blob: 47413928a3b6239af2526d28899e9942d52cb5a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' as vector_math;
import '../logic/card.dart' as logic_card;
import '../logic/croupier.dart' show Croupier;
import '../logic/game/game.dart' show Game, GameType, NoArgCb;
import '../logic/hearts/hearts.dart' show HeartsGame, HeartsPhase;
import '../sound/sound_assets.dart';
import '../styles/common.dart' as style;
import 'card.dart' as component_card;
import 'card_collection.dart'
show CardCollectionComponent, CardCollectionOrientation, DropType, AcceptCb;
import 'croupier_profile.dart' show CroupierProfileComponent;
const double defaultBoardHeight = 400.0;
const double defaultBoardWidth = 400.0;
const double defaultCardHeight = 40.0;
const double defaultCardWidth = 40.0;
/// A Board represents a fixed-size canvas for drawing a Game's UI.
/// While other Widgets may be drawn to accomodate space, a Board is meant to
/// consume a specific amount of space on the screen, which allows for more
/// control when positioning elements within the Board's area.
abstract class Board extends StatefulComponent {
final Game game;
final double _height;
final double _width;
final double _cardHeight;
final double _cardWidth;
double get height => _height ?? defaultBoardHeight;
double get width => _width ?? defaultBoardWidth;
double get cardHeight => _cardHeight ?? defaultCardHeight;
double get cardWidth => _cardWidth ?? defaultCardWidth;
{double height, double width, double cardHeight, double cardWidth})
: _height = height,
_width = width,
_cardHeight = cardHeight,
_cardWidth = cardWidth;
/// The HeartsBoard represents the Hearts table view, which shows the number of
/// cards each player has, and the cards they are currently playing.
class HeartsBoard extends Board {
final Croupier croupier;
final SoundAssets sounds;
final bool isMini;
final AcceptCb gameAcceptCallback;
final NoArgCb setGameStateCallback;
final List<logic_card.Card> bufferedPlay;
HeartsGame get game =>;
HeartsBoard(Croupier croupier, this.sounds,
{double height,
double width,
double cardHeight,
double cardWidth,
this.isMini: false,
: super(,
height: height,
width: width,
cardHeight: cardHeight,
cardWidth: cardWidth),
croupier = croupier {
assert( is HeartsGame);
HeartsBoardState createState() => new HeartsBoardState();
class HeartsBoardState extends State<HeartsBoard> {
static const double PROFILE_SIZE = 0.17; // multiplier of config.height
// Every time the counter changes, a sound will be played.
// For example, in the pass/take phase, the counter does this:
// 0->1->2->3->4->3->2->1->0.
// We play 4 whooshIn sounds followed by 4 whooshOut sounds upon detecting
// the change. Each sound only occurs during the very first build (the first
// opportunity to detect the change).
// In the play phase, we have this instead: 0->1->2->3->4->0
// This 5-cycle is 4 played cards (whooshIn) and 1 take trick (whooshOut).
int cardCounter = 0;
bool passing = true;
// Used to hide the cards played until it has been incremented enough.
int localAsking = 0;
void _handleCardCounterSounds() {
// Ensure we have the right state while we deal and score.
if ( == HeartsPhase.Deal || == HeartsPhase.Score) {
cardCounter = 0;
passing = true;
// Passing
if (passing) {
// If it is now someone's turn, we should no longer be passing.
if ( != null) {
passing = false;
// Special: Play a sound for the last take command of the pass phase.
if (cardCounter > 0) {
cardCounter = 0;
// Passing: If somebody passed cards recently...
if ( > cardCounter) {
cardCounter =;
// Passing: If somebody took cards recently...
if ( < cardCounter) {
cardCounter =;
// Playing: If somebody played a card...
if ( > cardCounter) {
cardCounter =;
// Playing: If somebody took the trick...
if ( == 0 && cardCounter != 0) {
cardCounter = 0;
void _playSoundIn() {
if (!config.isMini) {"whooshIn");
void _playSoundOut() {
if (!config.isMini) {"whooshOut");
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
double offscreenDelta = config.isMini ? 5.0 : 1.5;
Widget boardChild;
if ( == HeartsPhase.Play) {
boardChild =
config.isMini ? _buildMiniBoardLayout() : _buildBoardLayout();
} else {
boardChild = _buildPassLayout();
return new Container(
height: config.height,
width: config.width,
child: new Stack([
new Positioned(top: 0.0, left: 0.0, child: boardChild),
new Positioned(
top: config.height * (offscreenDelta + 0.5),
left: (config.width - config.cardWidth) / 2,
child: _buildOffScreenCards(
config.isMini ? rotateByGamePlayerNumber(0) : 0)), // bottom
new Positioned(
top: (config.height - config.cardHeight) / 2,
left: config.width * (-offscreenDelta + 0.5),
child: _buildOffScreenCards(
config.isMini ? rotateByGamePlayerNumber(1) : 1)), // left
new Positioned(
top: config.height * (-offscreenDelta + 0.5),
left: (config.width - config.cardWidth) / 2,
child: _buildOffScreenCards(
config.isMini ? rotateByGamePlayerNumber(2) : 2)), // top
new Positioned(
top: (config.height - config.cardHeight) / 2,
left: config.width * (offscreenDelta + 0.5),
child: _buildOffScreenCards(
config.isMini ? rotateByGamePlayerNumber(3) : 3)) // right
int rotateByGamePlayerNumber(int i) {
return (i + % 4;
static Map<int, String> passBackgrounds = const <int, String>{
0: "images/games/hearts/pass_right.png",
1: "images/games/hearts/pass_left.png",
2: "images/games/hearts/pass_across.png",
3: "",
Widget _buildPassLayout() {
String passBackground = ""; // It's possible to have no background.
if ( == HeartsPhase.Pass || == HeartsPhase.Take) {
passBackground = passBackgrounds[ % 4];
return new Container(
height: config.height,
width: config.width,
child: new Stack([
new Positioned(
top: 0.0,
left: 0.0,
child: new AssetImage(
name: passBackground,
height: config.height,
width: config.width)),
new Positioned(top: 0.0, left: 0.0, child: _buildPassLayoutInternal())
double _rotationAngle(int pNum) {
return pNum * math.PI / 2;
Widget _rotate(Widget w, int pNum) {
return new Transform(
child: w,
new vector_math.Matrix4.identity().rotateZ(_rotationAngle(pNum)),
alignment: new FractionalOffset(0.5, 0.5));
Widget _getPass(int playerNumber) {
double sizeRatio = 0.10;
double cccSize = math.min(sizeRatio * config.width, config.cardWidth * 3.5);
HeartsGame game =;
List<logic_card.Card> cardsToTake = [];
int takeTarget = game.getTakeTarget(playerNumber);
if (takeTarget != null) {
cardsToTake = game.cardCollections[
game.getTakeTarget(playerNumber) + HeartsGame.OFFSET_PASS];
bool isHorz = playerNumber % 2 == 0;
CardCollectionOrientation ori = isHorz
? CardCollectionOrientation.horz
: CardCollectionOrientation.vert;
return new CardCollectionComponent(cardsToTake, false, ori,
backgroundColor: style.transparentColor,
width: isHorz ? cccSize : null,
height: isHorz ? null : cccSize,
widthCard: config.cardWidth,
heightCard: config.cardHeight,
rotation: playerNumber * math.PI / 2,
useKeys: true);
Widget _getProfile(int pNum, double sizeFactor) {
return new CroupierProfileComponent.horizontal(
settings: config.croupier.settingsFromPlayerNumber(pNum));
Widget _playerProfile(int pNum, double sizeFactor) {
return _rotate(_getProfile(pNum, sizeFactor), pNum);
Widget _buildPassLayoutInternal() {
return new Container(
height: config.height,
width: config.width,
child: new Column([
new Flexible(child: _playerProfile(2, PROFILE_SIZE), flex: 0),
new Flexible(child: _getPass(2), flex: 0),
new Flexible(
child: new Row([
new Flexible(child: _playerProfile(1, PROFILE_SIZE), flex: 0),
new Flexible(child: _getPass(1), flex: 0),
new Flexible(child: new Block([]), flex: 1),
new Flexible(child: _getPass(3), flex: 0),
new Flexible(child: _playerProfile(3, PROFILE_SIZE), flex: 0)
justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceAround),
flex: 1),
new Flexible(child: _getPass(0), flex: 0),
new Flexible(child: _playerProfile(0, PROFILE_SIZE), flex: 0)
justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceAround));
Widget _buildMiniBoardLayout() {
return new Container(
height: config.height,
width: config.width,
child: new Center(
child: new Row([
new Flexible(
flex: 1,
child: new Center(
child: _buildAvatarSlotCombo(rotateByGamePlayerNumber(1)))),
new Flexible(
flex: 1,
child: new Column([
new Flexible(
flex: 1,
child: _buildAvatarSlotCombo(rotateByGamePlayerNumber(2))),
new Flexible(
flex: 1,
child: _buildAvatarSlotCombo(rotateByGamePlayerNumber(0)))
new Flexible(
flex: 1,
child: new Center(
child: _buildAvatarSlotCombo(rotateByGamePlayerNumber(3))))
Widget _buildAvatarSlotCombo(int playerNumber) {
HeartsGame game =;
int p = game.playerNumber;
List<Widget> items = new List<Widget>();
bool isMe = playerNumber == p;
List<logic_card.Card> showCard =
game.cardCollections[playerNumber + HeartsGame.OFFSET_PLAY];
bool hasPlayed = showCard.length > 0;
bool isTurn = playerNumber == game.whoseTurn && !hasPlayed;
if (isMe && config.bufferedPlay != null) {
showCard = config.bufferedPlay;
items.add(new Positioned(
top: 0.0,
left: 0.0,
child: new CardCollectionComponent(
showCard, true, CardCollectionOrientation.show1,
useKeys: true,
acceptCallback: config.gameAcceptCallback,
acceptType: isMe && !hasPlayed ? DropType.card : DropType.none,
widthCard: config.cardWidth - 6.0,
heightCard: config.cardHeight - 6.0,
isTurn ? style.theme.accentColor : Colors.grey[500],
altColor: isTurn ? Colors.grey[200] : Colors.grey[600])));
if (!hasPlayed) {
items.add(new Positioned(
top: 0.0,
left: 0.0,
child: new IgnorePointer(
child: new
height: config.cardHeight,
width: config.cardWidth))));
return new Container(
width: config.cardWidth,
height: config.cardHeight,
child: new Stack(items));
Widget _showTrickText(int pNum) {
HeartsGame game =;
int numTrickCards =
game.cardCollections[HeartsGame.OFFSET_TRICK + pNum].length;
int numTricks = numTrickCards ~/ 4;
String s = numTricks != 1 ? "s" : "";
return _rotate(new Text("${numTricks} trick${s}"), pNum);
void _handleLocalAskingReset() {
// If the trick was taken, we can reset localAsking.
if ( == 0) {
localAsking = 0;
bool _incrementLocalAsking() {
if (localAsking < {
setState(() {
if (config.setGameStateCallback != null) {
config.setGameStateCallback(); // Required for ZCards to redraw.
return true;
return false;
void localAskCb() {
// Try to increment. If it fails, be lenient! Give 0.5 seconds to check this
// condition again.
if (!_incrementLocalAsking()) {
new Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500), () {
_incrementLocalAsking(); // give it one more shot
Widget _buildBoardLayout() {
int activePlayer =
// You can tap anywhere on the board to fake "Ask" or "Take Trick".
NoArgCb tapCb;
if (localAsking < 4) {
tapCb = localAskCb;
} else if (localAsking == 4) {
tapCb =;
return new GestureDetector(
onTap: tapCb,
child: new Container(
height: config.height,
width: config.width,
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
border: new Border(
top: new BorderSide(
color: activePlayer == 2
? style.theme.accentColor
: style.transparentColor,
width: 5.0),
right: new BorderSide(
color: activePlayer == 3
? style.theme.accentColor
: style.transparentColor,
width: 5.0),
left: new BorderSide(
color: activePlayer == 1
? style.theme.accentColor
: style.transparentColor,
width: 5.0),
bottom: new BorderSide(
color: activePlayer == 0
? style.theme.accentColor
: style.transparentColor,
width: 5.0))),
child: new Column([
new Flexible(child: _playerProfile(2, PROFILE_SIZE), flex: 0),
new Flexible(child: _showTrickText(2), flex: 0),
new Flexible(
child: new Row([
new Flexible(
child: _playerProfile(1, PROFILE_SIZE), flex: 0),
new Flexible(child: _showTrickText(1), flex: 0),
new Flexible(
child: new Center(child: _buildCenterCards()), flex: 1),
new Flexible(child: _showTrickText(3), flex: 0),
new Flexible(
child: _playerProfile(3, PROFILE_SIZE), flex: 0)
justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceAround),
flex: 1),
new Flexible(child: _showTrickText(0), flex: 0),
new Flexible(child: _playerProfile(0, PROFILE_SIZE), flex: 0)
justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceAround)));
Widget _buildCenterCards() {
//bool wide = (config.width >= config.height);
double height = config.cardHeight * this._centerScaleFactor;
double width = config.cardWidth * this._centerScaleFactor;
Widget centerPiece =
new Container(height: height, width: width, child: new Block([]));
if (localAsking == 4) {
// If all cards played are revealed, show Take Trick button.
int rotateNum =;
centerPiece = _rotate(
new Container(
height: height,
width: width,
child: new RaisedButton(
child: new Text("Take", style: style.Text.largeStyle),
color: style.theme.accentColor)),
return new Column([
new Flexible(
child: new Row([
new Flexible(child: new Block([])),
new Flexible(child: new Center(child: _buildCenterCard(2))),
new Flexible(child: new Block([])),
new Flexible(
child: new Row([
new Flexible(child: new Center(child: _buildCenterCard(1))),
new Flexible(child: new Block([centerPiece])),
new Flexible(child: new Center(child: _buildCenterCard(3))),
new Flexible(
child: new Row([
new Flexible(child: new Block([])),
new Flexible(child: new Center(child: _buildCenterCard(0))),
new Flexible(child: new Block([])),
double get _centerScaleFactor {
bool wide = (config.width >= config.height);
double heightUsed = 2 * PROFILE_SIZE;
if (wide) {
return config.height * (1 - heightUsed) / (config.cardHeight * 4);
} else {
return (config.width - (1.5 * config.height * heightUsed)) /
(config.cardWidth * 4);
Widget _buildCenterCard(int playerNumber) {
HeartsGame game =;
List<logic_card.Card> cards =
game.cardCollections[playerNumber + HeartsGame.OFFSET_PLAY];
bool hasPlayed = cards.length > 0;
// TODO(alexfandrianto): Clean up soon.
//bool isTurn = game.whoseTurn == playerNumber && !hasPlayed;
double height = config.cardHeight * this._centerScaleFactor;
double width = config.cardWidth * this._centerScaleFactor;
bool canShow =
(playerNumber - % 4 < localAsking;
List<Widget> stackWidgets = <Widget>[
new Positioned(
top: 0.0,
left: 0.0,
child: new CardCollectionComponent(
cards, canShow, CardCollectionOrientation.show1,
widthCard: width - 6,
heightCard: height - 6,
rotation: _rotationAngle(playerNumber),
useKeys: true))
// TODO(alexfandrianto): Clean up soon.
/*if (isTurn) {
stackWidgets.add(new Positioned(
top: 0.0,
left: 0.0,
child: _rotate(
new Container(
height: height,
width: width,
child: new RaisedButton(
child: new Text("Play", style: style.Text.largeStyle),
onPressed: ? null :,
color: style.theme.accentColor)),
return new Container(
height: height, width: width, child: new Stack(stackWidgets));
// The off-screen cards consist of trick cards and play cards.
// When the board is mini, the player's play cards are excluded.
Widget _buildOffScreenCards(int playerNumber) {
HeartsGame game =;
List<logic_card.Card> cards = new List.from(
game.cardCollections[playerNumber + HeartsGame.OFFSET_TRICK]);
bool isPlay = game.phase == HeartsPhase.Play;
// Prevent over-expansion of cards until a card has been played.
bool alreadyPlaying =
(isPlay && (game.numPlayed > 0 || game.trickNumber > 0));
double sizeFactor = 1.0;
if (config.isMini) {
if (playerNumber != game.playerNumber) {
game.cardCollections[playerNumber + HeartsGame.OFFSET_HAND]);
} else {
cards.addAll(game.cardCollections[playerNumber + HeartsGame.OFFSET_HAND]);
if (alreadyPlaying) {
sizeFactor = this._centerScaleFactor;
return new CardCollectionComponent(
cards, alreadyPlaying, CardCollectionOrientation.show1,
widthCard: config.cardWidth * sizeFactor,
heightCard: config.cardHeight * sizeFactor,
useKeys: true,
rotation: config.isMini ? null : _rotationAngle(playerNumber),
animationType: component_card.CardAnimationType.LONG);