blob: 450545df2fa26685943ade50480b3c78d5d3a2cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:discovery/discovery.dart' as discovery;
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show embedder;
class ProxyHandlePair<T> {
final T proxy;
int handle;
ProxyHandlePair(this.proxy, this.handle);
/// Make this into the Dart Discovery client
class DiscoveryClient {
final Map<String, ProxyHandlePair<discovery.AdvertiserProxy>> advertisers =
new Map<String, ProxyHandlePair<discovery.AdvertiserProxy>>();
final Map<String, ProxyHandlePair<discovery.ScannerProxy>> scanners =
new Map<String, ProxyHandlePair<discovery.ScannerProxy>>();
static final String discoveryUrl = '';
DiscoveryClient() {}
static discovery.Service serviceMaker(
{List<int> instanceUuid,
String instanceName,
String interfaceName,
Map<String, String> attrs,
List<String> addrs}) {
// None of these are nullable, so it's nice to have a helper to create them.
return new discovery.Service()
..instanceUuid = instanceUuid ?? new List<int>()
..instanceName = instanceName ?? ''
..interfaceName = interfaceName ?? ''
..attrs = attrs ?? new Map<String, String>()
..addrs = addrs ?? new List<String>();
// Scans for this query and handles found/lost objects with the handler.
// Keeps track of this scanner via the key.
Future scan(String key, String query, discovery.ScanHandler handler) async {
// Cancel the scan if one is already going for this key.
if (scanners.containsKey(key)) {
discovery.ScannerProxy s = new discovery.ScannerProxy.unbound();
print('Starting up discovery scanner ${key}. Looking for ${query}');
embedder.connectToService(discoveryUrl, s);
// Use a ScanHandlerStub (Mojo-encodable interface) to wrap the scan handler.
discovery.ScanHandlerStub shs = new discovery.ScanHandlerStub.unbound();
shs.impl = handler;
print('Scanning begins!');
return s.ptr
.scan(query, shs)
.then((discovery.ScannerScanResponseParams response) {
"${key} scanning started. The cancel handle is ${response.handle}.");
scanners[key] =
new ProxyHandlePair<discovery.ScannerProxy>(s, response.handle);
// This sends a stop signal to the scanner. Since it is non-blocking, the
// scan handle may not stop instantaneously.
void stopScan(String key) {
if (scanners[key] != null) {
print("Stopping scan for ${key}.");
scanners[key].proxy.close(); // don't wait for this future.
// Advertises the given service information. Keeps track of the advertiser
// handle via the key.
Future advertise(String key, discovery.Service serviceInfo,
{List<String> visibility}) async {
// Cancel the advertisement if one is already going for this key.
if (advertisers.containsKey(key)) {
discovery.AdvertiserProxy a = new discovery.AdvertiserProxy.unbound();
'Starting up discovery advertiser ${key}. Broadcasting for ${serviceInfo.instanceName}');
embedder.connectToService(discoveryUrl, a);
return a.ptr
.advertise(serviceInfo, visibility ?? <String>[])
.then((discovery.AdvertiserAdvertiseResponseParams response) {
"${key} advertising started. The cancel handle is ${response.handle}.");
advertisers[key] =
new ProxyHandlePair<discovery.AdvertiserProxy>(a, response.handle);
// This sends a stop signal to the advertiser. Since it is non-blocking, the
// advertise handle may not stop instantaneously.
void stopAdvertise(String key) {
if (advertisers[key] != null) {
print("Stopping advertise for ${key}.");
advertisers[key].proxy.close(); // don't wait for this future.