blob: 6acf8da34b24fce402d379d514b9e18772c65905 [file] [log] [blame]
import '../logic/card.dart' as logic_card;
import 'card.dart' as component_card;
import 'draggable.dart' show Draggable;
import 'package:sky/widgets.dart';
import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart' as colors;
enum Orientation { vert, horz, fan, show1 }
enum DropType { none, card, card_collection } // I can see that both would be nice, but I'm not sure how to do that yet.
class CardCollectionComponent extends StatefulComponent {
List<logic_card.Card> cards;
Orientation orientation;
bool faceUp;
Function parentCallback;
bool dragChildren;
DropType acceptType;
String status = 'bar';
CardCollectionComponent(, this.faceUp, this.orientation, this.parentCallback,
{this.dragChildren: false, this.acceptType: DropType.none});
void syncConstructorArguments(CardCollectionComponent other) {
cards =;
orientation = other.orientation;
faceUp = other.faceUp;
parentCallback = other.parentCallback;
dragChildren = other.dragChildren;
acceptType = other.acceptType;
bool _handleWillAccept(dynamic data) {
print('will accept?');
return true;
void _handleAccept(component_card.Card data) {
setState(() {
status = 'ACCEPT ${data.card.toString()}';
void _handleAcceptMultiple(CardCollectionComponent data) {
setState(() {
status = 'ACCEPT multi: ${}';
List<Widget> flexCards(List<Widget> cardWidgets) {
List<Widget> flexWidgets = new List<Widget>();
(cardWidget) => flexWidgets.add(new Flexible(child: cardWidget)));
return flexWidgets;
Widget wrapCards(List<Widget> cardWidgets) {
switch (this.orientation) {
case Orientation.vert:
return new Flex(flexCards(cardWidgets),
direction: FlexDirection.vertical);
case Orientation.horz:
return new Flex(flexCards(cardWidgets));
// unimplemented, so we'll fall through to show1, for now.
// Probably a Stack + Positioned
case Orientation.show1:
return new Stack(cardWidgets);
return null;
Widget build() {
Widget w = new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: colors.Green[500], borderRadius: 5.0),
return w;
Widget _buildHearts() {
List<Widget> cardComponents = new List<Widget>();
if (cards.length == 0) {
// TODO(alexfandrianto): I wish I could remove this, but Sky actually
// complains about a sizing issue when you do that.
// This is likely related to the Positioning an unsized child bug.
// I think we have to control our size a bit too much in Sky.
cardComponents.add(new Text("")); // new Text(status)
for (int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) {
component_card.Card c = new component_card.Card(cards[i], faceUp);
if (dragChildren) {
cardComponents.add(new Draggable<component_card.Card>(c));
} else {
// Let's draw a stack of cards with DragTargets.
// TODO(alexfandrianto): In many cases, card collections shouldn't have draggable cards.
// Additionally, it may be worthwhile to restrict it to 1 at a time.
switch(this.acceptType) {
case DropType.none:
return new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
border: new Border.all(
width: 3.0,
color: colors.white),
backgroundColor: colors.Grey[500]),
height: 80.0,
margin: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
child: wrapCards(cardComponents)
case DropType.card:
return new DragTarget<component_card.Card>(
onWillAccept: _handleWillAccept,
onAccept: _handleAccept, builder: (List<component_card.Card> data, _) {
return new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
border: new Border.all(
width: 3.0,
color: data.isEmpty ? colors.white : colors.Blue[500]),
backgroundColor: data.isEmpty
? colors.Grey[500]
: colors.Green[500]),
height: 80.0,
margin: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
child: wrapCards(cardComponents));
case DropType.card_collection:
return new DragTarget<CardCollectionComponent>(
onWillAccept: _handleWillAccept,
onAccept: _handleAcceptMultiple, builder: (List<CardCollectionComponent> data, _) {
return new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
border: new Border.all(
width: 3.0,
color: data.isEmpty ? colors.white : colors.Blue[500]),
backgroundColor: data.isEmpty
? colors.Grey[500]
: colors.Green[500]),
height: 80.0,
margin: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
child: wrapCards(cardComponents));