blob: 5a781ddb9a321e03c8645217c290607287effaf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:convert' show JSON;
/// CroupierSettings is a simple struct that contains player-specific settings.
/// Players can modify a subset of their settings via the UI.
class CroupierSettings {
CroupierSettings.random() {
CroupierSettings.placeholder() {
avatar = "Heart.png";
name = "Loading...";
color = 0xcfcccccc;
CroupierSettings.fromJSONString(String json) {
var data = JSON.decode(json);
userID = data["userID"];
lastGameID = data["lastGameID"];
avatar = data["avatar"];
name = data["name"];
color = data["color"];
// Values the user does not set.
int userID;
int lastGameID; // Note: Some versions of Croupier do not support lastGameID.
bool get hasLastGame => lastGameID != null;
// Values the user can customize
String avatar;
String name;
int color;
static String makeAvatarUrl(String key) => 'images/avatars/$key';
String getStringValue(String key) {
switch (key) {
case "name":
return name;
case "avatar":
return avatar;
case "color":
return "$color";
return null;
void setStringValue(String key, String data) {
switch (key) {
case "name":
print("Setting name to $data");
name = data;
case "avatar":
print("Setting avatar to $data");
avatar = data;
case "color":
// Just calling int.parse will crash SIGSEGV the Dart VM on Android.
// Note: if the number is too big. If you do a smaller number, it's fine.
int newColor =
0xcf000000; // Remove once Android + Dart can handle larger numbers.
try {
newColor += int.parse(data);
} catch (e) {
print("Setting color to 0x$newColor.");
color = newColor;
return null;
String toJSONString() {
return JSON.encode({
"userID": userID,
"lastGameID": lastGameID,
"avatar": avatar,
"name": name,
"color": color
void _randomInitialization() {
userID = RandomSettings.userID;
avatar = RandomSettings.avatar;
name =;
color = RandomSettings.color;
class RandomSettings {
static final List avatars = [
static final List names = [
static final List appellations = [
// Return a random user id.
static int get userID {
return new math.Random().nextInt(0xffffff);
// Return a random image name.
static String get avatar {
return avatars[new math.Random().nextInt(avatars.length)];
// Return a random pirate name
static String get name {
var rng = new math.Random();
int nameIndex = rng.nextInt(names.length);
int appIndex = rng.nextInt(appellations.length);
return "${names[nameIndex]} ${appellations[appIndex]}";
// Return something between 0x00000000 and 0xffffffff
static int get color {
return new math.Random().nextInt(0xffffffff);