blob: d3ad7ffcd40537fd1dd3c11c5e3e75db6e1613f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of proto;
class ProtoGame extends Game {
String get gameTypeName => "Proto";
ProtoGame(int playerNumber, {int gameID})
: super.create(GameType.Proto, new ProtoLog(), playerNumber, 6, gameID: gameID) {
// playerNumber would be used in a real game, but I have to ignore it for debugging.
// It would determine faceUp/faceDown status.faceDown
// TODO: Set the number of piles created to either 9 (1x per player, 1 discard, 4 play piles) or 12 (2x per player, 4 play piles)
// But for now, we will deal with 6. 1x per player, 1 discard, and 1 undrawn pile.
// We do some arbitrary things here... Just for setup.
deal(0, 8);
deal(1, 5);
deal(2, 4);
deal(3, 1);
void deal(int playerId, int numCards) {
gamelog.add(new, this.deckPeek(numCards)));
// Overrides Game's move method with the "move" logic for the card dragging prototype.
void move(Card card, List<Card> dest) {
// The first step is to find the card. Where is it?
// then we can remove it and add to the dest.
debugString = 'Moving... ${card.toString()}';
int i = findCard(card);
if (i == -1) {
debugString = 'NO... ${card.toString()}';
int destId = cardCollections.indexOf(dest);
gamelog.add(new ProtoCommand.pass(i, destId, <Card>[card]));
debugString = 'Move ${i} ${card.toString()}';
void triggerEvents() {}