blob: 63c9accce6acee1dbd4cf046fe295ee4a184776d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'util.dart' as util;
import '../../logic/game/game.dart' as logic_game;
class SettingsManager {
final util.updateCallbackT updateCallback;
final util.updateCallbackT updateGamesCallback;
final util.updateCallbackT updatePlayerFoundCallback;
SettingsManager(this.updateCallback, this.updateGamesCallback, this.updatePlayerFoundCallback);
Map<String, String> _data = new Map<String, String>();
Future<String> load([int userID]) {
if (userID == null) {
return new Future<String>(() => _data["settings"]);
return new Future<String>(() => _data["${userID}"]);
Future save(int userID, String data) {
_data["settings"] = data;
_data["${userID}"] = data;
return new Future(() => null);
Future createSettingsSyncgroup() {
return new Future(() => null);
Future scanSettings() {
return new Future(() => null);
void stopScanSettings() {}
Future advertiseSettings(logic_game.GameStartData gsd) {
return new Future(() => null);
void stopAdvertiseSettings() {}
Future createGameSyncgroup(String type, int gameID) {
return new Future(() => null);
Future joinGameSyncgroup(String sgName, int gameID) {
return new Future(() => null);