luma/rico: Add post-processing scripts.

Add two scripts. One is a utility for debugging the view hierarchies
produced by rico. It queries an attached device and gets the view
hierarchy and draws the clickable elements on it. The other script is
for post-processing all the data produced by Rico and combines them
to produce visualizations for the entire user trace.

Change-Id: Ia8b11186f6dd8802414c68f3d943c0572eeeaa63
diff --git a/rico/post_processing/ b/rico/post_processing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88ee945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rico/post_processing/
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+"""A script to postprocess data collected by Rico.
+This script combines data from three sources: images, user event details
+(contains view hierarchy details) and logcat output to produce two
+visualizations of the user trace.
+import argparse
+import json
+import os
+from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
+CIRCLE_COLOR = (0, 0, 255, 0)
+CLICKED_ELEMENT_COLOR = (255, 0, 0, 0)
+def makedir(path):
+  if not os.path.exists(path):
+    os.makedirs(path)
+def read_events(folder):
+  with open(os.path.join(folder, "events.json")) as json_file:
+    events = json.load(json_file)
+  return events
+def read_logcat(folder):
+  with open(os.path.join(folder, "logcats.json")) as json_file:
+    logcat = json.load(json_file)
+  return logcat
+def save_json(jsondata, filename):
+  with open(filename, "w") as json_file:
+    json.dump(jsondata, json_file, indent=2)
+def save_view(folder, img_num, view_hierarchy):
+  view_file = os.path.join(folder, "views", str(img_num) + ".json")
+  save_json(view_hierarchy, view_file)
+def load_view(folder, img_num):
+  with open(os.path.join(folder, "views", str(img_num) + ".json")) as json_file:
+    view = json.load(json_file)
+  return view
+def _clickable_elements_bounds(element):
+  bounds = []
+  if element.get("children"):
+    for child in element["children"]:
+      bounds += _clickable_elements_bounds(child)
+  if element["clickable"] and element["visibility"] == "visible":
+    bounds.append(element["bounds"])
+  return bounds
+def clickable_elements_bounds(view):
+  try:
+    root = view["activity"]["root"]
+    return _clickable_elements_bounds(root)
+  except KeyError:
+    return []
+def _get_bounds_by_pointer(element, pointer):
+  if element["pointer"] == pointer:
+    return element["bounds"]
+  if element.get("children"):
+    for child in element["children"]:
+      found = _get_bounds_by_pointer(child, pointer)
+      if found:
+        return found
+  return None
+def get_bounds_by_pointer(view, pointer):
+  root = view["activity"]["root"]
+  return  _get_bounds_by_pointer(root, pointer)
+def write_html(viz_names, views):
+  html_filename = os.path.join(session_path, "viz", "viz.html")
+  # If the file exists, delete it.
+  if os.path.exists(html_filename):
+    os.remove(html_filename)
+  with open(html_filename, "a") as html_file:
+    html_file.write("<!DOCTYPE html>\n")
+    html_file.write("<html>\n")
+    html_file.write("  <head>\n")
+    html_file.write("    <title>Linear Flow Visualization</title>\n")
+    html_file.write("  </head>\n")
+    html_file.write("  <body>\n")
+    for viz_name in viz_names:
+      html_file.write("    <div id=\"header\" style=\"overflow-x: auto;"
+                      " white-space: nowrap;\">\n")
+      html_file.write("      <div style=\"vertical-align: top; display:"
+                      " inline-block; text-align: center;\">\n")
+      for view_num in views:
+        html_file.write("        <div style=\"vertical-align: top; display:"
+                        " inline-block; text-align: center;\">")
+        html_file.write("          <img alt=" + str(view_num) + " src=\"./img/"
+                        + viz_name + "/" + str(view_num)
+                        + ".jpg\" style=\"height: 400px; padding: 30px;\">\n")
+        html_file.write("          <span style=\"display: block;"
+                        " padding-bottom: 10px;\">" + str(view_num)
+                        + "</span>\n")
+        html_file.write("        </div>")
+      html_file.write("      </div>\n")
+      html_file.write("    </div>\n")
+    html_file.write("  </body>\n")
+    html_file.write("</html>\n")
+def sort_events(events):
+  """Sorts events based on timestamp.
+  When multiple events have the same timestamp, we only care about getting the
+  GestureStart and GestureStop events in the right place. Even if the order
+  of the other events in between are off, it does not affect us.
+  We push GestureStarts forwards and GestureStops backwards for breaking ties.
+  """
+  events = sorted(events, key=lambda k: k["timestamp"])
+  for idx in range(len(events) - 1, 0, -1):
+    event = events[idx]
+    prev_event = events[idx - 1]
+    if (prev_event["timestamp"] == event["timestamp"] and
+        event["eventName"] == "input.gestureStart" and
+        prev_event["eventName"] != "input.gestureStop"):
+      events[idx - 1] = event
+      events[idx] = prev_event
+  for idx in range(1, len(events)):
+    event = events[idx]
+    prev_event = events[idx - 1]
+    if (event["timestamp"] == prev_event["timestamp"] and
+        prev_event["eventName"] == "input.gestureStop" and
+        event["eventName"] != "input.gestureStart"):
+      events[idx - 1] = event
+      events[idx] = prev_event
+  return events
+def get_image_map(img_dir):
+  img_names = [name for name in os.listdir(img_dir) if ".jpg" in name]
+  img_map = {}
+  for img_name in img_names:
+    img_num = img_name.split("_")[1]
+    img_map[img_num] = img_name
+  return img_map
+def save_processed_data(folder, views, gesture_coords, click_map):
+  processed_data = {"views": views,
+                    "gesture_coords": gesture_coords,
+                    "click_map": click_map
+                   }
+  save_json(processed_data, os.path.join(folder, "processed_data.json"))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+  parser.add_argument("data_folder_path",
+                      help = ("Full path to the data folder. It could contain "
+                            "multiple folders for different sessions inside it."
+                           )
+                     )
+  args = parser.parse_args()
+  data_folder_path = args.data_folder_path
+  dirs = os.listdir(data_folder_path)
+  for session in dirs:
+    session_path = os.path.join(data_folder_path, session)
+    if os.path.isdir(session_path):
+      print session
+      events = sort_events(read_events(session_path))
+      # These hold overall data for all the views.
+      views = []
+      gesture_coords = {}
+      # We go over all the events and group them into different gestures (events
+      # from one GestureStart to the corresponding GestureStop).
+      gesture_started = False
+      gesture_type = "click"
+      gesture_view_num = ""
+      view_hierarchy = None
+      coords = []
+      makedir(os.path.join(session_path, "views"))
+      for event in events:
+        img_num = event["imgId"].split("_")[1]
+        if gesture_started and event["x"]:
+          coords.append((event["x"], event["y"]))
+        if event["eventName"] == "input.gestureStart":
+          gesture_started = True
+          gesture_view_num = str(img_num)
+          try:
+            view_hierarchy = json.loads(
+                event["viewHierarchy"].split("RICO_JSON_END")[0])
+          except ValueError, e:
+            # This exception happens when Rico did not capture any JSON for this
+            # view. We ignore this case and move on.
+            print "JSON Missing: " + event["imgId"]
+          save_view(session_path, img_num, view_hierarchy)
+          views.append(str(img_num))
+        if event["eventName"] == "input.gestureStop":
+          gesture_started = False
+          gesture_coords[gesture_view_num] = coords
+          coords = []
+      # Process logcat to identify elements that were clicked.
+      click_map = {}  # Maps view_id to the pointer name of clicked element.
+      logcat = read_logcat(session_path)
+      logcat = sorted(logcat, key=lambda k: k["timestamp"])
+      view_id = None
+      for log_item in logcat:
+        message = log_item["logcatMessage"]
+        if "Request_ID" in message:
+          view_id = message.split(":")[-2]
+        if ":click:" in message:
+          pointer = message.split(":")[2]
+          click_map[str(view_id).strip()] = str(pointer).strip()
+      # Generate a map from img numbers to names.
+      img_map = get_image_map(os.path.join(session_path, "img"))
+      # For each image corresponding to a view, produce two processed images.
+      gesture_imgs_path = os.path.join(session_path, "viz", "img", "gestures")
+      elements_imgs_path = os.path.join(session_path, "viz", "img", "elements")
+      makedir(gesture_imgs_path)
+      makedir(elements_imgs_path)
+      # Produce image showing gesture.
+      for idx, view_num in enumerate(views):
+        image =, "img", img_map[view_num]))
+        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
+        width, height = image.size
+        # We draw a circle for each (x, y) co-ordinate pair in a gesture.
+        coords = gesture_coords[str(view_num)]
+        for coord in coords:
+          x = coord[0] * width
+          y = coord[1] * height
+          ellipse_coordinates = (x - r, y - r, x + r, y + r)
+          draw.ellipse(ellipse_coordinates, fill=CIRCLE_COLOR)
+          if r > SMALLEST_CIRCLE_SIZE:
+            r -= CIRCLE_SIZE_DECREMENT
+, view_num + ".jpg"))
+      # Produce image showing clickable elements.
+      for idx, view_num in enumerate(views):
+        image =, "img", img_map[view_num]))
+        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
+        width, height = image.size
+        try:
+          view = load_view(session_path, view_num)
+          bounds = clickable_elements_bounds(view)
+          x_factor = width/float(DEVICE_WIDTH)
+          y_factor = height/float(DEVICE_HEIGHT)
+          for bound in bounds:
+            new_bound = [int(bound[0] * x_factor), int(bound[1] * y_factor),
+                         int(bound[2] * x_factor), int(bound[3] * y_factor)]
+            draw.rectangle(new_bound, outline=CLICKABLE_ELEMENT_COLOR)
+          # The element that was clicked (as detected from logcat) will be
+          # highlighted in a different color.
+          if view_num in click_map:
+            pointer = click_map[view_num]
+            bound = get_bounds_by_pointer(view, pointer)
+            bound = [int(bound[0] * x_factor), int(bound[1] * y_factor),
+                     int(bound[2] * x_factor), int(bound[3] * y_factor)]
+            # We draw multiple boxes, one within the other (drawn DIFF pixels
+            # apart) to highlight this element.
+            for i in range(20):
+              bound = [bound[0] + BB_SEPARATION, bound[1] + BB_SEPARATION,
+                       bound[2] - BB_SEPARATION, bound[3] - BB_SEPARATION]
+              color = CLICKED_ELEMENT_COLOR
+              draw.rectangle(bound, outline=color)
+        except IOError:
+          # This exception happens when Rico did not capture any JSON for this
+          # view. We ignore this case and move on.
+          pass
+, view_num + ".jpg"))
+      viz_names = ["gestures", "elements"]
+      write_html(viz_names, views)
+      save_processed_data(session_path, views, gesture_coords, click_map)
diff --git a/rico/utilities/ b/rico/utilities/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..176d042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rico/utilities/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+"""A script to aid debugging the view hierarchy data.
+This script helps visualize the view hierarchy by drawing the bounds
+of all clickable elements on a screenshot of the UI.
+Use this script with an Android device (or emulator) connected to your
+import json
+import os
+import platform
+import socket
+import subprocess
+from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
+from subprocess import call
+ADB = None
+# The following dimensions are for a Nexus 6P device.
+def set_adb_path():
+  """Define the ADB path based on operating system."""
+  try:
+    global ADB
+    # For machines with multiple installations of adb, use the last listed
+    # version of adb.
+    ADB = subprocess.check_output(['which -a adb'], shell=True).split('\n')[-2]
+  except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+    print 'Could not find adb. Please check your PATH.'
+def _clickable_elements_bounds(element):
+  bounds = []
+  if element.get("children"):
+    for child in element["children"]:
+      bounds += _clickable_elements_bounds(child)
+  if element["clickable"] and element["visibility"] == "visible":
+    bounds.append(element["bounds"])
+  return bounds
+def clickable_elements_bounds(view):
+  root = view["activity"]["root"]
+  return _clickable_elements_bounds(root)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  set_adb_path()
+  # If multiple phones are connected you would need to specify which phone
+  # an ADB command is directed at using the -s flag.
+  call([ADB, "shell", "screencap", "-p", "/sdcard/screen.png"])
+  call([ADB, "pull", "/sdcard/screen.png"])
+  call([ADB, "forward", "tcp:1699", "tcp:1699"])
+  call([ADB, "shell", "dumpsys", "activity", "start-view-server"])
+  sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+  server_address = ("localhost", 1699)
+  try:
+    sock.connect(server_address)
+    message = "d\n"  # This is command to dump the view hierarchy.
+    sock.sendall(message)
+    response = ""
+    while True:
+      data = sock.recv(16)
+      response += str(data)
+      # A valid response ends with "RICO_JSON_END".
+      if "RICO_JSON_END" in response:
+        break
+  finally:
+    sock.close()
+  view = json.loads(response.split("RICO_JSON_END")[0])
+  image ="screen.png")
+  width, height = image.size
+  # Resize the image to make it easier to view.
+  image.thumbnail((width/4, height/4), Image.ANTIALIAS)
+  width, height = image.size
+  draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
+  x_factor = width/float(DEVICE_WIDTH)
+  y_factor = height/float(DEVICE_HEIGHT)
+  bounds = clickable_elements_bounds(view)
+  for bound in bounds:
+    new_bound = [int(bound[0] * x_factor), int(bound[1] * y_factor),
+                 int(bound[2] * x_factor), int(bound[3] * y_factor)]
+    draw.rectangle(new_bound, outline=(0, 0, 255, 0))
+  # Open the saved image using appropriate program based on user's OS.
+  if platform.system() == "Linux":
+    call(["gnome-open", "snapshot.jpg"])
+  elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
+    call(["open", "snapshot.jpg"])