| DART_LIB_FILES_ALL := $(shell find lib -name *.dart) |
| DART_TEST_FILES_ALL := $(shell find test -name *.dart) |
| DART_TEST_FILES := $(shell find test -name *.dart ! -name *.part.dart) |
| |
| # Add Dart SDK to path. |
| PATH := $(shell jiri v23-profile env --profiles=dart DART_SDK=)/bin:$(PATH) |
| |
| # This section is used to setup the environment for running with mojo_shell. |
| CROUPIER_DIR := $(shell pwd) |
| DISCOVERY_DIR := $(JIRI_ROOT)/release/mojo/discovery |
| SHELL := /bin/bash -euo pipefail |
| |
| # Flags for Syncbase service running as Mojo service. |
| SYNCBASE_FLAGS := --v=0 |
| |
| ifdef ANDROID |
| # Parse the adb devices output to obtain the correct device id. |
| # sed takes out the ANDROID_PLUS_ONE'th row of the output |
| # awk takes just the first bit of the line (before whitespace). |
| ANDROID_PLUS_ONE := $(shell echo $(ANDROID) \+ 1 | bc) |
| DEVICE_ID := $(shell adb devices | sed -n $(ANDROID_PLUS_ONE)p | awk '{ print $$1; }') |
| endif |
| |
| # The default mount table location. Note: May not always exist. |
| |
| # If defined, use the proxy and global mount table. |
| ifdef GLOBAL |
| PROXY_FLAG := --v23.proxy=/ns.dev.v.io:8101/proxy |
| MOUNTTABLE := /ns.dev.v.io:8101/tmp/croupier |
| endif |
| |
| ifdef ANDROID |
| MOJO_ANDROID_FLAGS := --android |
| SYNCBASE_MOJO_BIN_DIR := packages/syncbase/mojo_services/android |
| DISCOVERY_MOJO_BIN_DIR := packages/v23discovery/mojo_services/android |
| |
| # Name to mount under. |
| SYNCBASE_NAME_FLAG := --name=$(MOUNTTABLE)/croupier-$(DEVICE_ID) |
| |
| APP_HOME_DIR = /data/data/org.chromium.mojo.shell/app_home |
| ANDROID_CREDS_DIR := /sdcard/v23creds |
| |
| SYNCBASE_FLAGS += --logtostderr=true \ |
| --root-dir=$(APP_HOME_DIR)/syncbase_data \ |
| --v23.credentials=$(ANDROID_CREDS_DIR) \ |
| |
| else |
| SYNCBASE_MOJO_BIN_DIR := packages/syncbase/mojo_services/linux_amd64 |
| DISCOVERY_MOJO_BIN_DIR := packages/v23discovery/mojo_services/linux_amd64 |
| SYNCBASE_FLAGS += --root-dir=$(PWD)/tmp/syncbase_data --v23.credentials=$(PWD)/creds |
| endif |
| |
| # If this is not the first mojo shell, then you must reuse the dev servers |
| # to avoid a "port in use" error. |
| ifneq ($(shell fuser 31841/tcp),) |
| REUSE_FLAG := --reuse-servers |
| endif |
| |
| # We should consider combining these URLs and hosting our *.mojo files. |
| # https://github.com/vanadium/issues/issues/834 |
| export SYNCBASE_SERVER_URL := https://mojo.v.io/syncbase_server.mojo |
| export DISCOVERY_SERVER_URL := https://mojo2.v.io/discovery.mojo |
| MOJO_SHELL_FLAGS := --enable-multiprocess \ |
| --map-origin="https://mojo2.v.io=$(DISCOVERY_MOJO_BIN_DIR)" --args-for="$(DISCOVERY_SERVER_URL) host$(DEVICE_ID)" \ |
| --map-origin="https://mojo.v.io=$(SYNCBASE_MOJO_BIN_DIR)" --args-for="$(SYNCBASE_SERVER_URL) $(SYNCBASE_FLAGS)" |
| |
| ifdef ANDROID |
| TARGET_DEVICE_FLAG += --target-device $(DEVICE_ID) |
| endif |
| |
| # Runs a sky app. |
| # $1 is location of flx file. |
| define RUN_SKY_APP |
| pub run flutter_tools -v --very-verbose run_mojo \ |
| --app $1 \ |
| --mojo-path $(MOJO_DIR)/src \ |
| --checked \ |
| --mojo-debug \ |
| $(REUSE_FLAG) \ |
| --no-config-file |
| endef |
| |
| |
| # Get the packages used by the dart project, according to pubspec.yaml |
| # Can also use `pub get`, but Sublime occasionally reverts me to an ealier version. |
| # Only `pub upgrade` can escape such a thing. |
| packages: pubspec.yaml |
| pub upgrade |
| |
| # Builds mounttabled and principal. |
| bin: | env-check |
| jiri go build -a -o $@/mounttabled v.io/x/ref/services/mounttable/mounttabled |
| jiri go build -a -o $@/principal v.io/x/ref/cmd/principal |
| touch $@ |
| |
| .PHONY: creds |
| creds: | bin |
| ./bin/principal seekblessings --v23.credentials creds |
| touch $@ |
| |
| .PHONY: dartfmt |
| dartfmt: |
| |
| .PHONY: lint |
| lint: packages |
| dartanalyzer lib/main.dart | grep -v "\[warning\] The imported libraries" |
| dartanalyzer $(DART_TEST_FILES) | grep -v "\[warning\] The imported libraries" |
| |
| .PHONY: build |
| build: croupier.flx |
| |
| croupier.flx: packages $(DART_LIB_FILES_ALL) |
| pub run flutter_tools -v build --manifest manifest.yaml --output-file $@ |
| |
| SETTINGS_FILE := /sdcard/croupier_settings.json |
| SETTINGS_JSON := {\"deviceID\": \"$(DEVICE_ID)\", \"mounttable\": \"$(MOUNTTABLE)\"} |
| .PHONY: push-settings |
| push-settings: |
| ifdef ANDROID |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) shell 'echo $(SETTINGS_JSON) > $(SETTINGS_FILE)' |
| endif |
| |
| # Starts the app on the specified ANDROID device. |
| # Don't forget to make creds first if they are not present. |
| .PHONY: start |
| start: croupier.flx env-check packages push-settings |
| ifdef ANDROID |
| # Make creds dir if it does not exist. |
| mkdir -p creds |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) push -p $(PWD)/creds $(ANDROID_CREDS_DIR) |
| endif |
| $(call RUN_SKY_APP,$<) |
| |
| # Occasionally, mojo will leave some dev servers running on port 31841, which |
| # prevents proper restarts. This rule cleans up the offending process. |
| .PHONY: stop-mojo |
| stop-mojo: |
| -fuser -k 31841/tcp |
| |
| APP_ICON := $(PWD)/images/croupier_icon.png |
| APP_FLX_FILE := $(PWD)/croupier.flx |
| SYNCBASE_MOJO_DIR := $(PWD)/packages/syncbase/mojo_services |
| DISCOVERY_MOJO_DIR := $(PWD)/packages/v23discovery/mojo_services |
| GS_BUCKET_PATH := gs://mojo_services |
| |
| # Note: The deploy assumes that the media_service.mojo file, which is used for |
| # audio, is already present at $(GS_BUCKET_PATH)/media_service.mojo. |
| # This file is developed separately from Croupier. |
| .PHONY: deploy |
| deploy: build |
| gsutil cp $(APP_ICON) $(GS_BUCKET_PATH)/croupier |
| gsutil cp $(APP_FLX_FILE) $(GS_BUCKET_PATH)/croupier |
| gsutil cp -r $(SYNCBASE_MOJO_DIR) $(GS_BUCKET_PATH)/syncbase |
| gsutil cp -r $(DISCOVERY_MOJO_DIR) $(GS_BUCKET_PATH)/v23discovery |
| gsutil -m acl set -R -a public-read $(GS_BUCKET_PATH)/croupier |
| gsutil -m acl set -R -a public-read $(GS_BUCKET_PATH)/syncbase |
| gsutil -m acl set -R -a public-read $(GS_BUCKET_PATH)/v23discovery |
| |
| CROUPIER_URL := mojo://storage.googleapis.com/mojo_services/croupier/croupier.flx |
| CROUPIER_URL_TO_ICON := https://storage.googleapis.com/mojo_services/croupier/croupier_icon.png |
| MOJO_SHELL_CMD_PATH := /data/local/tmp/org.chromium.mojo.shell.cmd |
| |
| # Creates a shortcut on the phone that runs the hosted version of croupier.flx |
| # Does nothing if ANDROID is not defined. |
| sed -e "s;%DEVICE_ID%;$1;g" -e "s;%SYNCBASE_NAME_FLAG%;$2;g" -e "s;%PROXY_FLAG%;$3;g" \ |
| shortcut_template > shortcut_commands |
| endef |
| |
| shortcut: env-check push-settings |
| ifdef ANDROID |
| # Create the shortcut file. |
| |
| # TODO(alexfandrianto): Mojo Shell only allows a single default command. This may prove problematic. |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) push -p shortcut_commands $(MOJO_SHELL_CMD_PATH) |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) shell chmod 555 $(MOJO_SHELL_CMD_PATH) |
| |
| # TODO(alexfandrianto): Put this in Mojo shared instead. |
| $(MOJO_DIR)/src/mojo/devtools/common/mojo_run --android $(TARGET_DEVICE_FLAG) "mojo:shortcut $(CROUPIER_SHORTCUT_NAME) $(CROUPIER_URL) $(CROUPIER_URL_TO_ICON)" |
| endif |
| |
| # Removes the shortcut data from Mojo shell. |
| # TODO(alexfandrianto): Can we remove the shortcut icon? |
| shortcut-remove: env-check |
| ifdef ANDROID |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) shell rm -f $(MOJO_SHELL_CMD_PATH) |
| endif |
| |
| .PHONY: mock |
| mock: |
| mv lib/src/syncbase/log_writer.dart lib/src/syncbase/log_writer.dart.backup |
| mv lib/src/syncbase/settings_manager.dart lib/src/syncbase/settings_manager.dart.backup |
| mv lib/src/syncbase/util.dart lib/src/syncbase/util.dart.backup |
| cp lib/src/mocks/log_writer.dart lib/src/syncbase/ |
| cp lib/src/mocks/settings_manager.dart lib/src/syncbase/ |
| cp lib/src/mocks/util.dart lib/src/syncbase/ |
| |
| .PHONY: unmock |
| unmock: |
| mv lib/src/syncbase/log_writer.dart.backup lib/src/syncbase/log_writer.dart |
| mv lib/src/syncbase/settings_manager.dart.backup lib/src/syncbase/settings_manager.dart |
| mv lib/src/syncbase/util.dart.backup lib/src/syncbase/util.dart |
| |
| .PHONY: env-check |
| env-check: |
| ifndef MOJO_DIR |
| $(error MOJO_DIR is not set) |
| endif |
| ifndef JIRI_ROOT |
| $(error JIRI_ROOT is not set) |
| endif |
| |
| .PHONY: test |
| test: test-unit |
| |
| # TODO(alexfandrianto): I split off the syncbase logic from game.dart because it |
| # would not run in a stand-alone VM. We will need to add mojo_test eventually. |
| .PHONY: test-unit |
| test-unit: packages |
| # Mock the syncbase implementations and unmock regardless of the test outcome. |
| $(MAKE) mock |
| pub run test -r expanded $(DART_TEST_FILES) || ($(MAKE) unmock && exit 1) |
| $(MAKE) unmock |
| |
| .PHONY: clean |
| clean: |
| ifdef ANDROID |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) shell run-as org.chromium.mojo.shell rm -rf $(APP_HOME_DIR)/syncbase_data |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) shell rm $(SETTINGS_FILE) |
| endif |
| rm -f croupier.flx snapshot_blob.bin |
| rm -rf bin tmp |
| rm -rf .packages .pub packages pubspec.lock |
| |
| .PHONY: clean-creds |
| clean-creds: |
| ifdef ANDROID |
| # Clean syncbase creds dir. |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) shell rm -rf $(ANDROID_CREDS_DIR) |
| endif |
| rm -rf creds |
| |
| .PHONY: veryclean |
| veryclean: clean clean-creds |