.dealCardsUI),
direction: FlexDirection.vertical,
justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween));