Finished split view functionality
Change-Id: I28b0350a8356b612f94fc6755e2107181f39daff
diff --git a/go/Makefile b/go/Makefile
index 416578f..f2acc35 100644
--- a/go/Makefile
+++ b/go/Makefile
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
mkdir -p $@
credentials: bin/principal
- principal seekblessings --v23.credentials ./credentials
+ bin/principal seekblessings --v23.credentials ./credentials
touch $@
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
syncbase: delete bin/syncbased credentials tmp
$(eval blessing := $(shell bin/principal dump --v23.credentials=./credentials -s=true))
$(eval email := $(subst,,$(blessing)))
- syncbased \
+ bin/syncbased \
--v=5 \
--alsologtostderr=false \
--root-dir=tmp/syncbase_$(id) \
diff --git a/go/src/hearts/assets/trickDrop.png b/go/src/hearts/assets/trickDrop.png
index 0c98e17..6efb791 100644
--- a/go/src/hearts/assets/trickDrop.png
+++ b/go/src/hearts/assets/trickDrop.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/go/src/hearts/assets/trickDropBlue.png b/go/src/hearts/assets/trickDropBlue.png
index 2470322..b29989c 100644
--- a/go/src/hearts/assets/trickDropBlue.png
+++ b/go/src/hearts/assets/trickDropBlue.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/go/src/hearts/img/reposition/reposition.go b/go/src/hearts/img/reposition/reposition.go
index 790b2b0..449eae8 100644
--- a/go/src/hearts/img/reposition/reposition.go
+++ b/go/src/hearts/img/reposition/reposition.go
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ "hearts/img/texture"
@@ -71,6 +72,19 @@
+func SetSplitDropColors(u *uistate.UIState) {
+ blueTargetIndex := u.CurTable.WhoseTurn()
+ for i, d := range u.DropTargets {
+ if (u.CurPlayerIndex+i)%u.NumPlayers == blueTargetIndex {
+ u.Eng.SetSubTex(d.GetNode(), d.GetAlt())
+ d.SetDisplayingImage(false)
+ } else {
+ u.Eng.SetSubTex(d.GetNode(), d.GetImage())
+ d.SetDisplayingImage(true)
+ }
+ }
// Drags card curCard along with the mouse
func DragCard(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
tVec := coords.MakeVec(t.X, t.Y)
@@ -208,7 +222,7 @@
// Animation for the 'play' action, when app is in the hand view
func AnimateHandCardPlay(ch chan bool, animCard *card.Card, u *uistate.UIState) {
- imgs := []*staticimg.StaticImg{u.Other[0], u.DropTargets[0]}
+ imgs := []*staticimg.StaticImg{u.BackgroundImgs[0], u.DropTargets[0]}
for _, i := range imgs {
dims := i.GetDimensions()
to := coords.MakeVec(i.GetCurrent().X, i.GetCurrent().Y-u.WindowSize.Y)
@@ -220,7 +234,7 @@
// Animation to bring in the play slot when app is in the hand view and it is the player's turn
func AnimateInPlay(u *uistate.UIState) {
- imgs := []*staticimg.StaticImg{u.Other[0], u.DropTargets[0]}
+ imgs := []*staticimg.StaticImg{u.BackgroundImgs[0], u.DropTargets[0]}
for _, i := range imgs {
dims := i.GetDimensions()
to := coords.MakeVec(i.GetCurrent().X, i.GetCurrent().Y+u.WindowSize.Y/3+u.TopPadding)
@@ -228,6 +242,96 @@
+// Animate playing of a card in the split view
+// Should not be called when the player whose hand is being displayed is the player of the card
+func AnimateSplitCardPlay(c *card.Card, player int, u *uistate.UIState) {
+ dropTarget := u.DropTargets[(u.CurPlayerIndex+player)%u.NumPlayers]
+ toPos := dropTarget.GetCurrent()
+ toDim := dropTarget.GetDimensions()
+ texture.PopulateCardImage(c, u.Texs, u.Eng, u.Scene)
+ switch player {
+ case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 1) % u.NumPlayers:
+ c.Move(coords.MakeVec(-toDim.X, 0), toDim, u.Eng)
+ case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 2) % u.NumPlayers:
+ c.Move(coords.MakeVec((u.WindowSize.X-toDim.X)/2, -toDim.Y), toDim, u.Eng)
+ case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 3) % u.NumPlayers:
+ c.Move(coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X, 0), toDim, u.Eng)
+ }
+ ch := make(chan bool)
+ animateCardMovement(ch, c, toPos, toDim, u)
+ <-ch
+func AnimateInSplit(u *uistate.UIState) {
+ topOfBanner := u.WindowSize.Y - 4*u.CardDim.Y - 5*u.Padding - u.BottomPadding - 40
+ tableImgs := make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
+ bannerImgs := make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
+ cards := make([]*card.Card, 0)
+ bannerImgs = append(bannerImgs, u.Other...)
+ bannerImgs = append(bannerImgs, u.Buttons[0])
+ tableImgs = append(tableImgs, u.DropTargets...)
+ tableImgs = append(tableImgs, u.BackgroundImgs[:u.NumPlayers]...)
+ cards = append(cards, u.TableCards...)
+ for _, card := range cards {
+ from := card.GetCurrent()
+ to := coords.MakeVec(from.X, from.Y+topOfBanner)
+ animateCardNoChannel(card, to, card.GetDimensions(), u)
+ }
+ for _, img := range tableImgs {
+ from := img.GetCurrent()
+ to := coords.MakeVec(from.X, from.Y+topOfBanner)
+ AnimateImageNoChannel(img, to, img.GetDimensions(), u)
+ }
+ for i, img := range bannerImgs {
+ from := img.GetCurrent()
+ to := coords.MakeVec(from.X, from.Y+topOfBanner-10)
+ if i == 0 {
+ oldDim := img.GetDimensions()
+ newDim := coords.MakeVec(oldDim.X, oldDim.Y-10)
+ newTo := coords.MakeVec(to.X, to.Y+10)
+ AnimateImageNoChannel(img, newTo, newDim, u)
+ } else {
+ AnimateImageNoChannel(img, to, img.GetDimensions(), u)
+ }
+ }
+func AnimateOutSplit(ch chan bool, u *uistate.UIState) {
+ topOfBanner := u.WindowSize.Y - 4*u.CardDim.Y - 5*u.Padding - u.BottomPadding - 40
+ tableImgs := make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
+ bannerImgs := make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
+ cards := make([]*card.Card, 0)
+ bannerImgs = append(bannerImgs, u.Other...)
+ bannerImgs = append(bannerImgs, u.Buttons[0])
+ tableImgs = append(tableImgs, u.DropTargets...)
+ tableImgs = append(tableImgs, u.BackgroundImgs[:u.NumPlayers]...)
+ cards = append(cards, u.TableCards...)
+ for _, card := range cards {
+ from := card.GetCurrent()
+ to := coords.MakeVec(from.X, from.Y-topOfBanner)
+ animateCardNoChannel(card, to, card.GetDimensions(), u)
+ }
+ for _, img := range tableImgs {
+ from := img.GetCurrent()
+ to := coords.MakeVec(from.X, from.Y-topOfBanner)
+ AnimateImageNoChannel(img, to, img.GetDimensions(), u)
+ }
+ for i, img := range bannerImgs {
+ from := img.GetCurrent()
+ to := coords.MakeVec(from.X, from.Y-topOfBanner+10)
+ if i == 0 && i < len(bannerImgs)-1 {
+ oldDim := img.GetDimensions()
+ newDim := coords.MakeVec(oldDim.X, oldDim.Y+10)
+ newTo := coords.MakeVec(to.X, to.Y-10)
+ AnimateImageNoChannel(img, newTo, newDim, u)
+ } else if i < len(bannerImgs)-1 {
+ AnimateImageNoChannel(img, to, img.GetDimensions(), u)
+ } else {
+ animateImageMovement(ch, img, to, img.GetDimensions(), u)
+ }
+ }
func determineDestination(animCard *card.Card, dir direction.Direction, windowSize *coords.Vec) *coords.Vec {
switch dir {
case direction.Right:
diff --git a/go/src/hearts/img/view/view.go b/go/src/hearts/img/view/view.go
index c56a5c3..b33319b 100644
--- a/go/src/hearts/img/view/view.go
+++ b/go/src/hearts/img/view/view.go
@@ -231,6 +231,7 @@
if u.Debug {
+ reposition.SetTableDropColors(u)
// Decides which view of the player's hand to load based on what steps of the round they have completed
@@ -294,7 +295,7 @@
- addPlayHeader(getTurnText(u), u)
+ addPlayHeader(getTurnText(u), false, u)
if u.Debug {
@@ -304,47 +305,54 @@
-func LoadSplitView(u *uistate.UIState) {
+func LoadSplitView(reloading bool, u *uistate.UIState) {
u.CurView = uistate.Split
+ addPlayHeader(getTurnText(u), !reloading, u)
+ addSplitViewPlayerIcons(!reloading, u)
- addPlayHeader(getTurnText(u), u)
- addSplitViewPlayerIcons(u)
if u.Debug {
+ reposition.SetSplitDropColors(u)
+ if !reloading {
+ reposition.AnimateInSplit(u)
+ }
func ChangePlayMessage(message string, u *uistate.UIState) {
// remove text and replace with message
var emptyTex sprite.SubTex
- for i := u.NumSuits; i < len(u.BackgroundImgs); i++ {
- u.Eng.SetSubTex(u.BackgroundImgs[i].GetNode(), emptyTex)
+ for _, img := range u.Other {
+ u.Eng.SetSubTex(img.GetNode(), emptyTex)
- u.BackgroundImgs = u.BackgroundImgs[:u.NumSuits]
u.Eng.SetSubTex(u.Buttons[0].GetNode(), emptyTex)
+ u.Other = make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
u.Buttons = make([]*staticimg.StaticImg, 0)
- addPlayHeader(message, u)
+ addPlayHeader(message, false, u)
-func addSplitViewPlayerIcons(u *uistate.UIState) {
+func addSplitViewPlayerIcons(beforeSplitAnimation bool, u *uistate.UIState) {
topOfBanner := u.WindowSize.Y - 4*u.CardDim.Y - 5*u.Padding - u.BottomPadding - 40
splitWindowSize := coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X, topOfBanner+u.TopPadding)
dropTargetImage := u.Texs["trickDrop.png"]
dropTargetAlt := u.Texs["trickDropBlue.png"]
dropTargetDimensions := u.CardDim
- playerIconDimensions := u.CardDim.Minus(2)
+ playerIconDimensions := u.CardDim.Minus(4)
// first drop target
dropTargetX := (splitWindowSize.X - u.CardDim.X) / 2
dropTargetY := splitWindowSize.Y/2 + u.Padding
+ if beforeSplitAnimation {
+ dropTargetY -= topOfBanner
+ }
dropTargetPos := coords.MakeVec(dropTargetX, dropTargetY)
u.DropTargets = append(u.DropTargets,
texture.MakeImgWithAlt(dropTargetImage, dropTargetAlt, dropTargetPos, dropTargetDimensions, true, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// first player icon
playerIconImage := u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[u.CurPlayerIndex].GetIconImage()
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
- texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, dropTargetPos.Plus(1), playerIconDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
+ texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, dropTargetPos.Plus(2), playerIconDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// card on top of first drop target
dropCard := u.CurTable.GetTrick()[u.CurPlayerIndex]
if dropCard != nil {
@@ -354,6 +362,9 @@
// second drop target
dropTargetY = (splitWindowSize.Y - u.CardDim.Y) / 2
+ if beforeSplitAnimation {
+ dropTargetY -= topOfBanner
+ }
dropTargetX = splitWindowSize.X/2 - 3*u.CardDim.X/2 - u.Padding
dropTargetPos = coords.MakeVec(dropTargetX, dropTargetY)
u.DropTargets = append(u.DropTargets,
@@ -361,7 +372,7 @@
// second player icon
playerIconImage = u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[(u.CurPlayerIndex+1)%len(u.CurTable.GetPlayers())].GetIconImage()
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
- texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, dropTargetPos.Plus(1), playerIconDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
+ texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, dropTargetPos.Plus(2), playerIconDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// card on top of second drop target
dropCard = u.CurTable.GetTrick()[(u.CurPlayerIndex+1)%len(u.CurTable.GetPlayers())]
if dropCard != nil {
@@ -372,13 +383,16 @@
// third drop target
dropTargetX = (splitWindowSize.X - u.CardDim.X) / 2
dropTargetY = splitWindowSize.Y/2 - u.Padding - u.CardDim.Y
+ if beforeSplitAnimation {
+ dropTargetY -= topOfBanner
+ }
dropTargetPos = coords.MakeVec(dropTargetX, dropTargetY)
u.DropTargets = append(u.DropTargets,
texture.MakeImgWithAlt(dropTargetImage, dropTargetAlt, dropTargetPos, dropTargetDimensions, true, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// third player icon
playerIconImage = u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[(u.CurPlayerIndex+2)%len(u.CurTable.GetPlayers())].GetIconImage()
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
- texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, dropTargetPos.Plus(1), playerIconDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
+ texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, dropTargetPos.Plus(2), playerIconDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// card on top of third drop target
dropCard = u.CurTable.GetTrick()[(u.CurPlayerIndex+2)%len(u.CurTable.GetPlayers())]
if dropCard != nil {
@@ -388,6 +402,9 @@
// fourth drop target
dropTargetY = (splitWindowSize.Y - u.CardDim.Y) / 2
+ if beforeSplitAnimation {
+ dropTargetY -= topOfBanner
+ }
dropTargetX = splitWindowSize.X/2 + u.CardDim.X/2 + u.Padding
dropTargetPos = coords.MakeVec(dropTargetX, dropTargetY)
u.DropTargets = append(u.DropTargets,
@@ -395,7 +412,7 @@
// fourth player icon
playerIconImage = u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[(u.CurPlayerIndex+3)%len(u.CurTable.GetPlayers())].GetIconImage()
u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
- texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, dropTargetPos.Plus(1), playerIconDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
+ texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(playerIconImage, dropTargetPos.Plus(2), playerIconDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// card on top of fourth drop target
dropCard = u.CurTable.GetTrick()[(u.CurPlayerIndex+3)%len(u.CurTable.GetPlayers())]
if dropCard != nil {
@@ -429,12 +446,12 @@
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(headerImage, headerPos, headerDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
-func addPlayHeader(message string, u *uistate.UIState) {
+func addPlayHeader(message string, beforeSplitAnimation bool, u *uistate.UIState) {
// adding blue banner
headerImage := u.Texs["Rectangle-DBlue.png"]
var headerDimensions *coords.Vec
var headerPos *coords.Vec
- if u.CurView == uistate.Play {
+ if u.CurView == uistate.Play || beforeSplitAnimation {
headerDimensions = coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X, float32(50))
headerPos = coords.MakeVec(0, 0)
} else {
@@ -442,7 +459,7 @@
topOfHand := u.WindowSize.Y - 4*(u.CardDim.Y+u.Padding) - u.BottomPadding
headerPos = coords.MakeVec(0, topOfHand-headerDimensions.Y-u.Padding)
- u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
+ u.Other = append(u.Other,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(headerImage, headerPos, headerDimensions, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// adding pull tab
pullTabImage := u.Texs["HorizontalPullTab.png"]
@@ -453,14 +470,9 @@
// adding text
color := "DBlue"
scaler := float32(4)
- var center *coords.Vec
- if u.CurView == uistate.Play {
- center = coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X/2, headerPos.Y+20)
- } else {
- center = coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X/2, headerPos.Y+10)
- }
+ center := coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X/2, headerPos.Y+headerDimensions.Y-30)
maxWidth := u.WindowSize.X - pullTabDim.X*2 - u.Padding*4
- u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
+ u.Other = append(u.Other,
texture.MakeStringImgCenterAlign(message, color, color, true, center, scaler, maxWidth, u)...)
@@ -470,7 +482,7 @@
blueRectImg := u.Texs["RoundedRectangle-LBlue.png"]
blueRectDim := coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X-4*u.BottomPadding, topOfHand+u.CardDim.Y)
blueRectPos := coords.MakeVec(2*u.BottomPadding, -blueRectDim.Y)
- u.Other = append(u.Other,
+ u.BackgroundImgs = append(u.BackgroundImgs,
texture.MakeImgWithoutAlt(blueRectImg, blueRectPos, blueRectDim, u.Eng, u.Scene))
// adding drop target
dropTargetImg := u.Texs["trickDrop.png"]
diff --git a/go/src/hearts/logic/table/table.go b/go/src/hearts/logic/table/table.go
index 74ed5ba..f374dc4 100644
--- a/go/src/hearts/logic/table/table.go
+++ b/go/src/hearts/logic/table/table.go
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
heartsBroken: false,
firstTrick: true,
winCondition: 100,
- dir: direction.Right,
+ dir: direction.None,
diff --git a/go/src/hearts/syncbase/server/main.go b/go/src/hearts/syncbase/server/main.go
index 32da5c6..e4f4fe6 100644
--- a/go/src/hearts/syncbase/server/main.go
+++ b/go/src/hearts/syncbase/server/main.go
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@
app := u.Service.App(appName)
db := app.NoSQLDatabase(dbName, nil)
sg := db.Syncgroup(sgName)
- myInfo := wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo{8}
- _, err := sg.Join(u.Ctx, myInfo)
+ myInfoJoiner := wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo{8, false}
+ _, err := sg.Join(u.Ctx, myInfoJoiner)
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Successfully joined syncgroup")
} else {
@@ -101,7 +101,8 @@
Prefixes: prefs,
MountTables: tables,
IsPrivate: false}
- err := sg.Create(u.Ctx, spec, myInfo)
+ myInfoCreator := wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo{8, true}
+ err := sg.Create(u.Ctx, spec, myInfoCreator)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("SYNCGROUP CREATE ERROR: ", err)
diff --git a/go/src/hearts/syncbase/watch/watch.go b/go/src/hearts/syncbase/watch/watch.go
index 7979459..db2f4fc 100644
--- a/go/src/hearts/syncbase/watch/watch.go
+++ b/go/src/hearts/syncbase/watch/watch.go
@@ -169,6 +169,26 @@
reposition.AnimateTableCardTakeTrick(trickCards, trickDir, u)
+ } else if u.CurView == uistate.Split {
+ if playerInt != u.CurPlayerIndex {
+ reposition.AnimateSplitCardPlay(playedCard, playerInt, u)
+ }
+ reposition.SetSplitDropColors(u)
+ if trickOver {
+ var trickDir direction.Direction
+ switch recipient {
+ case u.CurPlayerIndex:
+ trickDir = direction.Down
+ case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 1) % u.NumPlayers:
+ trickDir = direction.Left
+ case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 2) % u.NumPlayers:
+ trickDir = direction.Across
+ case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 3) % u.NumPlayers:
+ trickDir = direction.Right
+ }
+ reposition.AnimateTableCardTakeTrick(trickCards, trickDir, u)
+ }
+ view.LoadSplitView(true, u)
} else if u.CurView == uistate.Play {
if roundOver {
view.LoadScoreView(roundScores, winners, u)
diff --git a/go/src/hearts/touchhandler/touchhandler.go b/go/src/hearts/touchhandler/touchhandler.go
index 89d63af..2d8de91 100644
--- a/go/src/hearts/touchhandler/touchhandler.go
+++ b/go/src/hearts/touchhandler/touchhandler.go
@@ -22,54 +22,70 @@
func OnTouch(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
switch u.CurView {
case uistate.Opening:
- switch t.Type.String() {
- case "begin":
+ switch t.Type {
+ case touch.TypeBegin:
beginClickOpening(t, u)
case uistate.Table:
- switch t.Type.String() {
- case "begin":
- beginClickTable(t, u)
+ switch t.Type {
+ case touch.TypeBegin:
+ if u.Debug {
+ beginClickTable(t, u)
+ }
case uistate.Pass:
- switch t.Type.String() {
- case "begin":
+ switch t.Type {
+ case touch.TypeBegin:
beginClickPass(t, u)
- case "move":
+ case touch.TypeMove:
moveClickPass(t, u)
- case "end":
+ case touch.TypeEnd:
endClickPass(t, u)
case uistate.Take:
- switch t.Type.String() {
- case "begin":
+ switch t.Type {
+ case touch.TypeBegin:
beginClickTake(t, u)
- case "move":
- moveClickTake(t, u)
- case "end":
- endClickTake(t, u)
+ case touch.TypeMove:
+ if u.CurCard != nil {
+ moveClickTake(t, u)
+ }
+ case touch.TypeEnd:
+ if u.CurCard != nil {
+ endClickTake(t, u)
+ u.CurCard = nil
+ }
case uistate.Play:
- switch t.Type.String() {
- case "begin":
+ switch t.Type {
+ case touch.TypeBegin:
beginClickPlay(t, u)
- case "move":
- moveClickPlay(t, u)
- case "end":
- endClickPlay(t, u)
+ case touch.TypeMove:
+ if u.CurCard != nil {
+ moveClickPlay(t, u)
+ }
+ case touch.TypeEnd:
+ if u.CurCard != nil {
+ endClickPlay(t, u)
+ }
case uistate.Split:
- switch t.Type.String() {
- case "begin":
+ switch t.Type {
+ case touch.TypeBegin:
beginClickSplit(t, u)
- case "move":
- moveClickSplit(t, u)
- case "end":
- endClickSplit(t, u)
+ case touch.TypeMove:
+ if u.CurCard != nil {
+ moveClickSplit(t, u)
+ }
+ case touch.TypeEnd:
+ if u.CurCard != nil {
+ endClickSplit(t, u)
+ u.CurCard = nil
+ }
case uistate.Score:
- switch t.Type.String() {
- case "begin":
+ switch t.Type {
+ case touch.TypeBegin:
beginClickScore(t, u)
@@ -89,27 +105,9 @@
func beginClickTable(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
- if u.Debug {
- buttonList := findClickedButton(t, u)
- if len(buttonList) > 0 {
- if u.Buttons[0] == buttonList[0] {
- u.CurPlayerIndex = 0
- view.LoadPassOrTakeOrPlay(u)
- } else if u.Buttons[1] == buttonList[0] {
- u.CurPlayerIndex = 1
- view.LoadPassOrTakeOrPlay(u)
- } else if u.Buttons[2] == buttonList[0] {
- u.CurPlayerIndex = 2
- view.LoadPassOrTakeOrPlay(u)
- } else if u.Buttons[3] == buttonList[0] {
- u.CurPlayerIndex = 3
- view.LoadPassOrTakeOrPlay(u)
- } else if u.Buttons[4] == buttonList[0] {
- view.LoadTableView(u)
- } else if u.Buttons[5] == buttonList[0] {
- view.LoadPassOrTakeOrPlay(u)
- }
- }
+ buttonList := findClickedButton(t, u)
+ if len(buttonList) > 0 {
+ updateViewFromTable(buttonList[0], u)
@@ -229,38 +227,33 @@
func moveClickTake(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
- if u.CurCard != nil {
- reposition.DragCard(t, u)
- }
+ reposition.DragCard(t, u)
func endClickTake(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
- if u.CurCard != nil {
- // check to see if card was removed from a drop target
- removeCardFromTarget(u.CurCard, u)
- // add card back to hand
- reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
- reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
- doneTaking := true
- for _, d := range u.DropTargets {
- if d.GetCardHere() != nil {
- doneTaking = false
- }
- }
- if doneTaking {
- ch := make(chan bool)
- success := takeCards(ch, u.CurPlayerIndex, u)
- go func() {
- <-ch
- if !success {
- fmt.Println("Invalid take")
- } else {
- view.LoadPlayView(u)
- }
- }()
+ // check to see if card was removed from a drop target
+ removeCardFromTarget(u.CurCard, u)
+ // add card back to hand
+ reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
+ reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
+ doneTaking := true
+ for _, d := range u.DropTargets {
+ if d.GetCardHere() != nil {
+ doneTaking = false
- u.CurCard = nil
+ if doneTaking {
+ ch := make(chan bool)
+ success := takeCards(ch, u.CurPlayerIndex, u)
+ go func() {
+ <-ch
+ if !success {
+ fmt.Println("Invalid take")
+ } else {
+ view.LoadPlayView(u)
+ }
+ }()
+ }
func beginClickPlay(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
@@ -270,7 +263,7 @@
if u.Debug {
if u.Buttons[0] == buttonList[0] {
u.CurImg = u.Buttons[0]
- view.LoadSplitView(u)
+ view.LoadSplitView(false, u)
} else if u.Buttons[1] == buttonList[0] {
} else if u.Buttons[2] == buttonList[0] {
@@ -281,44 +274,83 @@
func moveClickPlay(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
- if u.CurCard != nil {
- reposition.DragCard(t, u)
- }
+ reposition.DragCard(t, u)
func endClickPlay(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
- if u.CurCard != nil {
- if !dropCardOnTarget(u.CurCard, t, u) {
- // check to see if card was removed from a drop target
+ if dropCardOnTarget(u.CurCard, t, u) {
+ ch := make(chan bool)
+ if err := playCard(ch, u.CurPlayerIndex, u); err != "" {
+ view.ChangePlayMessage(err, u)
removeCardFromTarget(u.CurCard, u)
// add card back to hand
reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
+ }
+ go func() {
+ <-ch
+ view.LoadPlayView(u)
+ }()
+ } else {
+ // check to see if card was removed from a drop target
+ removeCardFromTarget(u.CurCard, u)
+ // add card back to hand
+ reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
+ reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
+ }
+func beginClickSplit(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
+ u.CurCard = findClickedCard(t, u)
+ buttonList := findClickedButton(t, u)
+ if len(buttonList) > 0 {
+ if u.Debug {
+ if u.Buttons[0] == buttonList[0] {
+ ch := make(chan bool)
+ reposition.AnimateOutSplit(ch, u)
+ go func() {
+ <-ch
+ view.LoadPlayView(u)
+ }()
+ } else if u.Buttons[1] == buttonList[0] {
+ view.LoadTableView(u)
+ } else if u.Buttons[2] == buttonList[0] {
+ view.LoadPassOrTakeOrPlay(u)
+ }
} else {
ch := make(chan bool)
- if err := playCard(ch, u.CurPlayerIndex, u); err != "" {
- view.ChangePlayMessage(err, u)
- }
+ reposition.AnimateOutSplit(ch, u)
go func() {
- u.CurCard = nil
-func beginClickSplit(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
- buttonList := findClickedButton(t, u)
- if len(buttonList) > 0 {
- view.LoadPlayView(u)
- }
func moveClickSplit(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
+ reposition.DragCard(t, u)
func endClickSplit(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
+ if dropCardHere(u.CurCard, u.DropTargets[0], t, u) {
+ ch := make(chan bool)
+ if err := playCard(ch, u.CurPlayerIndex, u); err != "" {
+ view.ChangePlayMessage(err, u)
+ removeCardFromTarget(u.CurCard, u)
+ // add card back to hand
+ reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
+ reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
+ } else {
+ reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
+ }
+ } else {
+ // check to see if card was removed from a drop target
+ removeCardFromTarget(u.CurCard, u)
+ // add card back to hand
+ reposition.ResetCardPosition(u.CurCard, u.Eng)
+ reposition.RealignSuit(u.CurCard.GetSuit(), u.CurCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
+ }
func beginClickScore(t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) {
@@ -366,72 +398,75 @@
// if the pass is not valid, don't pass any cards
- if u.CurTable.ValidPass(cardsPassed) && !u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[playerId].GetDonePassing() {
- success := gamelog.LogPass(u, cardsPassed)
- for !success {
- success = gamelog.LogPass(u, cardsPassed)
- }
- // UI component
- pullTab := u.Buttons[0]
- blueBanner := u.BackgroundImgs[1]
- imgs := []*staticimg.StaticImg{pullTab, blueBanner}
- for _, d := range dropsToReset {
- imgs = append(imgs, d)
- d.SetCardHere(nil)
- }
- var blankTex sprite.SubTex
- for _, i := range imgs {
- u.Eng.SetSubTex(i.GetNode(), blankTex)
- }
- reposition.AnimateHandCardPass(ch, u.Other, cardsPassed, u)
- return true
+ if !u.CurTable.ValidPass(cardsPassed) || u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[playerId].GetDonePassing() {
+ return false
- return false
+ success := gamelog.LogPass(u, cardsPassed)
+ for !success {
+ success = gamelog.LogPass(u, cardsPassed)
+ }
+ // UI component
+ pullTab := u.Buttons[0]
+ blueBanner := u.BackgroundImgs[1]
+ imgs := []*staticimg.StaticImg{pullTab, blueBanner}
+ for _, d := range dropsToReset {
+ imgs = append(imgs, d)
+ d.SetCardHere(nil)
+ }
+ var blankTex sprite.SubTex
+ for _, i := range imgs {
+ u.Eng.SetSubTex(i.GetNode(), blankTex)
+ }
+ reposition.AnimateHandCardPass(ch, u.Other, cardsPassed, u)
+ return true
func takeCards(ch chan bool, playerId int, u *uistate.UIState) bool {
player := u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[playerId]
passedCards := player.GetPassedTo()
- if len(passedCards) == 3 {
- success := gamelog.LogTake(u)
- for !success {
- success = gamelog.LogTake(u)
- }
- reposition.AnimateHandCardTake(ch, u.Other, u)
- return true
+ if len(passedCards) != 3 {
+ return false
- return false
+ success := gamelog.LogTake(u)
+ for !success {
+ success = gamelog.LogTake(u)
+ }
+ reposition.AnimateHandCardTake(ch, u.Other, u)
+ return true
func playCard(ch chan bool, playerId int, u *uistate.UIState) string {
c := u.DropTargets[0].GetCardHere()
- if c != nil {
- // checks to make sure that:
- // -player has not already played a card this round
- // -all players have passed cards
- // -the play is in the right order
- // -the play is valid given game logic
- if u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[playerId].GetDonePlaying() {
- return "You have already played a card in this trick"
- }
- if !u.CurTable.AllDonePassing() {
- return "Not all players have passed their cards"
- }
- if !u.CurTable.ValidPlayOrder(playerId) {
- return "It is not your turn"
- }
- if err := u.CurTable.ValidPlayLogic(c, playerId); err != "" {
- return err
- }
- u.DropTargets[0].SetCardHere(nil)
- success := gamelog.LogPlay(u, c)
- for !success {
- success = gamelog.LogPlay(u, c)
- }
- reposition.AnimateHandCardPlay(ch, c, u)
- return ""
+ if c == nil {
+ return "No card has been played"
- return "No card has been played"
+ // checks to make sure that:
+ // -player has not already played a card this round
+ // -all players have passed cards
+ // -the play is in the right order
+ // -the play is valid given game logic
+ if u.CurTable.GetPlayers()[playerId].GetDonePlaying() {
+ return "You have already played a card in this trick"
+ }
+ if !u.CurTable.AllDonePassing() {
+ return "Not all players have passed their cards"
+ }
+ if !u.CurTable.ValidPlayOrder(playerId) {
+ return "It is not your turn"
+ }
+ if err := u.CurTable.ValidPlayLogic(c, playerId); err != "" {
+ return err
+ }
+ u.DropTargets[0].SetCardHere(nil)
+ success := gamelog.LogPlay(u, c)
+ for !success {
+ success = gamelog.LogPlay(u, c)
+ }
+ // no animation when in split view
+ if u.CurView == uistate.Play {
+ reposition.AnimateHandCardPlay(ch, c, u)
+ }
+ return ""
func pressButton(b *staticimg.StaticImg, u *uistate.UIState) {
@@ -446,6 +481,7 @@
+// checks all drop targets to see if a card was dropped there
func dropCardOnTarget(c *card.Card, t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) bool {
for _, d := range u.DropTargets {
// checking to see if card was dropped onto a drop target
@@ -453,27 +489,39 @@
lastDroppedCard := d.GetCardHere()
if lastDroppedCard != nil {
reposition.ResetCardPosition(lastDroppedCard, u.Eng)
- if u.CurView == uistate.Pass || u.CurView == uistate.Play {
- reposition.RealignSuit(lastDroppedCard.GetSuit(), lastDroppedCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
- } else if u.CurView == uistate.Table {
- u.Eng.SetSubTex(lastDroppedCard.GetNode(), lastDroppedCard.GetBack())
- lastDroppedCard.Move(lastDroppedCard.GetCurrent(), u.TableCardDim, u.Eng)
- }
+ reposition.RealignSuit(lastDroppedCard.GetSuit(), lastDroppedCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
oldY := c.GetInitial().Y
suit := c.GetSuit()
u.CurCard.Move(d.GetCurrent(), c.GetDimensions(), u.Eng)
// realign suit the card just left
- if u.CurView == uistate.Pass || u.CurView == uistate.Play {
- reposition.RealignSuit(suit, oldY, u)
- }
+ reposition.RealignSuit(suit, oldY, u)
return true
return false
+// checks one specific drop target to see if a card was dropped there
+func dropCardHere(c *card.Card, d *staticimg.StaticImg, t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) bool {
+ if !touchingStaticImg(t, d, u) {
+ return false
+ }
+ lastDroppedCard := d.GetCardHere()
+ if lastDroppedCard != nil {
+ reposition.ResetCardPosition(lastDroppedCard, u.Eng)
+ reposition.RealignSuit(lastDroppedCard.GetSuit(), lastDroppedCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
+ }
+ oldY := c.GetInitial().Y
+ suit := c.GetSuit()
+ u.CurCard.Move(d.GetCurrent(), c.GetDimensions(), u.Eng)
+ d.SetCardHere(u.CurCard)
+ // realign suit the card just left
+ reposition.RealignSuit(suit, oldY, u)
+ return true
func removeCardFromTarget(c *card.Card, u *uistate.UIState) bool {
for _, d := range u.DropTargets {
if d.GetCardHere() == c {
@@ -495,3 +543,23 @@
withinYBounds := t.Y/u.PixelsPerPt >= s.GetCurrent().Y && t.Y/u.PixelsPerPt <= s.GetDimensions().Y+s.GetCurrent().Y
return withinXBounds && withinYBounds
+func updateViewFromTable(b *staticimg.StaticImg, u *uistate.UIState) {
+ if u.Buttons[0] == b {
+ u.CurPlayerIndex = 0
+ view.LoadPassOrTakeOrPlay(u)
+ } else if u.Buttons[1] == b {
+ u.CurPlayerIndex = 1
+ view.LoadPassOrTakeOrPlay(u)
+ } else if u.Buttons[2] == b {
+ u.CurPlayerIndex = 2
+ view.LoadPassOrTakeOrPlay(u)
+ } else if u.Buttons[3] == b {
+ u.CurPlayerIndex = 3
+ view.LoadPassOrTakeOrPlay(u)
+ } else if u.Buttons[4] == b {
+ view.LoadTableView(u)
+ } else if u.Buttons[5] == b {
+ view.LoadPassOrTakeOrPlay(u)
+ }