blob: 4f89d3d59a9b4af4afdb18cab34ddc8fc6a45975 [file] [log] [blame]
FROM openstf/base:v1.0.6
# Sneak the stf executable into $PATH.
ENV PATH /app/bin:$PATH
# Work in app dir by default.
# Export default app port, not enough for all processes but it should do
# for now.
# Copy app source.
COPY . /tmp/build/
# Give permissions to our build user.
RUN mkdir -p /app && \
chown -R stf-build:stf-build /tmp/build /app
# Switch over to the build user.
USER stf-build
# Run the build.
RUN set -x && \
cd /tmp/build && \
export PATH=$PWD/node_modules/.bin:$PATH && \
npm install --loglevel http && \
npm pack && \
tar xzf stf-*.tgz --strip-components 1 -C /app && \
bower cache clean && \
npm prune --production && \
mv node_modules /app && \
npm cache clean && \
rm -rf ~/.node-gyp && \
cd /app && \
rm -rf /tmp/*
# Switch to the app user.
USER stf
# Show help by default.
CMD stf --help