blob: 586d3e1f2f056805136753abb52d57cbf1f15876 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of proto;
class ProtoCommand extends GameCommand {
// Usually this constructor is used when reading from a log/syncbase.
ProtoCommand(String phase, String data) : super(phase, data);
// The following constructors are used for the player generating the ProtoCommand. playerId, List<Card> cards) :
super("Deal", computeDeal(playerId, cards));
// TODO: receiverId is actually implied by the game round. So it may end up being removable.
ProtoCommand.pass(int senderId, int receiverId, List<Card> cards) :
super("Pass", computePass(senderId, receiverId, cards)); playerId, Card c) :
super("Play", computePlay(playerId, c));
static String computeDeal(int playerId, List<Card> cards) {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
cards.forEach((card) => buff.write("${card.toString()}:"));
return buff.toString();
static String computePass(int senderId, int receiverId, List<Card> cards) {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
cards.forEach((card) => buff.write("${card.toString()}:"));
return buff.toString();
static String computePlay(int playerId, Card c) {
return "${playerId}:${c.toString()}:END";
bool canExecute(Game game) {
return true;
void execute(Game game) {
print("ProtoCommand is executing: ${data}");
List<String> parts = data.split(":");
switch (phase) {
case "Deal":
// Deal appends cards to playerId's hand.
int playerId = int.parse(parts[0]);
List<Card> hand = game.cardCollections[playerId];
// The last part is 'END', but the rest are cards.
for (int i = 1; i < parts.length - 1; i++) {
Card c = new Card.fromString(parts[i]);
this.transfer(game.deck, hand, c);
case "Pass":
// Pass moves a set of cards from senderId to receiverId.
int senderId = int.parse(parts[0]);
int receiverId = int.parse(parts[1]);
List<Card> handS = game.cardCollections[senderId];
List<Card> handR = game.cardCollections[receiverId];
// The last part is 'END', but the rest are cards.
for (int i = 2; i < parts.length - 1; i++) {
Card c = new Card.fromString(parts[i]);
this.transfer(handS, handR, c);
case "Play":
// In this case, move it to the designated discard pile.
// For now, the discard pile is pile #4. This may change.
int playerId = int.parse(parts[0]);
List<Card> hand = game.cardCollections[playerId];
Card c = new Card.fromString(parts[1]);
this.transfer(hand, game.cardCollections[4], c);
assert(false); // How could this have happened?
void transfer(List<Card> sender, List<Card> receiver, Card c) {