blob: ecfaf40e6479b56e693553cb922303ed6c0df741 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../logic/card.dart' as logic_card;
import '../logic/game/game.dart' show Game, GameType;
import '../logic/hearts/hearts.dart' show HeartsGame, HeartsPhase;
import '../src/syncbase/syncbase_echo_impl.dart' show SyncbaseEchoImpl;
//import 'board.dart' show Board;
import 'card_collection.dart'
show CardCollectionComponent, DropType, Orientation;
import 'package:sky/widgets.dart';
import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart' as colors;
abstract class GameComponent extends StatefulComponent {
Game game;
Function gameEndCallback;
double width;
double height;
GameComponent(, this.gameEndCallback, {this.width, this.height}) {
game.updateCallback = update;
void update() {
setState(() {});
void syncConstructorArguments(GameComponent other) { =;
// A helper that most subclasses use in order to quit their respective games.
void _quitGameCallback() {
setState(() {
Widget _makeButton(String text, Function callback) {
return new FlatButton(child: new Text(text), onPressed: callback);
Widget build();
GameComponent createGameComponent(Game game, Function gameEndCallback, {double width, double height}) {
switch (game.gameType) {
case GameType.Proto:
return new ProtoGameComponent(game, gameEndCallback, width: width, height: height);
case GameType.Hearts:
return new HeartsGameComponent(game, gameEndCallback, width: width, height: height);
case GameType.SyncbaseEcho:
return new SyncbaseEchoGameComponent(game, gameEndCallback);
// We're probably not ready to serve the other games yet.
return null;
class ProtoGameComponent extends GameComponent {
ProtoGameComponent(Game game, Function cb, {double width, double height}) : super(game, cb, width: width, height: height);
Widget build() {
List<Widget> cardCollections = new List<Widget>();
cardCollections.add(new Text(game.debugString));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
List<logic_card.Card> cards = game.cardCollections[i];
CardCollectionComponent c = new CardCollectionComponent(cards,
game.playerNumber == i, Orientation.horz, _makeGameMoveCallback,
dragChildren: true, acceptType: DropType.card, width: width);
cardCollections.add(c); // flex
cardCollections.add(new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: colors.Green[500], borderRadius: 5.0),
child: new CardCollectionComponent(game.cardCollections[4], true,
Orientation.show1, _makeGameMoveCallback,
dragChildren: true, acceptType: DropType.card, width: width)));
return new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: colors.Pink[500]),
child: new Flex(cardCollections, direction: FlexDirection.vertical));
void _makeGameMoveCallback(logic_card.Card card, List<logic_card.Card> dest) {
setState(() {
try {
game.move(card, dest);
} catch (e) {
print("You can't do that! ${e.toString()}");
game.debugString = e.toString();
Widget _makeDebugButtons() => new Flex([
new Text('P${game.playerNumber}'),
_makeButton('Switch View', _switchPlayersCallback),
_makeButton('Quit', _quitGameCallback)
void _switchPlayersCallback() {
setState(() {
game.playerNumber = (game.playerNumber + 1) % 4;
class SyncbaseEchoGameComponent extends GameComponent {
SyncbaseEchoImpl s;
SyncbaseEchoGameComponent(Game game, Function cb) : super(game, cb);
Widget build() {
if (s == null) {
s = new SyncbaseEchoImpl(game);
return buildSyncbaseEcho();
Widget buildSyncbaseEcho() {
return new Container(
const BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFF00ACC1)),
child: new Flex([
new RaisedButton(child: new Text('doPutGet'), onPressed: s.doPutGet),
new Text('putStr: ${s.putStr}'),
new Text('getStr: ${s.getStr}'),
_makeButton('Quit', _quitGameCallback)
], direction: FlexDirection.vertical));
class HeartsGameComponent extends GameComponent {
List<logic_card.Card> passingCards1 = new List<logic_card.Card>();
List<logic_card.Card> passingCards2 = new List<logic_card.Card>();
List<logic_card.Card> passingCards3 = new List<logic_card.Card>();
HeartsGameComponent(Game game, Function cb, {double width, double height}) : super(game, cb, width: width, height: height);
Widget build() {
return new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: colors.Grey[300]
child: buildHearts()
// Passing between the temporary pass list and the player's hand.
// Does not actually move anything in game logic terms.
void _uiPassCardCallback(logic_card.Card card, List<logic_card.Card> dest) {
setState(() {
if (passingCards1.contains(card)) { passingCards1.remove(card); }
if (passingCards2.contains(card)) { passingCards2.remove(card); }
if (passingCards3.contains(card)) { passingCards3.remove(card); }
if (dest == passingCards1 && passingCards1.length == 0) {
} else if (dest == passingCards2 && passingCards2.length == 0) {
} else if (dest == passingCards3 && passingCards3.length == 0) {
int _compareCards(logic_card.Card a, logic_card.Card b) {
if (a == b) return 0;
assert(a.deck == "classic" && b.deck == "classic");
HeartsGame game = as HeartsGame;
int r = game.getCardSuit(a).compareTo(game.getCardSuit(b));
if (r != 0) return r;
return game.getCardValue(a) < game.getCardValue(b) ? -1 : 1;
void _clearPassing() {
List<logic_card.Card> _combinePassing() {
List<logic_card.Card> ls = new List<logic_card.Card>();
return ls;
// This shouldn't always be here, but for now, we have little choice.
void _switchPlayersCallback() {
setState(() {
game.playerNumber = (game.playerNumber + 1) % 4;
_clearPassing(); // Just for sanity.
void _makeGamePassCallback() {
setState(() {
try {
HeartsGame game = as HeartsGame;
} catch (e) {
print("You can't do that! ${e.toString()}");
game.debugString = e.toString();
void _makeGameTakeCallback() {
setState(() {
try {
HeartsGame game = as HeartsGame;
} catch (e) {
print("You can't do that! ${e.toString()}");
game.debugString = e.toString();
void _makeGameMoveCallback(logic_card.Card card, List<logic_card.Card> dest) {
setState(() {
try {
game.move(card, dest);
} catch (e) {
print("You can't do that! ${e.toString()}");
game.debugString = e.toString();
void _endRoundDebugCallback() {
setState(() {
HeartsGame game = as HeartsGame;
Widget _makeDebugButtons() => new Container(
width: this.width,
child: new Flex([
new Flexible(flex: 1, child: new Text('P${game.playerNumber}')),
new Flexible(
flex: 5, child: _makeButton('Switch View', _switchPlayersCallback)),
new Flexible(
flex: 5,
child: _makeButton('Dump Log', () => print(,
new Flexible(
flex: 5, child: _makeButton('End Round', _endRoundDebugCallback)),
new Flexible(flex: 4, child: _makeButton('Quit', _quitGameCallback))
Widget _makeButton(String text, Function callback, {bool inactive: false}) {
var borderColor = inactive ? colors.Grey[500] : colors.white;
var backgroundColor = inactive ? colors.Grey[500] : null;
return new FlatButton(
child: new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
border: new Border.all(width: 1.0, color: borderColor),
backgroundColor: backgroundColor
padding: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
child: new Text(text)
enabled: !inactive,
onPressed: inactive ? null : callback
Widget buildHearts() {
HeartsGame game = as HeartsGame;
switch (game.phase) {
case HeartsPhase.Deal:
return showDeal();
case HeartsPhase.Pass:
return showPass();
case HeartsPhase.Take:
return showTake();
case HeartsPhase.Play:
return showPlay();
case HeartsPhase.Score:
return showScore();
return null;
Widget showPlay() {
HeartsGame game = as HeartsGame;
List<Widget> cardCollections = new List<Widget>();
List<Widget> plays = new List<Widget>();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
plays.add(new CardCollectionComponent(
game.cardCollections[i + HeartsGame.OFFSET_PLAY],
width: width
cardCollections.add(new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: colors.Teal[600]
width: this.width,
child: new Flex(plays, justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceAround)
int p = game.playerNumber;
Widget playArea = new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: colors.Teal[500]
width: this.width,
child: new Center(
child: new CardCollectionComponent(
game.cardCollections[p + HeartsGame.OFFSET_PLAY],
acceptType: p == game.whoseTurn ? DropType.card : DropType.none,
width: width,
backgroundColor: p == game.whoseTurn ? colors.white : colors.Grey[500],
altColor: p == game.whoseTurn ? colors.Grey[200] : colors.Grey[600]
List<logic_card.Card> cards = game.cardCollections[p];
CardCollectionComponent c = new CardCollectionComponent(cards,
game.playerNumber == p, Orientation.suit, _makeGameMoveCallback,
dragChildren: game.whoseTurn == p, comparator: _compareCards, width: width);
cardCollections.add(c); // flex
cardCollections.add(new Text("Player ${game.whoseTurn}'s turn"));
cardCollections.add(new Text(game.debugString));
return new Column(cardCollections, justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween);
Widget showScore() {
HeartsGame game = as HeartsGame;
Widget w;
if (game.hasGameEnded) {
w = new Text("Game Over!");
} else if (game.ready[game.playerNumber]) {
w = new Text("Waiting for other players...");
} else {
w = _makeButton('Ready?', game.setReadyUI);
return new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: colors.Pink[500]),
child: new Flex([
new Text('Player ${game.playerNumber}'),
// TODO(alexfandrianto): we want to show round by round, deltas too, don't we?
new Text('${game.scores}'),
_makeButton("Return to Lobby", _quitGameCallback),
], direction: FlexDirection.vertical));
Widget showDeal() {
HeartsGame game = as HeartsGame;
return new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: colors.Pink[500]),
child: new Flex([
new Text('Player ${game.playerNumber}'),
_makeButton('Deal', game.dealCards),
], direction: FlexDirection.vertical, justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween));
// the pass phase screen consists of 2 parts:
// The cards being passed + Pass button.
// The cards in your hand.
Widget showPass() {
HeartsGame game = as HeartsGame;
List<logic_card.Card> passCards =
game.cardCollections[game.playerNumber + HeartsGame.OFFSET_PASS];
List<logic_card.Card> playerCards = game.cardCollections[game.playerNumber];
List<logic_card.Card> remainingCards = new List<logic_card.Card>();
playerCards.forEach((logic_card.Card c) {
if (!passingCards1.contains(c) && !passingCards2.contains(c) &&
!passingCards3.contains(c)) {
bool hasPassed = passCards.length != 0;
// TODO(alexfandrianto): You can pass as many times as you want... which is silly.
// Luckily, later passes shouldn't do anything.
List<Widget> passingCardWidgets = <Widget>[
new Container(margin: new EdgeDims.all(10.0), child: new CardCollectionComponent(
passingCards1, true, Orientation.show1, _uiPassCardCallback,
dragChildren: !hasPassed, acceptType: DropType.card,
backgroundColor: colors.white, altColor: colors.Grey[200])),
new Container(margin: new EdgeDims.all(10.0), child: new CardCollectionComponent(
passingCards2, true, Orientation.show1, _uiPassCardCallback,
dragChildren: !hasPassed, acceptType: DropType.card,
backgroundColor: colors.white, altColor: colors.Grey[200])),
new Container(margin: new EdgeDims.all(10.0), child: new CardCollectionComponent(
passingCards3, true, Orientation.show1, _uiPassCardCallback,
dragChildren: !hasPassed, acceptType: DropType.card,
backgroundColor: colors.white, altColor: colors.Grey[200]))
Widget passArea;
if (hasPassed) {
passArea = new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: colors.Teal[600]
width: this.width,
child: new Flex(
passingCardWidgets..add(_makeButton("Pass", null, inactive: true)),
justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween
} else {
passArea = new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: colors.Teal[500]
width: this.width,
child: new Flex(
passingCardWidgets..add(_makeButton("Pass", _makeGamePassCallback)),
justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween
// Return the pass cards and the player's remaining hand.
// (Also includes debug info)
return new Column(<Widget>[
new CardCollectionComponent(
remainingCards, true, Orientation.suit, _uiPassCardCallback,
dragChildren: !hasPassed, acceptType: DropType.card, comparator: _compareCards, width: width,
backgroundColor: colors.Grey[500], altColor: colors.Grey[700]),
new Text(game.debugString),
], justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween);
Widget showTake() {
HeartsGame game = as HeartsGame;
List<logic_card.Card> playerCards = game.cardCollections[game.playerNumber];
List<logic_card.Card> takeCards =
game.cardCollections[game.takeTarget + HeartsGame.OFFSET_PASS];
bool hasTaken = takeCards.length == 0;
List<logic_card.Card> take1 = takeCards.length != 0 ? takeCards.sublist(0, 1) : [];
List<logic_card.Card> take2 = takeCards.length != 0 ? takeCards.sublist(1, 2) : [];
List<logic_card.Card> take3 = takeCards.length != 0 ? takeCards.sublist(2, 3) : [];
List<Widget> takeCardWidgets = <Widget>[
new Container(margin: new EdgeDims.all(10.0), child: new CardCollectionComponent(
take1, true, Orientation.show1, null,
backgroundColor: colors.white, altColor: colors.Grey[200])),
new Container(margin: new EdgeDims.all(10.0), child: new CardCollectionComponent(
take2, true, Orientation.show1, null,
backgroundColor: colors.white, altColor: colors.Grey[200])),
new Container(margin: new EdgeDims.all(10.0), child: new CardCollectionComponent(
take3, true, Orientation.show1, null,
backgroundColor: colors.white, altColor: colors.Grey[200]))
Widget takeArea;
if (hasTaken) {
takeArea = new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: colors.Teal[600]
width: this.width,
child: new Flex(
takeCardWidgets..add(_makeButton("Take", null, inactive: true)),
justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween
} else {
takeArea = new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: colors.Teal[500]
width: this.width,
child: new Flex(
takeCardWidgets..add(_makeButton("Take", _makeGameTakeCallback)),
justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween
// Return the passsed cards and the player's hand.
// (Also includes debug info)
return new Column(<Widget>[
new CardCollectionComponent(
playerCards, true, Orientation.suit, null,
comparator: _compareCards, width: width,
backgroundColor: colors.Grey[500], altColor: colors.Grey[700]),
new Text(game.debugString),
], justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween);