blob: 38a57052f52862951a60340555899aa9f7b166d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'components/main_route.dart' show MainRoute;
import 'components/settings_route.dart' show SettingsRoute;
import 'logic/croupier.dart' show Croupier;
import 'settings/client.dart' as settings_client;
import 'sound/sound_assets.dart';
import 'styles/common.dart' as style;
class CroupierApp extends StatefulWidget {
settings_client.AppSettings appSettings;
SoundAssets sounds;
CroupierApp(this.appSettings, this.sounds);
CroupierAppState createState() => new CroupierAppState();
class CroupierAppState extends State<CroupierApp> {
Croupier croupier;
void initState() {
this.croupier = new Croupier(config.appSettings);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new MaterialApp(
title: 'Croupier',
routes: <String, WidgetBuilder>{
"/": (BuildContext _) => new MainRoute(croupier, config.sounds),
"/settings": (BuildContext _) => new SettingsRoute(croupier)
theme: style.theme);
AssetBundle _initBundle() {
// Note: Code was copied from parts of Flutter that load assets like sound.
// rootBundle comes from flutter/services.dart
if (rootBundle != null) return rootBundle;
return new NetworkAssetBundle(new;
Future<SoundAssets> loadAudio() async {
// TODO(alexfandrianto): Sound is turned off since it's not convenient to get
// HEAD Mojo Shell built with the media service.
final AssetBundle _bundle = _initBundle();
SoundAssets _sounds = new SoundAssets(_bundle);
// Load sounds in parallel.
//await Future.wait([_sounds.load("whooshIn"), _sounds.load("whooshOut")]);
return _sounds;
void main() {
// TODO(alexfandrianto): Perhaps my app will run better if I initialize more
// things here instead of in Croupier. I added this 500 ms delay because the
// tablet was sometimes not rendering without it (repainting too early?).
new Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500), () async {
runApp(new CroupierApp(
await settings_client.getSettings(), await loadAudio()));