blob: d0ceff272e647651163a4ba8750219e06ad9cc84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// server handles advertising (to be fleshed out when discovery is added), and all local syncbase updates
package sync
import (
wire ""
ldiscovery ""
_ ""
// Advertises a set of game log and game settings syncgroups
func Advertise(logAddress, settingsAddress, gameStartData string, quit chan bool, ctx *context.T) {
ctx, stop := context.WithCancel(ctx)
mdns, err := mdns.New("")
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("mDNS failed: %v", err)
discoveryService := ldiscovery.NewWithPlugins([]ldiscovery.Plugin{mdns})
gameService := discovery.Service{
InstanceName: "A sample game service",
InterfaceName: util.CroupierInterface,
Attrs: map[string]string{"settings_sgname": settingsAddress, "game_start_data": gameStartData},
Addrs: []string{logAddress},
if _, err := discoveryService.Advertise(ctx, &gameService, nil); err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Advertise failed: %v", err)
select {
case <-signals.ShutdownOnSignals(ctx):
case <-quit:
// Puts key and value into the syncbase gamelog table
func AddKeyValue(service syncbase.Service, ctx *context.T, key, value string) bool {
app := service.App(util.AppName)
db := app.Database(util.DbName, nil)
table := db.Table(util.LogName)
valueByte := []byte(value)
err := table.Put(ctx, key, valueByte)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("PUT ERROR: ", err)
return false
return true
// Creates an app, db, game log table and game settings table in syncbase if they don't already exist
// Adds appropriate data to settings table
func CreateTables(u *uistate.UIState) {
app := u.Service.App(util.AppName)
if isThere, err := app.Exists(u.Ctx); err != nil {
fmt.Println("APP EXISTS ERROR: ", err)
} else if !isThere {
if app.Create(u.Ctx, nil) != nil {
fmt.Println("APP ERROR: ", err)
db := app.Database(util.DbName, nil)
if isThere, err := db.Exists(u.Ctx); err != nil {
fmt.Println("DB EXISTS ERROR: ", err)
} else if !isThere {
if db.Create(u.Ctx, nil) != nil {
fmt.Println("DB ERROR: ", err)
logTable := db.Table(util.LogName)
if isThere, err := logTable.Exists(u.Ctx); err != nil {
fmt.Println("TABLE EXISTS ERROR: ", err)
} else if !isThere {
if logTable.Create(u.Ctx, nil) != nil {
fmt.Println("TABLE ERROR: ", err)
settingsTable := db.Table(util.SettingsName)
if isThere, err := settingsTable.Exists(u.Ctx); err != nil {
fmt.Println("TABLE EXISTS ERROR: ", err)
} else if !isThere {
if settingsTable.Create(u.Ctx, nil) != nil {
fmt.Println("TABLE ERROR: ", err)
// Add user settings data to represent this player
settingsMap := make(map[string]interface{})
settingsMap["userID"] = util.UserID
settingsMap["avatar"] = util.UserAvatar
settingsMap["name"] = util.UserName
settingsMap["color"] = util.UserColor
u.UserData[util.UserID] = settingsMap
value, err := json.Marshal(settingsMap)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("WE HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM:", err)
settingsTable.Put(u.Ctx, fmt.Sprintf("users/%d/settings", util.UserID), value)
// Creates a new gamelog syncgroup
func CreateLogSyncgroup(u *uistate.UIState) (string, string) {
fmt.Println("Creating Log Syncgroup")
u.IsOwner = true
// Generate random gameID information to advertise this game
gameID := rand.Intn(1000000)
u.GameID = gameID
gameMap := make(map[string]interface{})
gameMap["type"] = "Hearts"
gameMap["playerNumber"] = 0
gameMap["gameID"] = gameID
gameMap["ownerID"] = util.UserID
value, err := json.Marshal(gameMap)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("WE HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM:", err)
// Create gamelog syncgroup
logSGName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/croupier/%s/%%%%sync/gaming-%d", util.MountPoint, util.SBName, gameID)
allAccess := access.AccessList{In: []security.BlessingPattern{"..."}}
permissions := access.Permissions{
"Admin": allAccess,
"Write": allAccess,
"Read": allAccess,
"Resolve": allAccess,
"Debug": allAccess,
logPref := wire.TableRow{util.LogName, fmt.Sprintf("%d", u.GameID)}
logPrefs := []wire.TableRow{logPref}
tables := []string{util.MountPoint + "/croupier"}
logSpec := wire.SyncgroupSpec{
Description: "croupier syncgroup",
Perms: permissions,
Prefixes: logPrefs,
MountTables: tables,
IsPrivate: false,
myInfoCreator := wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo{8, true}
app := u.Service.App(util.AppName)
db := app.Database(util.DbName, nil)
logSG := db.Syncgroup(logSGName)
err = logSG.Create(u.Ctx, logSpec, myInfoCreator)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("SYNCGROUP CREATE ERROR: ", err)
fmt.Println("JOINING INSTEAD...")
_, err2 := logSG.Join(u.Ctx, myInfoCreator)
if err2 != nil {
fmt.Println("SYNCGROUP JOIN ERROR: ", err2)
return string(value), ""
} else {
return string(value), logSGName
} else {
fmt.Println("Syncgroup created")
if logSGName != u.LogSG {
ResetGame(logSGName, true, u)
return string(value), logSGName
// Creates a new user settings syncgroup
func CreateSettingsSyncgroup(u *uistate.UIState) string {
fmt.Println("Creating Settings Syncgroup")
allAccess := access.AccessList{In: []security.BlessingPattern{"..."}}
permissions := access.Permissions{
"Admin": allAccess,
"Write": allAccess,
"Read": allAccess,
"Resolve": allAccess,
"Debug": allAccess,
tables := []string{util.MountPoint + "/croupier"}
myInfoCreator := wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo{8, true}
app := u.Service.App(util.AppName)
db := app.Database(util.DbName, nil)
settingsSGName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/croupier/%s/%%%%sync/discovery-%d", util.MountPoint, util.SBName, util.UserID)
settingsPref := wire.TableRow{util.SettingsName, fmt.Sprintf("users/%d", util.UserID)}
settingsPrefs := []wire.TableRow{settingsPref}
settingsSpec := wire.SyncgroupSpec{
Description: "croupier syncgroup",
Perms: permissions,
Prefixes: settingsPrefs,
MountTables: tables,
IsPrivate: false,
settingsSG := db.Syncgroup(settingsSGName)
err := settingsSG.Create(u.Ctx, settingsSpec, myInfoCreator)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("SYNCGROUP CREATE ERROR: ", err)
fmt.Println("JOINING INSTEAD...")
_, err2 := settingsSG.Join(u.Ctx, myInfoCreator)
if err2 != nil {
fmt.Println("SYNCGROUP JOIN ERROR: ", err2)
return ""
} else {
return settingsSGName
} else {
fmt.Println("Syncgroup created")
return settingsSGName
func ResetGame(logName string, creator bool, u *uistate.UIState) {
defer u.M.Unlock()
go sendTrueIfExists(u.GameChan)
u.PlayerData = make(map[int]int)
u.CurPlayerIndex = -1
u.LogSG = logName
writeLogAddr(logName, creator)
tmp := strings.Split(logName, "-")
gameID, _ := strconv.Atoi(tmp[len(tmp)-1])
u.GameID = gameID
u.GameChan = make(chan bool)
go UpdateGame(u.GameChan, u)
func sendTrueIfExists(ch chan bool) {
if ch != nil {
ch <- true
func writeLogAddr(logName string, creator bool) {
file, err := os.OpenFile(util.AddrFile, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0666)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("err:", err)
fmt.Fprintln(file, logName)
fmt.Fprintln(file, creator)