blob: 7db75b4a8b2068f47360f5731f37cee644539257 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package texture
import (
_ "image/jpeg"
_ "image/png"
// Given a card object, populates it with its image and positioning values and sets its position on-screen
// Takes as arguments:
// c = the card object to be populated
// texs = a map of all images (generated by LoadTextures())
// numInSuit = how many other cards of the same suit come before this one in the card set displayed on-screen
// clubCount, diamondCount, spadeCount, heartCount = the numbers of cards in each suit in the cards set displayed on-screen
// cardWidth, cardHeight = the dimensions to be applied to each card
// padding = how much space there should be in between cards if the screen is wide enough to accommodate
// bottomPadding = how far above the bottom of the screen the first row of cards should appear
// windowSize = an array containing the width and height of the app window
// eng = the engine running the app
// scene = the node representing the current app screen
func PopulateCardImage(c *card.Card,
texs map[string]sprite.SubTex,
heartCount int,
cardWidth float32,
bottomPadding float32,
windowSize []float32,
eng sprite.Engine,
scene *sprite.Node) {
var texKey string
var suitCount float32
var heightScaler float32
switch c.GetSuit() {
case card.Club:
texKey = "Clubs-"
suitCount = float32(clubCount)
heightScaler = 4
case card.Diamond:
texKey = "Diamonds-"
suitCount = float32(diamondCount)
heightScaler = 3
case card.Spade:
texKey = "Spades-"
suitCount = float32(spadeCount)
heightScaler = 2
case card.Heart:
texKey = "Hearts-"
suitCount = float32(heartCount)
heightScaler = 1
switch c.GetFace() {
case card.Jack:
texKey += "Jack"
case card.Queen:
texKey += "Queen"
case card.King:
texKey += "King"
case card.Ace:
texKey += "Ace"
texKey += strconv.Itoa(int(c.GetFace()))
texKey += ".png"
n := MakeNode(eng, scene)
eng.SetSubTex(n, texs[texKey])
diff := suitCount*(padding+cardWidth) - (windowSize[0] - padding)
x := padding + float32(numInSuit)*(padding+cardWidth)
if diff > 0 && numInSuit > 0 {
x -= diff * float32(numInSuit) / (suitCount - 1)
y := windowSize[1] - heightScaler*(cardHeight+padding) - bottomPadding
width := cardWidth
height := cardHeight
c.Move(x, y, width, height, eng)
c.SetInitialPos(x, y)
// Returns a new StaticImg instance with desired image and dimensions
func MakeImgWithoutAlt(t sprite.SubTex, pos *card.Position, eng sprite.Engine, scene *sprite.Node) *staticimg.StaticImg {
x := pos.GetCurrent().X
y := pos.GetCurrent().Y
initialX := pos.GetInitial().X
initialY := pos.GetInitial().Y
width := pos.GetDimensions().X
height := pos.GetDimensions().Y
n := MakeNode(eng, scene)
eng.SetSubTex(n, t)
s := staticimg.MakeStaticImg()
s.Move(x, y, width, height, eng)
s.SetInitialPos(initialX, initialY)
return s
// Returns a new StaticImg instance with desired image and dimensions
// Also includes an alternate image. If displayImage is true, image will be displayed. Else, alt will be displayed.
func MakeImgWithAlt(t sprite.SubTex, alt sprite.SubTex, pos *card.Position, displayImage bool, eng sprite.Engine, scene *sprite.Node) *staticimg.StaticImg {
s := MakeImgWithoutAlt(t, pos, eng, scene)
if !displayImage {
eng.SetSubTex(s.GetNode(), alt)
return s
// Loads all images for the app
func LoadTextures(eng sprite.Engine) map[string]sprite.SubTex {
allTexs := make(map[string]sprite.SubTex)
files := []string{"Clubs-2.png", "Clubs-3.png", "Clubs-4.png", "Clubs-5.png", "Clubs-6.png", "Clubs-7.png", "Clubs-8.png",
"Clubs-9.png", "Clubs-10.png", "Clubs-Jack.png", "Clubs-Queen.png", "Clubs-King.png", "Clubs-Ace.png",
"Diamonds-2.png", "Diamonds-3.png", "Diamonds-4.png", "Diamonds-5.png", "Diamonds-6.png", "Diamonds-7.png", "Diamonds-8.png",
"Diamonds-9.png", "Diamonds-10.png", "Diamonds-Jack.png", "Diamonds-Queen.png", "Diamonds-King.png", "Diamonds-Ace.png",
"Spades-2.png", "Spades-3.png", "Spades-4.png", "Spades-5.png", "Spades-6.png", "Spades-7.png", "Spades-8.png",
"Spades-9.png", "Spades-10.png", "Spades-Jack.png", "Spades-Queen.png", "Spades-King.png", "Spades-Ace.png",
"Hearts-2.png", "Hearts-3.png", "Hearts-4.png", "Hearts-5.png", "Hearts-6.png", "Hearts-7.png", "Hearts-8.png",
"Hearts-9.png", "Hearts-10.png", "Hearts-Jack.png", "Hearts-Queen.png", "Hearts-King.png", "Hearts-Ace.png",
"Club.png", "Diamond.png", "Spade.png", "Heart.png", "gray.jpeg", "blue.png", "white.png", "passPressed.png",
"passUnpressed.png", "leftArrow.png", "rightArrow.png", "acrossArrow.png", "croupierName.png"}
for _, f := range files {
a, err := asset.Open(f)
if err != nil {
defer a.Close()
img, _, err := image.Decode(a)
if err != nil {
t, err := eng.LoadTexture(img)
if err != nil {
imgWidth, imgHeight := t.Bounds()
if f == "Club.png" || f == "Diamond.png" || f == "Spade.png" || f == "Heart.png" || f == "rightArrow.png" ||
f == "leftArrow.png" || f == "acrossArrow.png" || f == "passUnpressed.png" || f == "passPressed.png" ||
f == "croupierName.png" {
allTexs[f] = sprite.SubTex{t, image.Rect(1, 1, imgWidth-1, imgHeight-1)}
} else {
allTexs[f] = sprite.SubTex{t, image.Rect(0, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight)}
return allTexs
// Returns a new sprite node
// NOTE: Currently, this is a public method, as it is useful in testing. Eventually it should be made private.
func MakeNode(eng sprite.Engine, scene *sprite.Node) *sprite.Node {
n := &sprite.Node{}
return n