blob: 32da5c62877ef55a170bf5507b1a087c84ddee2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// server handles advertising (to be fleshed out when discovery is added), and all local syncbase updates
package server
import (
wire ""
_ ""
var (
appName = "x"
dbName = "y"
tableName = "z"
// Will be fleshed out with addition of discovery
func Advertise(ctx *context.T) func() {
ctx, stop := context.WithCancel(ctx)
return stop
// Puts key and value into the syncbase table
func AddKeyValue(service syncbase.Service, ctx *context.T, key, value string) bool {
app := service.App(appName)
db := app.NoSQLDatabase(dbName, nil)
table := db.Table(tableName)
err := table.Put(ctx, key, value)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("PUT ERROR: ", err)
return false
return true
// Creates an app, db and table in syncbase if they don't already exist
func CreateTable(u *uistate.UIState) {
app := u.Service.App(appName)
if isThere, err := app.Exists(u.Ctx); err != nil {
fmt.Println("APP EXISTS ERROR: ", err)
} else if !isThere {
if app.Create(u.Ctx, nil) != nil {
fmt.Println("APP ERROR: ", err)
db := app.NoSQLDatabase(dbName, nil)
if isThere, err := db.Exists(u.Ctx); err != nil {
fmt.Println("DB EXISTS ERROR: ", err)
} else if !isThere {
if db.Create(u.Ctx, nil) != nil {
fmt.Println("DB ERROR: ", err)
table := db.Table(tableName)
if isThere, err := table.Exists(u.Ctx); err != nil {
fmt.Println("TABLE EXISTS ERROR: ", err)
} else if !isThere {
if table.Create(u.Ctx, nil) != nil {
fmt.Println("TABLE ERROR: ", err)
// Attempts to join a syncgroup; upon failure, creates a new one
func CreateOrJoinSyncgroup(u *uistate.UIState, sgName string) {
allAccess := access.AccessList{In: []security.BlessingPattern{"..."}}
permissions := access.Permissions{
"Admin": allAccess,
"Write": allAccess,
"Read": allAccess,
"Resolve": allAccess,
"Debug": allAccess,
app := u.Service.App(appName)
db := app.NoSQLDatabase(dbName, nil)
sg := db.Syncgroup(sgName)
myInfo := wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo{8}
_, err := sg.Join(u.Ctx, myInfo)
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Successfully joined syncgroup")
} else {
fmt.Printf("err: %v\n", err)
fmt.Println("Creating Syncgroup")
pref := wire.TableRow{tableName, ""}
prefs := []wire.TableRow{pref}
tables := []string{"/"}
spec := wire.SyncgroupSpec{
Description: "croupier syncgroup",
Perms: permissions,
Prefixes: prefs,
MountTables: tables,
IsPrivate: false}
err := sg.Create(u.Ctx, spec, myInfo)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("SYNCGROUP CREATE ERROR: ", err)