blob: 16a6dfcdc3c2fb77c5ee8f6f0847740d5562c3c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Since this file includes Sky/Mojo, it will need to be mocked out for unit tests.
/// Unfortunately, imports can't be replaced, so the best thing to do is to swap out the whole file.
/// The goal of the LogWriter is to allow clients to write to the log in a
/// consistent, conflict-free manner. Depending on the Simultaneity level, the
/// values written will be done immediately or enter a proposal phase.
/// In proposal mode, all other clients must agree on the proposal via a simple
/// consensus strategy. Once all clients agree, all clients follow through with
/// the proposal (writing into their log).
/// Watch is used to inform clients of proposal agreements and changes made
/// by this and other clients. When a value is confirmed via watch to be written
/// to the log, the caller is informed via callback.
import 'croupier_client.dart' show CroupierClient;
import 'util.dart' as util;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show UTF8, JSON;
import 'dart:io' show File, FileMode;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:syncbase/syncbase_client.dart'
show SyncbaseDatabase, SyncbaseTable, WatchChange, WatchChangeTypes;
class LogWriter {
// This callback is called on each watch update, passing the key and value.
final util.keyValueCallback updateCallback;
// The users that we should look for when coming to a proposal consensus.
final List<int> users;
// The CroupierClient manages the creation of tables/dbs/syncgroups.
final CroupierClient _cc;
// Affects read/write/watch locations of the log writer.
String logPrefix = ''; // This is usually set to <game_id>/log
// When a proposal is made (or received), this flag is set to true.
// Once a consensus has been reached, this is set to false again.
bool inProposalMode = false;
Map<String, String> proposalsKnown; // Only updated via watch.
Set<String> _acceptedProposals =
new Set<String>(); // Add accepted proposals so that we can ignore them.
// The associated user helps in the production of unique keys.
int _associatedUser;
int get associatedUser => _associatedUser;
void set associatedUser(int other) {
// Can be changed while the log is used; this should not be done during a proposal.
_associatedUser = other;
// The latest timestamp watched so far.
// By applying this timestamp (as a minimum), this ensures that turn-based
// actions remain in-order, despite clock desynchronization.
// Note: This may occasionally affect the diff-log values.
DateTime latestTime = new;
// This holds a reference to the syncbase table we're writing to.
SyncbaseTable tb;
static final String tbName = util.tableNameGames;
// A file reference to track how Syncbase sync is going.
final File _diffFile =
new File('/data/data/');
// The LogWriter takes a callback for watch updates, the list of users, and
// the logPrefix to write at on table.
LogWriter(this.updateCallback, this.users)
: _cc = new CroupierClient.singleton() {
_diffFileLog("=========Starting Log Writer=========");
DateTime _getLatestTime() {
DateTime now = new;
if (latestTime.isAfter(now)) {
return latestTime.add(new Duration(milliseconds: 1));
return now;
// Parses a millisecond string into a DateTime.
DateTime _parseTime(String timeStr) {
// Since the Dart VM on Android has a bug with parsing large integers, we
// are forced to split the string into parts to successfully parse it.
// TODO(alexfandrianto):
String front = timeStr.substring(0, 8);
String back = timeStr.substring(8);
int time = int.parse(front) * math.pow(10, back.length) + int.parse(back);
return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(time);
Future _diffFileLog(String s, [DateTime other]) async {
DateTime now = _getLatestTime();
int diff = other != null ? now.difference(other).inMilliseconds : null;
String logStr = "${now.millisecondsSinceEpoch}\t${diff}\t${s}\n";
await _diffFile.writeAsString(logStr, mode: FileMode.APPEND, flush: true);
Future _prepareLog() async {
if (tb != null) {
return; // Then we're already prepared.
SyncbaseDatabase db = await _cc.createDatabase();
tb = await _cc.createTable(db, tbName);
Future onChange(String rowKey, String value, bool duringScan) async {
String key = rowKey.replaceFirst("${this.logPrefix}/", "");
String timeStr = key.split("-")[0];
DateTime keyTime = _parseTime(timeStr);
await _diffFileLog("Key: ${key} Value: ${value}", keyTime);
if (keyTime.isAfter(latestTime)) {
latestTime = keyTime;
if (_isProposalKey(key)) {
if (value != null && !_acceptedProposals.contains(key) && !duringScan) {
await _receiveProposal(key, value);
} else {
print("Update callback: ${key}, ${value}");
this.updateCallback(key, value);
Future write(SimulLevel s, String value) async {
util.log('LogWriter.write start');
await _prepareLog();
String key = _logKey(associatedUser);
if (s == SimulLevel.DEPENDENT) {
inProposalMode = true;
proposalsKnown = new Map<String, String>();
String proposalData = JSON.encode({"key": key, "value": value});
String propKey = _proposalKey(associatedUser);
await _writeData(propKey, proposalData);
proposalsKnown[propKey] = proposalData;
await _writeData(key, value);
// Helper that writes data to the "store" and calls the update callback.
Future _writeData(String key, String value) async {
var row = tb.row(_rowKey(key));
await row.put(UTF8.encode(value));
String _rowKey(String key) {
return "${this.logPrefix}/${key}";
Future _deleteData(String key) async {
var row = tb.row(_rowKey(key));
await row.delete();
// Helper that returns the log key using a mixture of timestamp + user.
String _logKey(int user) {
DateTime time = _getLatestTime();
if (time.isAfter(latestTime)) {
latestTime = time;
int ms = time.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
String key = "${ms}-${user}";
return key;
bool _ownsProposal(String key, String proposalData) {
return _proposalSayer(key) == _proposalOwner(proposalData);
int _proposalSayer(String key) {
return int.parse(key.split("/").last);
int _proposalOwner(String proposalData) {
Map<String, String> pp = JSON.decode(proposalData);
String keyP = pp["key"];
return int.parse(keyP.split("-").last);
// Helper that handles a proposal update for the associatedUser.
Future _receiveProposal(String key, String proposalData) async {
// If this is a separate device, it may not be in proposal mode yet.
// Set to be in proposal mode now.
if (!inProposalMode) {
inProposalMode = true;
proposalsKnown = new Map<String, String>();
// Let us update our proposal map.
proposalsKnown[key] = proposalData;
// Let's obtain our own proposal data.
var pKey = _proposalKey(associatedUser);
var pData = proposalsKnown[pKey];
// We only have to update our proposal if the updating person is the owner.
// This avoids repeated and potentially race-y watch updates.
// By sharing the bare minimum, sync/watch should avoid races.
if (_ownsProposal(key, proposalData)) {
if (pData != null) {
// Potentially change your proposal, if that person has higher priority.
Map<String, String> pp = JSON.decode(pData);
Map<String, String> op = JSON.decode(proposalData);
String keyP = pp["key"];
String keyO = op["key"];
if (keyO.compareTo(keyP) < 0) {
// Then switch proposals.
await _writeData(pKey, proposalData);
} else {
// Otherwise, you have no proposal, so take theirs.
await _writeData(pKey, proposalData);
// Given these changes, check if you can commit the full batch.
if (await _checkIsProposalDone()) {
Map<String, String> pp = JSON.decode(pData);
String key = pp["key"];
String value = pp["value"];
print("All proposals accepted. Proceeding with ${key} ${value}");
for (int i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
await _deleteData(_proposalKey(users[i]));
// TODO(alexfandrianto): It seems that this will trigger multiple watch
// updates even though the data written is the same value to the same key.
// I think this is intended, so to work around it, the layer above will
// be sure to ignore updates to repeated keys.
await _writeData(key, value);
proposalsKnown = null;
inProposalMode = false;
// More helpers for proposals.
bool _isProposalKey(String key) {
return key.indexOf("proposal") == 0;
String _proposalKey(int user) {
return "proposal/${user}";
Future<bool> _checkIsProposalDone() async {
String theProposal;
for (int i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
String altProposal = proposalsKnown[_proposalKey(users[i])];
if (altProposal == null) {
return false;
} else if (theProposal != null && theProposal != altProposal) {
return false;
theProposal = altProposal;
return true;