blob: 0edbf0d33845ccee4b996234e18ad4a1b9b6c757 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/animation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' as widgets;
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' as vector_math;
import '../logic/card.dart' as logic_card;
enum CardAnimationType { none, normal, long }
enum CardUIType { card, zCard }
typedef void TapCallback(logic_card.Card card);
class GlobalCardKey extends widgets.GlobalKey {
logic_card.Card card;
CardUIType type;
GlobalCardKey(this.card, this.type) : super.constructor();
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other is! GlobalCardKey) {
return false;
GlobalCardKey k = other;
return k.card == card && k.type == type;
int get hashCode {
return 17 * card.hashCode + 33 * type.hashCode;
class ZCard extends widgets.StatefulWidget {
final logic_card.Card card;
final bool faceUp;
final double width;
final double height;
final double rotation;
final CardAnimationType animationType;
final double z;
// These points are in local coordinates.
final Point startingPosition;
final Point endingPosition;
ZCard(Card dataComponent, this.startingPosition, this.endingPosition)
: card = dataComponent.card,
faceUp = dataComponent.faceUp,
width = dataComponent.width ?? 40.0,
height = dataComponent.height ?? 40.0,
rotation = dataComponent.rotation ?? 0.0,
animationType = dataComponent.animationType,
z = dataComponent.z,
super(key: new GlobalCardKey(dataComponent.card, CardUIType.zCard));
ZCardState createState() => new ZCardState();
class Card extends widgets.StatefulWidget {
final logic_card.Card card;
final bool faceUp;
final double width;
final double height;
final double rotation;
final bool useKey;
final bool visible;
final TapCallback tapCallback;
final CardAnimationType animationType;
final double z;
Card(logic_card.Card card, this.faceUp,
{double width,
double height,
double rotation,
bool useKey: false,
this.visible: true,
CardAnimationType animationType,
: animationType = animationType ?? CardAnimationType.none,
card = card,
width = width ?? 40.0,
height = height ?? 40.0,
rotation = rotation ?? 0.0,
useKey = useKey,
super(key: useKey ? new GlobalCardKey(card, CardUIType.card) : null);
// Use this helper to help create a Card clone.
// Used by the drag and drop layer.
Card clone({bool visible}) {
return new Card(this.card, this.faceUp,
width: width,
height: height,
rotation: rotation,
useKey: false,
visible: visible ?? this.visible,
animationType: CardAnimationType.none,
z: z);
// Check if the data between these Cards matches.
// This isn't == since I don't want to override that and hashCode.
bool isMatchWith(Card c) {
return c.card == card &&
c.faceUp == faceUp &&
c.width == width &&
c.height == height &&
c.rotation == rotation &&
c.useKey == useKey &&
c.visible == visible &&
c.animationType == animationType &&
c.z == z;
CardState createState() => new CardState();
class CardState extends widgets.State<Card> {
Point getGlobalPosition() {
RenderBox box = context.findRenderObject();
return box.localToGlobal(Point.origin);
widgets.Widget build(widgets.BuildContext context) {
widgets.Widget image = new widgets.GestureDetector(
onTap: config.tapCallback != null
? () => config.tapCallback(config.card)
: null,
child: new widgets.Opacity(
opacity: config.visible ? 1.0 : 0.0,
child: new widgets.Transform(
child: _imageFromCard(
config.card, config.faceUp, config.width, config.height),
new vector_math.Matrix4.identity().rotateZ(config.rotation),
alignment: new FractionalOffset(0.5, 0.5))));
return image;
widgets.Widget _imageFromCard(
logic_card.Card c, bool faceUp, double width, double height) {
// TODO(alexfandrianto): Instead of 'default', what if we were told which theme to use?
String imageName =
"images/default/${c.deck}/${faceUp ? 'up' : 'down'}/${c.identifier}.png";
return new widgets.AssetImage(name: imageName, width: width, height: height);
class ZCardState extends widgets.State<ZCard> {
Tween<Point> _positionTween;
AnimationController _animationController;
_pointQueue; // at least 1 longer than the current animation index.
int _animationIndex;
void initState() {
void _initialize() {
_pointQueue = new List<Point>();
_animationIndex = 0;
if (config.startingPosition != null) {
_animationController =
new AnimationController(duration: this.animationDuration);
_animationController.addStatusListener((AnimationStatus status) {
if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) {
Duration get animationDuration {
switch (config.animationType) {
case CardAnimationType.none:
return const Duration(milliseconds: 0);
case CardAnimationType.normal:
return const Duration(milliseconds: 200);
case CardAnimationType.long:
return const Duration(milliseconds: 1000);
print("Unexpected animation type: ${config.animationType}");
return null;
void didUpdateConfig(ZCard oldConfig) {
if (config.key != oldConfig.key) {
} else {
// Do we need to animate to a new location? If so, add it to the queue.
if (config.endingPosition != _pointQueue.last) {
setState(() {
// A callback that sets up the animation from point a to point b.
void _updatePosition() {
if (config.animationType == CardAnimationType.none ||
_pointQueue.length == 1) {
Point endingLocation = config.endingPosition;
_positionTween =
new Tween<Point>(begin: endingLocation, end: endingLocation);
_animationController.value = 0.0;
_animationIndex = _pointQueue.length - 1;
bool _needsAnimation() {
return _animationIndex < _pointQueue.length - 1;
// Return the current animation position of the ZCard.
Point get localPosition {
return _positionTween.evaluate(_animationController);
void _tryAnimate() {
// Let animations finish... (Is this a good idea?)
if (!_animationController.isAnimating && _needsAnimation()) {
Point startingLocation = _pointQueue[_animationIndex];
Point endingLocation = _pointQueue[_animationIndex + 1];
_positionTween =
new Tween<Point>(begin: startingLocation, end: endingLocation);
_animationController.duration = this.animationDuration;
_animationController.forward(from: 0.0);
widgets.Widget build(widgets.BuildContext context) {
widgets.Widget image = new widgets.Transform(
child: _imageFromCard(
config.card, config.faceUp, config.width, config.height),
transform: new vector_math.Matrix4.identity().rotateZ(config.rotation),
alignment: new FractionalOffset(0.5, 0.5));
// Prepare the transition, which is a fixed pixel translation.
widgets.Widget retWidget = new widgets.AnimatedBuilder(
animation: _animationController,
builder: (widgets.BuildContext c, widgets.Widget child) {
Matrix4 transform = new Matrix4.identity()
..translate(localPosition.x, localPosition.y);
return new widgets.Transform(transform: transform, child: child);
child: image);
return retWidget;