blob: aacb706a03c4b3f3e4700ca95e3633164c20958b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// watch.go holds all code to handle updates to the syncbase gamelog.
// Update() is to be run as a goroutine, getting a watchstream from
// the syncgroup and updating the game state and UI display as a result
// of any changes that come along.
package watch
import (
func UpdateSettings(u *uistate.UIState) {
stream, err := client.WatchData(util.SettingsName, "users", u)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("WatchData error:", err)
for {
if updateExists := stream.Advance(); updateExists {
c := stream.Change()
if c.ChangeType == nosql.PutChange {
var value []byte
if err := c.Value(&value); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Value error:", err)
var valueMap map[string]interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal(value, &valueMap)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unmarshal error:", err)
key := c.Row
userID, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(key, "/")[1])
u.UserData[userID] = valueMap
} else {
fmt.Println("Unexpected ChangeType: ", c.ChangeType)
func UpdateGame(u *uistate.UIState) {
stream, err := client.WatchData(util.LogName, "", u)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("WatchData error:", err)
for {
if updateExists := stream.Advance(); updateExists {
c := stream.Change()
if c.ChangeType == nosql.PutChange {
key := c.Row
var value []byte
if err := c.Value(&value); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Value error:", err)
valueStr := string(value)
keyType := strings.Split(key, "/")[1]
switch keyType {
case "log":
updateType := strings.Split(valueStr, "|")[0]
switch updateType {
case gamelog.Deal:
onDeal(valueStr, u)
case gamelog.Pass:
onPass(valueStr, u)
case gamelog.Take:
onTake(valueStr, u)
case gamelog.Play:
onPlay(valueStr, u)
case gamelog.Ready:
onReady(valueStr, u)
case "players":
switch strings.Split(key, "/")[3] {
case "player_number":
onPlayerNum(key, valueStr, u)
case "settings_sg":
onSettings(key, valueStr, u)
} else {
fmt.Println("Unexpected ChangeType: ", c.ChangeType)
func onPlayerNum(key, value string, u *uistate.UIState) {
userID, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(key, "/")[2])
playerNum, _ := strconv.Atoi(value)
u.PlayerData[playerNum] = userID
if u.CurView == uistate.Arrange && !u.CurTable.AllReadyForNewRound() {
func onSettings(key, value string, u *uistate.UIState) {
joinDone := make(chan bool)
go client.JoinSettingsSyncgroup(joinDone, value, u)
func onDeal(value string, u *uistate.UIState) {
playerInt, curCards := parsePlayerAndCards(value, u)
if u.CurTable.AllDoneDealing() {
if u.CurPlayerIndex >= 0 && u.CurPlayerIndex < u.NumPlayers {
} else {
func onPass(value string, u *uistate.UIState) {
// logic
playerInt, curCards := parsePlayerAndCards(value, u)
var receivingPlayer int
switch u.CurTable.GetDir() {
case direction.Right:
receivingPlayer = (playerInt + 3) % u.NumPlayers
case direction.Left:
receivingPlayer = (playerInt + 1) % u.NumPlayers
case direction.Across:
receivingPlayer = (playerInt + 2) % u.NumPlayers
for _, c := range curCards {
// UI
if u.CurView == uistate.Table {
quit := make(chan bool)
u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
reposition.AnimateTableCardPass(curCards, receivingPlayer, quit, u)
} else if u.CurView == uistate.Take {
if u.SequentialPhases {
if u.CurTable.AllDonePassing() {
} else if u.CurPlayerIndex == receivingPlayer {
} else if u.CurView == uistate.Play && u.CurTable.AllDonePassing() {
func onTake(value string, u *uistate.UIState) {
// logic
playerInt, _ := parsePlayerAndCards(value, u)
p := u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[playerInt]
passed := p.GetPassedTo()
for _, c := range passed {
if u.SequentialPhases {
if u.CurTable.AllDoneTaking() {
for _, player := range u.CurTable.GetPlayers() {
if player.HasTwoOfClubs() {
// UI
if u.CurView == uistate.Play {
} else if p.HasTwoOfClubs() {
// UI
if u.CurView == uistate.Play && u.CurPlayerIndex != playerInt {
// UI
if u.CurView == uistate.Table {
quit := make(chan bool)
u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
reposition.AnimateTableCardTake(passed, u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[playerInt], quit, u)
func onPlay(value string, u *uistate.UIState) {
// logic
playerInt, curCards := parsePlayerAndCards(value, u)
playedCard := curCards[0]
u.CurTable.SetPlayedCard(playedCard, playerInt)
trickOver := true
trickCards := u.CurTable.GetTrick()
for _, c := range trickCards {
if c == nil {
trickOver = false
roundOver := false
var recipient int
if trickOver {
roundOver, recipient = u.CurTable.SendTrick()
var roundScores []int
var winners []int
if roundOver {
roundScores, winners = u.CurTable.EndRound()
// UI
if u.CurView == uistate.Table {
quit := make(chan bool)
u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
reposition.AnimateTableCardPlay(playedCard, playerInt, quit, u)
if trickOver {
var trickDir direction.Direction
switch recipient {
case 0:
trickDir = direction.Down
case 1:
trickDir = direction.Left
case 2:
trickDir = direction.Across
case 3:
trickDir = direction.Right
quit := make(chan bool)
u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
reposition.AnimateTableCardTakeTrick(trickCards, trickDir, quit, u)
} else if u.CurView == uistate.Split {
if roundOver {
view.LoadScoreView(roundScores, winners, u)
} else {
if playerInt != u.CurPlayerIndex {
quit := make(chan bool)
u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
reposition.AnimateSplitCardPlay(playedCard, playerInt, quit, u)
if trickOver {
var trickDir direction.Direction
switch recipient {
case u.CurPlayerIndex:
trickDir = direction.Down
case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 1) % u.NumPlayers:
trickDir = direction.Left
case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 2) % u.NumPlayers:
trickDir = direction.Across
case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 3) % u.NumPlayers:
trickDir = direction.Right
quit := make(chan bool)
u.AnimChans = append(u.AnimChans, quit)
reposition.AnimateTableCardTakeTrick(trickCards, trickDir, quit, u)
view.LoadSplitView(true, u)
} else if u.CurView == uistate.Play {
if roundOver {
view.LoadScoreView(roundScores, winners, u)
} else if trickOver {
if u.CurPlayerIndex != recipient {
message := uistate.GetName(recipient, u) + "'s trick"
view.ChangePlayMessage(message, u)
<-time.After(2 * time.Second)
} else {
view.ChangePlayMessage("Your trick", u)
<-time.After(2 * time.Second)
} else if u.CurPlayerIndex != playerInt {
// logic
if len(winners) > 0 {
func onReady(value string, u *uistate.UIState) {
// logic
playerInt, _ := parsePlayerAndCards(value, u)
if u.CurTable.AllReadyForNewRound() && u.IsOwner {
newHands := u.CurTable.Deal()
success := gamelog.LogDeal(u, u.CurPlayerIndex, newHands)
for !success {
success = gamelog.LogDeal(u, u.CurPlayerIndex, newHands)
// UI
if u.CurTable.AllReadyForNewRound() {
if u.SGChan != nil {
u.SGChan <- true
u.SGChan = nil
func parsePlayerAndCards(value string, u *uistate.UIState) (int, []*card.Card) {
updateContents := strings.Split(value, "|")[1]
playerIntPlusCards := strings.Split(updateContents, ":")
playerInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(playerIntPlusCards[0])
cardList := u.CurTable.GetAllCards()
curCards := make([]*card.Card, 0)
for i := 1; i < len(playerIntPlusCards)-1; i++ {
cardInfo := playerIntPlusCards[i]
cardSuitFace := strings.Split(cardInfo, " ")[1]
cardSuit := card.ConvertToSuit(string(cardSuitFace[0]))
cardFace := card.ConvertToFace(string(cardSuitFace[1:]))
cardIndex := int(cardSuit*13) + int(cardFace) - 2
curCards = append(curCards, cardList[cardIndex])
return playerInt, curCards