blob: d45e5c4dcd247396a27e88cc5ae13cb891cddf7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// view handles the loading of new UI screens.
// Currently supported screens: Opening, Table, Pass, Take, Play, Score
// Future support: All screens part of the discovery process
package view
import (
// Opening View: Only temporary, for debugging, while discovery is not integrated
func LoadOpeningView(u *uistate.UIState) {
u.CurView = uistate.Opening
buttonX := (u.WindowSize.X - u.CardDim.X) / 2
tableButtonY := (u.WindowSize.Y - 2*u.CardDim.Y - u.Padding) / 2
passButtonY := tableButtonY + u.CardDim.Y + u.Padding
tableButtonPos := coords.MakeVec(buttonX, tableButtonY)
passButtonPos := coords.MakeVec(buttonX, passButtonY)
tableButtonImage := u.Texs["BakuSquare.png"]
passButtonImage := u.Texs["Clubs-2.png"]
u.Buttons = append(u.Buttons, texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(tableButtonImage, tableButtonPos, u.CardDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
u.Buttons = append(u.Buttons, texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(passButtonImage, passButtonPos, u.CardDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// Table View: Displays the table. Intended for public devices
func LoadTableView(u *uistate.UIState) {
u.CurView = uistate.Table
scaler := float32(4)
maxWidth := 4 * u.TableCardDim.X
// adding four drop targets for trick
dropTargetImage := u.Texs["trickDrop.png"]
dropTargetDimensions := u.CardDim
dropTargetX := (u.WindowSize.X - u.CardDim.X) / 2
var dropTargetY float32
if u.WindowSize.X < u.WindowSize.Y {
dropTargetY = u.WindowSize.Y/2 + u.CardDim.Y/2 + u.Padding
} else {
dropTargetY = u.WindowSize.Y/2 + u.Padding
dropTargetPos := coords.MakeVec(dropTargetX, dropTargetY)
u.DropTargets = append(u.DropTargets,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(dropTargetImage, dropTargetPos, dropTargetDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// card on top of first drop target
dropCard := u.CurTable.GetTrick()[0]
if dropCard != nil {
texture.PopulateCardImage(dropCard, u.Texs, u.Eng, u.Scene)
dropCard.Move(dropTargetPos, dropTargetDimensions, u.Eng)
u.Cards = append(u.Cards, dropCard)
// second drop target
dropTargetY = (u.WindowSize.Y - u.CardDim.Y) / 2
if u.WindowSize.X < u.WindowSize.Y {
dropTargetX = u.WindowSize.X/2 - u.CardDim.X - u.Padding
} else {
dropTargetX = u.WindowSize.X/2 - 3*u.CardDim.X/2 - u.Padding
dropTargetPos = coords.MakeVec(dropTargetX, dropTargetY)
u.DropTargets = append(u.DropTargets,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(dropTargetImage, dropTargetPos, dropTargetDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// card on top of second drop target
dropCard = u.CurTable.GetTrick()[1]
if dropCard != nil {
texture.PopulateCardImage(dropCard, u.Texs, u.Eng, u.Scene)
dropCard.Move(dropTargetPos, dropTargetDimensions, u.Eng)
u.Cards = append(u.Cards, dropCard)
// third drop target
dropTargetX = (u.WindowSize.X - u.CardDim.X) / 2
if u.WindowSize.X < u.WindowSize.Y {
dropTargetY = u.WindowSize.Y/2 - 3*u.CardDim.Y/2 - u.Padding
} else {
dropTargetY = u.WindowSize.Y/2 - u.Padding - u.CardDim.Y
dropTargetPos = coords.MakeVec(dropTargetX, dropTargetY)
u.DropTargets = append(u.DropTargets,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(dropTargetImage, dropTargetPos, dropTargetDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// card on top of third drop target
dropCard = u.CurTable.GetTrick()[2]
if dropCard != nil {
texture.PopulateCardImage(dropCard, u.Texs, u.Eng, u.Scene)
dropCard.Move(dropTargetPos, dropTargetDimensions, u.Eng)
u.Cards = append(u.Cards, dropCard)
// fourth drop target
dropTargetY = (u.WindowSize.Y - u.CardDim.Y) / 2
if u.WindowSize.X < u.WindowSize.Y {
dropTargetX = u.WindowSize.X/2 + u.Padding
} else {
dropTargetX = u.WindowSize.X/2 + u.CardDim.X/2 + u.Padding
dropTargetPos = coords.MakeVec(dropTargetX, dropTargetY)
u.DropTargets = append(u.DropTargets,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(dropTargetImage, dropTargetPos, dropTargetDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// card on top of fourth drop target
dropCard = u.CurTable.GetTrick()[3]
if dropCard != nil {
texture.PopulateCardImage(dropCard, u.Texs, u.Eng, u.Scene)
dropCard.Move(dropTargetPos, dropTargetDimensions, u.Eng)
u.Cards = append(u.Cards, dropCard)
// adding 4 player icons, text, and device icons
playerIconImage := u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[0].GetImage()
playerIconX := (u.WindowSize.X - u.PlayerIconDim.X) / 2
playerIconY := u.WindowSize.Y - u.TableCardDim.Y - u.BottomPadding - u.Padding - u.PlayerIconDim.Y
playerIconPos := coords.MakeVec(playerIconX, playerIconY)
if u.Debug {
u.Buttons = append(u.Buttons,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, playerIconPos, u.PlayerIconDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
} else {
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, playerIconPos, u.PlayerIconDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// player 0's name
center := coords.MakeVec(playerIconX+u.PlayerIconDim.X/2, playerIconY-30)
textImgs := texture.MakeStringImgCenterAlign(u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[0].GetName(), "", "", true, center, scaler, maxWidth, u)
for _, img := range textImgs {
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs, img)
// player 0's device icon
deviceIconImage := u.Texs["phoneIcon.png"]
deviceIconDim := u.PlayerIconDim.DividedBy(2)
deviceIconPos := coords.MakeVec(playerIconPos.X+u.PlayerIconDim.X, playerIconPos.Y)
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(deviceIconImage, deviceIconPos, deviceIconDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// player 1's icon
playerIconImage = u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[1].GetImage()
playerIconX = u.BottomPadding
playerIconY = (u.WindowSize.Y+2*u.BottomPadding+u.PlayerIconDim.Y-
(u.TableCardDim.Y-u.Overlap.Y)+u.TableCardDim.Y))/2 -
u.PlayerIconDim.Y - u.Padding
playerIconPos = coords.MakeVec(playerIconX, playerIconY)
if u.Debug {
u.Buttons = append(u.Buttons,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, playerIconPos, u.PlayerIconDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
} else {
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, playerIconPos, u.PlayerIconDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// player 1's name
start := coords.MakeVec(playerIconX, playerIconY-30)
textImgs = texture.MakeStringImgLeftAlign(u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[1].GetName(), "", "", true, start, scaler, maxWidth, u)
for _, img := range textImgs {
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs, img)
// player 1's device icon
deviceIconImage = u.Texs["tabletIcon.png"]
deviceIconPos = coords.MakeVec(playerIconPos.X+u.PlayerIconDim.X, playerIconPos.Y+u.PlayerIconDim.Y-deviceIconDim.Y)
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(deviceIconImage, deviceIconPos, deviceIconDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// player 2's icon
playerIconImage = u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[2].GetImage()
playerIconX = (u.WindowSize.X - u.PlayerIconDim.X) / 2
playerIconY = u.TopPadding + u.TableCardDim.Y + u.Padding
playerIconPos = coords.MakeVec(playerIconX, playerIconY)
if u.Debug {
u.Buttons = append(u.Buttons,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, playerIconPos, u.PlayerIconDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
} else {
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, playerIconPos, u.PlayerIconDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// player 2's name
center = coords.MakeVec(playerIconX+u.PlayerIconDim.X/2, playerIconY+u.PlayerIconDim.Y+5)
textImgs = texture.MakeStringImgCenterAlign(u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[2].GetName(), "", "", true, center, scaler, maxWidth, u)
for _, img := range textImgs {
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs, img)
// player 2's device icon
deviceIconImage = u.Texs["watchIcon.png"]
deviceIconPos = coords.MakeVec(playerIconPos.X+u.PlayerIconDim.X, playerIconPos.Y+u.PlayerIconDim.Y-deviceIconDim.Y)
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(deviceIconImage, deviceIconPos, deviceIconDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// player 3's icon
playerIconImage = u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[3].GetImage()
playerIconX = u.WindowSize.X - u.BottomPadding - u.PlayerIconDim.X
playerIconY = (u.WindowSize.Y+2*u.BottomPadding+u.PlayerIconDim.Y-
(u.TableCardDim.Y-u.Overlap.Y)+u.TableCardDim.Y))/2 -
u.PlayerIconDim.Y - u.Padding
playerIconPos = coords.MakeVec(playerIconX, playerIconY)
if u.Debug {
u.Buttons = append(u.Buttons,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, playerIconPos, u.PlayerIconDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
} else {
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, playerIconPos, u.PlayerIconDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// player 3's name
end := coords.MakeVec(playerIconX+u.PlayerIconDim.X, playerIconY-30)
textImgs = texture.MakeStringImgRightAlign(u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[3].GetName(), "", "", true, end, scaler, maxWidth, u)
for _, img := range textImgs {
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs, img)
// player 3's device icon
deviceIconImage = u.Texs["laptopIcon.png"]
deviceIconPos = coords.MakeVec(playerIconPos.X-deviceIconDim.X, playerIconPos.Y+u.PlayerIconDim.Y-deviceIconDim.Y)
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(deviceIconImage, deviceIconPos, deviceIconDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// adding cards
for _, p := range u.CurTable.GetPlayers() {
hand := p.GetHand()
for i, c := range hand {
texture.PopulateCardImage(c, u.Texs, u.Eng, u.Scene)
cardIndex := coords.MakeVec(float32(len(hand)), float32(i))
reposition.SetCardPositionTable(c, p.GetPlayerIndex(), cardIndex, u)
u.Eng.SetSubTex(c.GetNode(), c.GetBack())
u.TableCards = append(u.TableCards, c)
if u.Debug {
// Decides which view of the player's hand to load based on what steps of the round they have completed
func LoadPassOrTakeOrPlay(u *uistate.UIState) {
p := u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[u.CurPlayerIndex]
if p.GetDoneTaking() || u.CurTable.GetDir() == direction.None {
} else if p.GetDonePassing() {
} else {
// Score View: Shows current player standings at the end of every round, including the end of the game
func LoadScoreView(winners []int, u *uistate.UIState) {
u.CurView = uistate.Score
// adding score text
textImgs := make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
center := coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X/2, u.WindowSize.Y/4)
scaler := float32(4)
maxWidthBanner := u.WindowSize.X - 2*u.Padding
maxWidthScores := u.WindowSize.X / 2
if len(winners) == 0 {
textImgs = texture.MakeStringImgCenterAlign("Current Standings", "", "", true, center, scaler, maxWidthBanner, u)
} else {
str := "Game over! Congratulations " + u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[winners[0]].GetName()
for i := 1; i < len(winners); i++ {
str += " and " + u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[winners[i]].GetName()
str += "!"
textImgs = texture.MakeStringImgCenterAlign(str, "", "", true, center, scaler, maxWidthBanner, u)
left := coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X/4, center.Y+40)
for _, p := range u.CurTable.GetPlayers() {
str := p.GetName() + ": " + strconv.Itoa(p.GetScore())
newTextImgs := texture.MakeStringImgLeftAlign(str, "", "", true, left, scaler, maxWidthScores, u)
textImgs = append(textImgs, newTextImgs...)
left = coords.MakeVec(left.X, left.Y+30)
for _, img := range textImgs {
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs, img)
// adding play button to move to next round
pressedImg := u.Texs["playPressed.png"]
unpressedImg := u.Texs["playUnpressed.png"]
buttonDim := coords.MakeVec(2*u.CardDim.X, u.CardDim.Y)
buttonPos := coords.MakeVec((u.WindowSize.X-u.CardDim.X)/2, u.WindowSize.Y-u.CardDim.Y-u.BottomPadding)
u.Buttons = append(u.Buttons,
texture.MakeImgWithAlt(unpressedImg, pressedImg, buttonPos, buttonDim, true, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// Pass View: Shows player's hand and allows them to pass cards
func loadPassView(u *uistate.UIState) {
u.CurView = uistate.Pass
if u.Debug {
// Take View: Shows player's hand and allows them to take the cards that have been passed to them
func loadTakeView(u *uistate.UIState) {
u.CurView = uistate.Take
if u.Debug {
// Play View: Shows player's hand and allows them to play cards
func loadPlayView(u *uistate.UIState) {
u.CurView = uistate.Play
if u.Debug {
func addHeader(u *uistate.UIState) {
// adding blue banner
headerImage := u.Texs["RoundedRectangle-DBlue.png"]
headerPos := coords.MakeVec(0, -10)
headerWidth := u.WindowSize.X
headerHeight := float32(20)
headerDimensions := coords.MakeVec(headerWidth, headerHeight)
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(headerImage, headerPos, headerDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
func addHeaderButton(u *uistate.UIState) {
// adding blue banner for croupier header
headerUnpressed := u.Texs["blue.png"]
headerPressed := u.Texs["bluePressed.png"]
headerPos := coords.MakeVec(0, 0)
headerWidth := u.WindowSize.X
var headerHeight float32
if 2*u.CardDim.Y < headerWidth/4 {
headerHeight = 2 * u.CardDim.Y
} else {
headerHeight = headerWidth / 4
headerDimensions := coords.MakeVec(headerWidth, headerHeight)
u.Buttons = append(u.Buttons,
texture.MakeImgWithAlt(headerUnpressed, headerPressed, headerPos, headerDimensions, true, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// adding play button
playUnpressed := u.Texs["playUnpressed.png"]
playPressed := u.Texs["playPressed.png"]
playDim := coords.MakeVec(headerHeight, headerHeight/2)
playPos := coords.MakeVec((u.WindowSize.X-playDim.X)/2, (u.TopPadding+playDim.Y)/2)
play := texture.MakeImgWithAlt(playUnpressed, playPressed, playPos, playDim, true, u.Eng, u.Scene)
u.Buttons = append(u.Buttons, play)
func addGrayPassBar(u *uistate.UIState) {
// adding gray bar
grayBarImg := u.Texs["RoundedRectangle-Gray.png"]
blueBarImg := u.Texs["RoundedRectangle-LBlue.png"]
grayBarPos := coords.MakeVec(2*u.BottomPadding, 40-u.WindowSize.Y+4*u.BottomPadding)
grayBarDim := coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X-4*u.BottomPadding, u.WindowSize.Y-4*u.BottomPadding)
u.Other = append(u.Other,
texture.MakeImgWithAlt(grayBarImg, blueBarImg, grayBarPos, grayBarDim, true, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// adding name
var receivingPlayer int
switch u.CurTable.GetDir() {
case direction.Right:
receivingPlayer = (u.CurPlayerIndex + 3) % u.NumPlayers
case direction.Left:
receivingPlayer = (u.CurPlayerIndex + 1) % u.NumPlayers
case direction.Across:
receivingPlayer = (u.CurPlayerIndex + 2) % u.NumPlayers
name := u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[receivingPlayer].GetName()
color := "Gray"
altColor := "LBlue"
center := coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X/2, 5)
scaler := float32(3)
maxWidth := u.WindowSize.X
nameImgs := texture.MakeStringImgCenterAlign(name, color, altColor, true, center, scaler, maxWidth, u)
u.Other = append(u.Other, nameImgs...)
func addGrayTakeBar(u *uistate.UIState) {
passedCards := u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[u.CurPlayerIndex].GetPassedTo()
display := len(passedCards) == 0
// adding gray bar
grayBarImg := u.Texs["RoundedRectangle-Gray.png"]
grayBarAlt := u.Texs["RoundedRectangle-LBlue.png"]
grayBarPos := coords.MakeVec(2*u.BottomPadding, -30)
topOfHand := u.WindowSize.Y - 5*(u.CardDim.Y+u.Padding) - (2 * u.Padding / 5) - u.BottomPadding
var grayBarHeight float32
if display {
grayBarHeight = 105
} else {
grayBarHeight = topOfHand - u.CardDim.Y
grayBarDim := coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X-4*u.BottomPadding, grayBarHeight)
u.Other = append(u.Other,
texture.MakeImgWithAlt(grayBarImg, grayBarAlt, grayBarPos, grayBarDim, display, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// adding name
var passingPlayer int
switch u.CurTable.GetDir() {
case direction.Right:
passingPlayer = (u.CurPlayerIndex + 1) % u.NumPlayers
case direction.Left:
passingPlayer = (u.CurPlayerIndex + 3) % u.NumPlayers
case direction.Across:
passingPlayer = (u.CurPlayerIndex + 2) % u.NumPlayers
name := u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[passingPlayer].GetName()
color := "Gray"
nameAltColor := "LBlue"
awaitingAltColor := "None"
center := coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X/2, 5)
scaler := float32(3)
maxWidth := u.WindowSize.X
nameImgs := texture.MakeStringImgCenterAlign(name, color, nameAltColor, display, center, scaler, maxWidth, u)
u.Other = append(u.Other, nameImgs...)
center = coords.MakeVec(center.X, center.Y+40)
scaler = float32(5)
awaitingImgs := texture.MakeStringImgCenterAlign("Awaiting pass", color, awaitingAltColor, display, center, scaler, maxWidth, u)
u.Other = append(u.Other, awaitingImgs...)
// adding cards to take, if cards have been passed
if !display {
u.Cards = append(u.Cards, passedCards...)
func moveTakeCards(u *uistate.UIState) {
passedCards := u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[u.CurPlayerIndex].GetPassedTo()
if len(passedCards) > 0 {
topOfHand := u.WindowSize.Y - 5*(u.CardDim.Y+u.Padding) - (2 * u.Padding / 5) - u.BottomPadding
cardY := topOfHand - 3*u.CardDim.Y
numCards := float32(3)
cardXStart := (u.WindowSize.X - (numCards*u.CardDim.X + (numCards-1)*u.Padding)) / 2
for i, c := range passedCards {
cardX := cardXStart + float32(i)*(u.Padding+u.CardDim.X)
cardPos := coords.MakeVec(cardX, cardY)
c.Move(cardPos, u.CardDim, u.Eng)
reposition.RealignSuit(c.GetSuit(), c.GetInitial().Y, u)
// invisible drop target holding card
var emptyTex sprite.SubTex
d := texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(emptyTex, cardPos, u.CardDim, u.Eng, u.Scene)
u.DropTargets = append(u.DropTargets, d)
func addPassDrops(u *uistate.UIState) {
// adding blue background banner for drop targets
topOfHand := u.WindowSize.Y - 5*(u.CardDim.Y+u.Padding) - (2 * u.Padding / 5) - u.BottomPadding
passBannerImage := u.Texs["Rectangle-LBlue.png"]
passBannerPos := coords.MakeVec(6*u.BottomPadding, topOfHand-(2*u.Padding))
passBannerDim := coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X-8*u.BottomPadding, u.CardDim.Y+2*u.Padding)
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(passBannerImage, passBannerPos, passBannerDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// adding undisplayed pull tab
pullTabSpotImage := u.Texs["Rectangle-LBlue.png"]
pullTabImage := u.Texs["VerticalPullTab.png"]
pullTabSpotPos := coords.MakeVec(2*u.BottomPadding, passBannerPos.Y)
pullTabSpotDim := coords.MakeVec(4*u.BottomPadding, u.CardDim.Y+2*u.Padding)
u.Buttons = append(u.Buttons,
texture.MakeImgWithAlt(pullTabImage, pullTabSpotImage, pullTabSpotPos, pullTabSpotDim, false, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// adding text
textLeft := coords.MakeVec(pullTabSpotPos.X+pullTabSpotDim.X/2, passBannerPos.Y-20)
scaler := float32(5)
maxWidth := passBannerDim.X
text := texture.MakeStringImgLeftAlign("Pass:", "", "None", true, textLeft, scaler, maxWidth, u)
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs, text...)
// adding drop targets
dropTargetImage := u.Texs["trickDrop.png"]
dropTargetY := passBannerPos.Y + u.Padding
numDropTargets := float32(3)
dropTargetXStart := (u.WindowSize.X - (numDropTargets*u.CardDim.X + (numDropTargets-1)*u.Padding)) / 2
for i := 0; i < int(numDropTargets); i++ {
dropTargetX := dropTargetXStart + float32(i)*(u.Padding+u.CardDim.X)
dropTargetPos := coords.MakeVec(dropTargetX, dropTargetY)
u.DropTargets = append(u.DropTargets,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(dropTargetImage, dropTargetPos, u.CardDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
func addHand(u *uistate.UIState) {
p := u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[u.CurPlayerIndex]
u.Cards = append(u.Cards, p.GetHand()...)
clubCount := 0
diamondCount := 0
spadeCount := 0
heartCount := 0
for i := 0; i < len(u.Cards); i++ {
switch u.Cards[i].GetSuit() {
case card.Club:
case card.Diamond:
case card.Spade:
case card.Heart:
suitCounts := []int{clubCount, diamondCount, spadeCount, heartCount}
// adding gray background banners for each suit
suitBannerImage := u.Texs["gray.jpeg"]
suitBannerX := float32(0)
suitBannerWidth := u.WindowSize.X
suitBannerHeight := u.CardDim.Y + (4 * u.Padding / 5)
suitBannerDim := coords.MakeVec(suitBannerWidth, suitBannerHeight)
for i := 0; i < u.NumSuits; i++ {
suitBannerY := u.WindowSize.Y - float32(i+1)*(u.CardDim.Y+u.Padding) - (2 * u.Padding / 5) - u.BottomPadding
suitBannerPos := coords.MakeVec(suitBannerX, suitBannerY)
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(suitBannerImage, suitBannerPos, suitBannerDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// adding suit image to any empty suit in hand
for i, c := range suitCounts {
var texKey string
switch i {
case 0:
texKey = "Club.png"
case 1:
texKey = "Diamond.png"
case 2:
texKey = "Spade.png"
case 3:
texKey = "Heart.png"
suitIconImage := u.Texs[texKey]
suitIconAlt := u.Texs["gray.png"]
suitIconX := u.WindowSize.X/2 - u.CardDim.X/3
suitIconY := u.WindowSize.Y - float32(4-i)*(u.CardDim.Y+u.Padding) + u.CardDim.Y/6 - u.BottomPadding
display := c == 0
suitIconPos := coords.MakeVec(suitIconX, suitIconY)
suitIconDim := u.CardDim.Times(2).DividedBy(3)
u.EmptySuitImgs = append(u.EmptySuitImgs,
texture.MakeImgWithAlt(suitIconImage, suitIconAlt, suitIconPos, suitIconDim, display, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// adding clubs
for i := 0; i < clubCount; i++ {
numInSuit := i
texture.PopulateCardImage(u.Cards[i], u.Texs, u.Eng, u.Scene)
reposition.SetCardPositionHand(u.Cards[i], numInSuit, suitCounts, u)
// adding diamonds
for i := clubCount; i < clubCount+diamondCount; i++ {
numInSuit := i - clubCount
texture.PopulateCardImage(u.Cards[i], u.Texs, u.Eng, u.Scene)
reposition.SetCardPositionHand(u.Cards[i], numInSuit, suitCounts, u)
// adding spades
for i := clubCount + diamondCount; i < clubCount+diamondCount+spadeCount; i++ {
numInSuit := i - clubCount - diamondCount
texture.PopulateCardImage(u.Cards[i], u.Texs, u.Eng, u.Scene)
reposition.SetCardPositionHand(u.Cards[i], numInSuit, suitCounts, u)
// adding hearts
for i := clubCount + diamondCount + spadeCount; i < clubCount+diamondCount+spadeCount+heartCount; i++ {
numInSuit := i - clubCount - diamondCount - spadeCount
texture.PopulateCardImage(u.Cards[i], u.Texs, u.Eng, u.Scene)
reposition.SetCardPositionHand(u.Cards[i], numInSuit, suitCounts, u)
func resetImgs(u *uistate.UIState) {
u.Cards = make([]*card.Card, 0)
u.TableCards = make([]*card.Card, 0)
u.BackgroundImgs = make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
u.EmptySuitImgs = make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
u.DropTargets = make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
u.Buttons = make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
u.Other = make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
func resetScene(u *uistate.UIState) {
u.Scene = &sprite.Node{}
u.Eng.SetTransform(u.Scene, f32.Affine{
{1, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0},
func addDebugBar(u *uistate.UIState) {
buttonDim := u.CardDim
debugTableImage := u.Texs["BakuSquare.png"]
debugTablePos := u.WindowSize.MinusVec(buttonDim)
u.Buttons = append(u.Buttons,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(debugTableImage, debugTablePos, buttonDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
debugPassImage := u.Texs["Clubs-2.png"]
debugPassPos := coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X-2*buttonDim.X, u.WindowSize.Y-buttonDim.Y)
u.Buttons = append(u.Buttons,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(debugPassImage, debugPassPos, buttonDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))