blob: 4b6b4fd34e2ca8f3d8c641e8043ecfba9dc30418 [file] [log] [blame]
allprojects {
// Add the following tasks only for the project in the current directory.
if (project.projectDir == gradle.startParameter.currentDir) {
// An optional output file name can be specified by a Gradle command-line flag:
// -PmadbOutputFile=<file_name>
def output ='madbOutputFile')
? new File(['madbOutputFile'])
: null
// Empty the file, if it exists already.
if (output != null) {
output.text = ''
task madbExtractApplicationId << {
extract(project, {p -> getAppId(p)}, output, 'application ID')
task madbExtractMainActivity << {
extract(project, {p -> getMainActivity(p)}, output, 'main activity')
void extract(project, extractor, output, debugName) {
def id = null
// See if this project is an Android application module.
if (isApplicationModule(project)) {
id = extractor(project)
} else {
// This project is NOT an Android application module.
// Retrieve the id from the first application sub-module.
id = extractor(project.subprojects.find { isApplicationModule(it) })
if (id) {
if (output != null) {
output.append(id + '\n')
} else {
println id
} else {
throw new GradleException('Failed to extract the ' + debugName)
boolean isApplicationModule(project) {
return project.plugins.hasPlugin('')
String getAppId(project) {
try {
} catch (all) {
return null
String getMainActivity(project) {
try {
def manifestFile = getAndroidManifestLocation(project)
// Parse the xml file and find the main activity.
def manifest = new XmlSlurper().parse(manifestFile)
def mainActivity = manifest.application.activity.find { isMainActivity(it) }
def name = mainActivity.'@android:name'.text()
// If the activity name is using the shorthand syntax starting with a dot,
// make it a fully-qualified name by prepending it with the package name.
if (name.startsWith('.')) {
return manifest.'@package'.text() + name
} else {
return name
} catch (all) {
return null
File getAndroidManifestLocation(project) {
try {
} catch (all) {
return null
boolean isMainActivity(activity) {
try {
def intentFilter = activity.'intent-filter'
return intentFilter.action.'@android:name'.text() == 'android.intent.action.MAIN' &&
intentFilter.category.'@android:name'.text() == 'android.intent.category.LAUNCHER'
} catch (all) {
return false