blob: 08ddaa849a649786a0d15da3dd038ba34eeb0232 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'card.dart' show Card;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'syncbase_echo.dart' show SyncbaseEcho;
import '../src/syncbase/log_writer.dart' show LogWriter;
// Note: Proto and Board are "fake" games intended to demonstrate what we can do.
// Proto is just a drag cards around "game".
// Board is meant to show how one _could_ layout a game of Hearts. This one is not hooked up very well yet.
enum GameType { Proto, Hearts, Poker, Solitaire, Board, SyncbaseEcho }
/// A game consists of multiple decks and tracks a single deck of cards.
/// It also handles events; when cards are dragged to and from decks.
class Game {
final GameType gameType;
final List<List<Card>> cardCollections = new List<List<Card>>();
final List<Card> deck = new List<Card>.from(Card.All);
final math.Random random = new math.Random();
final GameLog gamelog;
int playerNumber;
String debugString = 'hello?';
Function updateCallback; // Used to inform components of when a change has occurred. This is especially important when something non-UI related changes what should be drawn.
factory Game(GameType gt, int pn) {
switch (gt) {
case GameType.Proto:
return new ProtoGame(pn);
case GameType.Hearts:
return new HeartsGame(pn);
case GameType.SyncbaseEcho:
return new SyncbaseEcho();
return null;
// A public super constructor that doesn't really do anything.
// TODO(alexfandrianto): The proper way to handle this would be to use 'parts'.
// That way, I can have all the game logic split up across multiple files and
// still access private constructors.
Game.dummy(this.gameType, this.gamelog) {}
// A super constructor, don't call this unless you're a subclass.
this.gameType, this.gamelog, this.playerNumber, int numCollections) {
for (int i = 0; i < numCollections; i++) {
cardCollections.add(new List<Card>());
List<Card> deckPeek(int numCards, [int start = 0]) {
assert(deck.length >= numCards);
List<Card> cards =
new List<Card>.from(deck.getRange(start, start + numCards));
return cards;
// Which card collection has the card?
int findCard(Card card) {
for (int i = 0; i < cardCollections.length; i++) {
if (cardCollections[i].contains(card)) {
return i;
return -1;
void resetCards() {
for (int i = 0; i < cardCollections.length; i++) {
// UNIMPLEMENTED: Let subclasses override this?
// Or is it improper to do so?
void move(Card card, List<Card> dest) {}
// UNIMPLEMENTED: Override this to implement game-specific logic after each event.
void triggerEvents() {}
class ProtoGame extends Game {
ProtoGame(int playerNumber)
: super._create(GameType.Proto, new ProtoGameLog(), playerNumber, 6) {
// playerNumber would be used in a real game, but I have to ignore it for debugging.
// It would determine faceUp/faceDown status.faceDown
// TODO: Set the number of piles created to either 9 (1x per player, 1 discard, 4 play piles) or 12 (2x per player, 4 play piles)
// But for now, we will deal with 6. 1x per player, 1 discard, and 1 undrawn pile.
// We do some arbitrary things here... Just for setup.
deal(0, 8);
deal(1, 5);
deal(2, 4);
deal(3, 1);
void deal(int playerId, int numCards) {
gamelog.add(new, this.deckPeek(numCards)));
// Overrides Game's move method with the "move" logic for the card dragging prototype.
void move(Card card, List<Card> dest) {
// The first step is to find the card. Where is it?
// then we can remove it and add to the dest.
debugString = 'Moving... ${card.toString()}';
int i = findCard(card);
if (i == -1) {
debugString = 'NO... ${card.toString()}';
int destId = cardCollections.indexOf(dest);
gamelog.add(new ProtoCommand.pass(i, destId, <Card>[card]));
debugString = 'Move ${i} ${card.toString()}';
enum HeartsPhase { Deal, Pass, Take, Play, Score }
class HeartsGame extends Game {
static const PLAYER_A = 0;
static const PLAYER_B = 1;
static const PLAYER_C = 2;
static const PLAYER_D = 3;
static const PLAYER_A_PLAY = 4;
static const PLAYER_B_PLAY = 5;
static const PLAYER_C_PLAY = 6;
static const PLAYER_D_PLAY = 7;
static const PLAYER_A_TRICK = 8;
static const PLAYER_B_TRICK = 9;
static const PLAYER_C_TRICK = 10;
static const PLAYER_D_TRICK = 11;
static const PLAYER_A_PASS = 12;
static const PLAYER_B_PASS = 13;
static const PLAYER_C_PASS = 14;
static const PLAYER_D_PASS = 15;
static const OFFSET_HAND = 0;
static const OFFSET_PLAY = 4;
static const OFFSET_TRICK = 8;
static const OFFSET_PASS = 12;
static const MAX_SCORE = 100; // Play until someone gets to 100.
// Note: These cards are final because the "classic" deck has 52 cards.
// It is up to the renderer to reskin those cards as needed.
final Card TWO_OF_CLUBS = new Card("classic", "c2");
final Card QUEEN_OF_SPADES = new Card("classic", "sq");
HeartsPhase _phase = HeartsPhase.Deal;
HeartsPhase get phase => _phase;
void set phase(HeartsPhase other) {
print('setting phase from ${_phase} to ${other}');
_phase = other;
int roundNumber = 0;
int lastTrickTaker;
bool heartsBroken;
int trickNumber;
// Used by the score screen to track scores and see which players are ready to continue to the next round.
List<int> scores = [0, 0, 0, 0];
List<bool> ready;
HeartsGame(int playerNumber)
: super._create(GameType.Hearts, new HeartsGameLog(), playerNumber, 16) {
void resetGame() {
heartsBroken = false;
lastTrickTaker = null;
trickNumber = 0;
void dealCards() {
// These things happen asynchronously, so we have to specify all cards now.
List<Card> forA = this.deckPeek(13, 0);
List<Card> forB = this.deckPeek(13, 13);
List<Card> forC = this.deckPeek(13, 26);
List<Card> forD = this.deckPeek(13, 39);
deal(PLAYER_A, forA);
deal(PLAYER_B, forB);
deal(PLAYER_C, forC);
deal(PLAYER_D, forD);
int get passTarget {
switch (roundNumber % 4) {
// is a 4-cycle
case 0:
return (playerNumber - 1) % 4; // passLeft
case 1:
return (playerNumber + 1) % 4; // passRight
case 2:
return (playerNumber + 2) % 4; // passAcross
case 3:
return null; // no player to pass to
return null;
int get takeTarget => _getTakeTarget(playerNumber);
int _getTakeTarget(takerId) {
switch (roundNumber % 4) {
// is a 4-cycle
case 0:
return (takerId + 1) % 4; // takeRight
case 1:
return (takerId - 1) % 4; // takeLeft
case 2:
return (takerId + 2) % 4; // taleAcross
case 3:
return null; // no player to pass to
return null;
// Please only call this in the Play phase. Otherwise, it's pretty useless.
int get whoseTurn {
if (phase != HeartsPhase.Play) {
return null;
return (lastTrickTaker + this.numPlayed) % 4;
int getCardValue(Card c) {
String remainder = c.identifier.substring(1);
switch (remainder) {
case "1": // ace
return 14;
case "k":
return 13;
case "q":
return 12;
case "j":
return 11;
return int.parse(remainder);
String getCardSuit(Card c) {
return c.identifier[0];
bool isHeartsCard(Card c) {
return getCardSuit(c) == 'h' && c.deck == 'classic';
bool isQSCard(Card c) {
return c == QUEEN_OF_SPADES;
bool isFirstCard(Card c) {
return c == TWO_OF_CLUBS;
bool isPenaltyCard(Card c) {
return isQSCard(c) || isHeartsCard(c);
bool hasSuit(int player, String suit) {
Card matchesSuit = this.cardCollections[player + OFFSET_HAND].firstWhere(
(Card element) => (getCardSuit(element) == suit),
orElse: () => null);
return matchesSuit != null;
Card get leadingCard {
if (this.numPlayed >= 1) {
return cardCollections[this.lastTrickTaker + OFFSET_PLAY][0];
return null;
int get numPlayed {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (cardCollections[i + OFFSET_PLAY].length == 1) {
return count;
bool get hasGameEnded => this.scores.reduce(math.max) >= HeartsGame.MAX_SCORE;
bool get allDealt => cardCollections[PLAYER_A].length == 13 &&
cardCollections[PLAYER_B].length == 13 &&
cardCollections[PLAYER_C].length == 13 &&
cardCollections[PLAYER_D].length == 13;
bool get allPassed => cardCollections[PLAYER_A_PASS].length == 3 &&
cardCollections[PLAYER_B_PASS].length == 3 &&
cardCollections[PLAYER_C_PASS].length == 3 &&
cardCollections[PLAYER_D_PASS].length == 3;
bool get allTaken => cardCollections[PLAYER_A_PASS].length == 0 &&
cardCollections[PLAYER_B_PASS].length == 0 &&
cardCollections[PLAYER_C_PASS].length == 0 &&
cardCollections[PLAYER_D_PASS].length == 0;
bool get allPlayed => this.numPlayed == 4;
bool get allReady => ready[0] && ready[1] && ready[2] && ready[3];
void setReady(int playerId) {
ready[playerId] = true;
void unsetReady() {
ready = <bool>[false, false, false, false];
void deal(int playerId, List<Card> cards) {
gamelog.add(new, cards));
// Note that this will be called by the UI.
// It won't be possible to pass for other players, except via the GameLog.
void passCards(List<Card> cards) {
assert(phase == HeartsPhase.Pass);
assert(this.passTarget != null);
if (cards.length != 3) {
throw new StateError('3 cards expected, but got: ${cards.toString()}');
gamelog.add(new HeartsCommand.pass(playerNumber, cards));
// Note that this will be called by the UI.
// It won't be possible to take cards for other players, except via the GameLog.
void takeCards() {
assert(phase == HeartsPhase.Take);
assert(this.takeTarget != null);
List<Card> cards = this.cardCollections[takeTarget + OFFSET_PASS];
assert(cards.length == 3);
gamelog.add(new HeartsCommand.take(playerNumber));
// Note that this will be called by the UI.
// It won't be possible to set the readiness for other players, except via the GameLog.
void setReadyUI() {
assert(phase == HeartsPhase.Score);
gamelog.add(new HeartsCommand.ready(playerNumber));
// Note that this will be called by the UI.
// TODO: Does this really need to be overridden? That seems like bad structure in GameComponent.
// Overrides Game's move method with the "move" logic for Hearts. Used for drag-drop.
// Note that this can only be called in the Play Phase of your turn.
// The UI will handle the drag-drop of the Pass Phase with its own state.
// The UI will initiate pass separately.
void move(Card card, List<Card> dest) {
assert(phase == HeartsPhase.Play);
assert(whoseTurn == playerNumber);
int i = findCard(card);
if (i == -1) {
throw new StateError(
'card does not exist or was not dealt: ${card.toString()}');
int destId = cardCollections.indexOf(dest);
if (destId == -1) {
throw new StateError(
'destination list does not exist: ${dest.toString()}');
if (destId != playerNumber + OFFSET_PLAY) {
throw new StateError(
'player ${playerNumber} is not playing to the correct list: ${destId}');
gamelog.add(new, card));
debugString = 'Play ${i} ${card.toString()}';
// Overridden from Game for Hearts-specific logic:
// Switch from Pass to Take phase when all 4 players are passing.
// Switch from Take to Play phase when all 4 players have taken.
// During Play, if all 4 players play a card, move the tricks around.
// During Play, once all cards are gone and last trick is taken, go to Score phase (compute score and possibly end game).
// Switch from Score to Deal phase when all 4 players indicate they are ready.
void triggerEvents() {
switch (this.phase) {
case HeartsPhase.Deal:
if (this.allDealt) {
if (this.passTarget != null) {
phase = HeartsPhase.Pass;
} else {
// All cards are dealt. The person who "won" the last trick goes first.
// In this case, we'll just pretend it's the person with the 2 of clubs.
this.lastTrickTaker = this.findCard(TWO_OF_CLUBS);
phase = HeartsPhase.Play;
case HeartsPhase.Pass:
if (this.allPassed) {
phase = HeartsPhase.Take;
case HeartsPhase.Take:
if (this.allTaken) {
// All cards are dealt. The person who "won" the last trick goes first.
// In this case, we'll just pretend it's the person with the 2 of clubs.
this.lastTrickTaker = this.findCard(TWO_OF_CLUBS);
phase = HeartsPhase.Play;
case HeartsPhase.Play:
if (this.allPlayed) {
// Determine who won this trick.
int winner = this.determineTrickWinner();
// Move the cards to their trick list. Also check if hearts was broken.
// Note: Some variants of Hearts allows the QUEEN_OF_SPADES to break hearts too.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
List<Card> play = this.cardCollections[i + OFFSET_PLAY];
if (!heartsBroken && isHeartsCard(play[0])) {
heartsBroken = true;
this.cardCollections[winner + OFFSET_TRICK]
.addAll(play); // or add(play[0])
// Set them as the next person to go.
this.lastTrickTaker = winner;
// Additionally, if that was the last trick, move onto the score phase.
if (this.trickNumber == 13) {
phase = HeartsPhase.Score;
case HeartsPhase.Score:
if (!this.hasGameEnded && this.allReady) {
phase = HeartsPhase.Deal;
// Returns null or the reason that the player cannot play the card.
String canPlay(int player, Card c) {
if (phase != HeartsPhase.Play) {
return "It is not the Play phase of Hearts.";
if (!cardCollections[player].contains(c)) {
return "Player ${player} does not have the card (${c.toString()})";
if (this.whoseTurn != player) {
return "It is not Player ${player}'s turn.";
if (trickNumber == 0 && this.numPlayed == 0 && c != TWO_OF_CLUBS) {
return "Player ${player} must play the two of clubs.";
if (trickNumber == 0 && isPenaltyCard(c)) {
return "Cannot play a penalty card on the first round of Hearts.";
if (this.numPlayed == 0 && isHeartsCard(c) && !heartsBroken) {
return "Cannot lead with a heart when the suit has not been broken yet.";
if (this.leadingCard != null) {
String leadingSuit = getCardSuit(this.leadingCard);
String otherSuit = getCardSuit(c);
if (this.numPlayed >= 1 &&
leadingSuit != otherSuit &&
hasSuit(player, leadingSuit)) {
return "Must follow with a ${leadingSuit}.";
return null;
int determineTrickWinner() {
String leadingSuit = this.getCardSuit(this.leadingCard);
int highestIndex;
int highestValue; // oh no, aces are highest.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Card c = cardCollections[i + OFFSET_PLAY][0];
int value = this.getCardValue(c);
String suit = this.getCardSuit(c);
if (suit == leadingSuit &&
(highestIndex == null || highestValue < value)) {
highestIndex = i;
highestValue = value;
return highestIndex;
void prepareScore() {
// At this point, it's up to the UI to determine what to do if the game is 'over'.
// Check this.hasGameEnded to determine if that is the case. Logically, there is nothing for this game to do.
void updateScore() {
// Count up points and check if someone shot the moon.
int shotMoon = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int delta = computeScore(i);
this.scores[i] += delta;
if (delta == 26) {
// Shot the moon!
shotMoon = i;
// If someone shot the moon, apply the proper score adjustments here.
if (shotMoon != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (shotMoon == i) {
this.scores[i] -= 26;
} else {
this.scores[i] += 26;
int computeScore(int player) {
int total = 0;
List<Card> trickCards = this.cardCollections[player + OFFSET_TRICK];
for (int i = 0; i < trickCards.length; i++) {
Card c = trickCards[i];
if (isHeartsCard(c)) {
if (isQSCard(c)) {
total += 13;
return total;
// TODO(alexfandrianto): Remove. This is just for testing the UI without having
// to play through the whole game.
void jumpToScorePhaseDebug() {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// Move the hand cards, pass cards, etc. to the tricks for each player.
// If you're in the deal phase, this will probably do nothing.
List<Card> trick = cardCollections[i + OFFSET_TRICK];
trick.addAll(cardCollections[i + OFFSET_HAND]);
cardCollections[i + OFFSET_HAND].clear();
trick.addAll(cardCollections[i + OFFSET_PLAY]);
cardCollections[i + OFFSET_PLAY].clear();
trick.addAll(cardCollections[i + OFFSET_PASS]);
cardCollections[i + OFFSET_PASS].clear();
phase = HeartsPhase.Score;
abstract class GameLog {
Game game;
List<GameCommand> log = new List<GameCommand>();
// This list is normally empty, but may grow if multiple commands arrive.
List<GameCommand> pendingCommands = new List<GameCommand>();
bool hasFired = false;
//int position = 0;
void setGame(Game g) { = g;
void add(GameCommand gc) {
void _tryPendingCommand() {
if (pendingCommands.length > 0 && !hasFired) {
GameCommand gc = pendingCommands[0];
if (gc.canExecute(game)) {
hasFired = true;
addToLogCb(log, gc);
} else {
// What can we do if the first command isn't allowed to fire?
throw new StateError("Cannot run ${}");
void update(List<GameCommand> otherLog) {
int numMatches = 0;
while (numMatches < log.length &&
numMatches < otherLog.length &&
log[numMatches] == otherLog[numMatches]) {
// At this point, i is at the farthest point of common-ness.
// If i matches the log length, then take the rest of the other log.
if (numMatches == log.length) {
for (int j = numMatches; j < otherLog.length; j++) {
if (pendingCommands[0] == otherLog[j]) {
hasFired = false;
if (game.updateCallback != null) {
} else if (numMatches == otherLog.length) {
// We seem to have done more valid moves, so we can just ignore the other side.
// TODO(alexfandrianto): If we play a game with actual 'undo' moves,
// do we want to record them or erase history?
print('Ignoring shorter log');
} else {
// This case is weird, we have some amount of common log and some mismatch.
// Ask the game itself what to do.
print('Oh no! A conflict!');
log = updateLogCb(log, otherLog, numMatches);
// What we need to do here is to undo the moves that didn't match and then replay the new ones.
// TODO(alexfandrianto): At worst, we can also just reset the game and play through all of it. (No UI updates till the end).
// Now that we got an update, let's try our other pending commands.
String toString() {
return log.toString();
// UNIMPLEMENTED: Let subclasses override this.
void addToLogCb(List<GameCommand> log, GameCommand newCommand);
List<GameCommand> updateLogCb(
List<GameCommand> current, List<GameCommand> other, int mismatchIndex);
class HeartsGameLog extends GameLog {
LogWriter logWriter;
HeartsGameLog() {
logWriter = new LogWriter(handleSyncUpdate);
Map<String, String> _toLogData(
List<GameCommand> log, GameCommand newCommand) {
Map<String, String> data = new Map<String, String>();
for (int i = 0; i < log.length; i++) {
data["${i}"] = log[i].data;
data["${log.length}"] =;
return data;
List<HeartsCommand> _logFromData(Map<String, String> data) {
List<HeartsCommand> otherlog = new List<HeartsCommand>();
otherlog.length = data.length;
data.forEach((String k, String v) {
otherlog[int.parse(k)] = new HeartsCommand(v);
return otherlog;
void handleSyncUpdate(Map<String, String> data) {
void addToLogCb(List<GameCommand> log, GameCommand newCommand) {
logWriter.write(_toLogData(log, newCommand));
List<GameCommand> updateLogCb(
List<GameCommand> current, List<GameCommand> other, int mismatchIndex) {
// TODO(alexfandrianto): How do you handle conflicts with Hearts?
return current;
class ProtoGameLog extends GameLog {
void addToLogCb(List<GameCommand> log, GameCommand newCommand) {
update(new List<GameCommand>.from(log)..add(newCommand));
List<GameCommand> updateLogCb(
List<GameCommand> current, List<GameCommand> other, int mismatchIndex) {
assert(false); // This game can't have conflicts.
return current;
abstract class GameCommand {
bool canExecute(Game game);
void execute(Game game);
String get data;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other is GameCommand) {
return ==;
return false;
String toString() {
return data;
class HeartsCommand extends GameCommand {
final String data; // This will be parsed.
// Usually this constructor is used when reading from a log/syncbase.
// The following constructors are used for the player generating the HeartsCommand. playerId, List<Card> cards)
: = computeDeal(playerId, cards);
HeartsCommand.pass(int senderId, List<Card> cards)
: = computePass(senderId, cards);
HeartsCommand.take(int takerId) : = computeTake(takerId); playerId, Card c)
: = computePlay(playerId, c);
HeartsCommand.ready(int playerId) : = computeReady(playerId);
static computeDeal(int playerId, List<Card> cards) {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
cards.forEach((card) => buff.write("${card.toString()}:"));
return buff.toString();
static computePass(int senderId, List<Card> cards) {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
cards.forEach((card) => buff.write("${card.toString()}:"));
return buff.toString();
static computeTake(int takerId) {
return "Take:${takerId}:END";
static computePlay(int playerId, Card c) {
return "Play:${playerId}:${c.toString()}:END";
static computeReady(int playerId) {
return "Ready:${playerId}:END";
bool canExecute(Game g) {
return true; // TODO(alexfandrianto): not really. Should do validation too.
void execute(Game g) {
HeartsGame game = g as HeartsGame;
print("HeartsCommand is executing: ${data}");
List<String> parts = data.split(":");
switch (parts[0]) {
case "Deal":
if (game.phase != HeartsPhase.Deal) {
throw new StateError(
"Cannot process deal commands when not in Deal phase");
// Deal appends cards to playerId's hand.
int playerId = int.parse(parts[1]);
List<Card> hand = game.cardCollections[playerId];
if (hand.length + parts.length - 3 > 13) {
throw new StateError("Cannot deal more than 13 cards to a hand");
// The last part is 'END', but the rest are cards.
for (int i = 2; i < parts.length - 1; i++) {
Card c = new Card.fromString(parts[i]);
this.transfer(game.deck, hand, c);
case "Pass":
if (game.phase != HeartsPhase.Pass) {
throw new StateError(
"Cannot process pass commands when not in Pass phase");
// Pass moves a set of cards from senderId to receiverId.
int senderId = int.parse(parts[1]);
int receiverId = senderId + HeartsGame.OFFSET_PASS;
List<Card> handS = game.cardCollections[senderId];
List<Card> handR = game.cardCollections[receiverId];
int numPassing = parts.length - 3;
if (numPassing != 3) {
throw new StateError("Must pass 3 cards, attempted ${numPassing}");
// The last part is 'END', but the rest are cards.
for (int i = 2; i < parts.length - 1; i++) {
Card c = new Card.fromString(parts[i]);
this.transfer(handS, handR, c);
case "Take":
if (game.phase != HeartsPhase.Take) {
throw new StateError(
"Cannot process take commands when not in Take phase");
int takerId = int.parse(parts[1]);
int senderPile = game._getTakeTarget(takerId) + HeartsGame.OFFSET_PASS;
List<Card> handT = game.cardCollections[takerId];
List<Card> handS = game.cardCollections[senderPile];
case "Play":
if (game.phase != HeartsPhase.Play) {
throw new StateError(
"Cannot process play commands when not in Play phase");
// Play the card from the player's hand to their play pile.
int playerId = int.parse(parts[1]);
int targetId = playerId + HeartsGame.OFFSET_PLAY;
List<Card> hand = game.cardCollections[playerId];
List<Card> discard = game.cardCollections[targetId];
Card c = new Card.fromString(parts[2]);
// If the card isn't valid, then we have an error.
String reason = game.canPlay(playerId, c);
if (reason != null) {
throw new StateError(
"Player ${playerId} cannot play ${c.toString()} because ${reason}");
this.transfer(hand, discard, c);
case "Ready":
if (game.hasGameEnded) {
throw new StateError(
"Game has already ended. Start a new one to play again.");
if (game.phase != HeartsPhase.Score) {
throw new StateError(
"Cannot process ready commands when not in Score phase");
int playerId = int.parse(parts[1]);
assert(false); // How could this have happened?
void transfer(List<Card> sender, List<Card> receiver, Card c) {
if (!sender.contains(c)) {
throw new StateError(
"Sender ${sender.toString()} lacks Card ${c.toString()}");
class ProtoCommand extends GameCommand {
final String data; // This will be parsed.
// Usually this constructor is used when reading from a log/syncbase.
// The following constructors are used for the player generating the ProtoCommand. playerId, List<Card> cards)
: = computeDeal(playerId, cards);
// TODO: receiverId is actually implied by the game round. So it may end up being removable.
ProtoCommand.pass(int senderId, int receiverId, List<Card> cards)
: = computePass(senderId, receiverId, cards); playerId, Card c)
: = computePlay(playerId, c);
static computeDeal(int playerId, List<Card> cards) {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
cards.forEach((card) => buff.write("${card.toString()}:"));
return buff.toString();
static computePass(int senderId, int receiverId, List<Card> cards) {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
cards.forEach((card) => buff.write("${card.toString()}:"));
return buff.toString();
static computePlay(int playerId, Card c) {
return "Play:${playerId}:${c.toString()}:END";
bool canExecute(Game game) {
return true;
void execute(Game game) {
print("ProtoCommand is executing: ${data}");
List<String> parts = data.split(":");
switch (parts[0]) {
case "Deal":
// Deal appends cards to playerId's hand.
int playerId = int.parse(parts[1]);
List<Card> hand = game.cardCollections[playerId];
// The last part is 'END', but the rest are cards.
for (int i = 2; i < parts.length - 1; i++) {
Card c = new Card.fromString(parts[i]);
this.transfer(game.deck, hand, c);
case "Pass":
// Pass moves a set of cards from senderId to receiverId.
int senderId = int.parse(parts[1]);
int receiverId = int.parse(parts[2]);
List<Card> handS = game.cardCollections[senderId];
List<Card> handR = game.cardCollections[receiverId];
// The last part is 'END', but the rest are cards.
for (int i = 3; i < parts.length - 1; i++) {
Card c = new Card.fromString(parts[i]);
this.transfer(handS, handR, c);
case "Play":
// In this case, move it to the designated discard pile.
// For now, the discard pile is pile #4. This may change.
int playerId = int.parse(parts[1]);
List<Card> hand = game.cardCollections[playerId];
Card c = new Card.fromString(parts[2]);
this.transfer(hand, game.cardCollections[4], c);
assert(false); // How could this have happened?
void transfer(List<Card> sender, List<Card> receiver, Card c) {