blob: a2a2286b512f8a089806fbd95048606d266c76ef [file] [log] [blame]
Ali Ghassemi07b4ef22014-10-22 17:18:38 -07001<link rel="import" href="../../third-party/polymer/polymer.html">
2<link rel="import" href="../../third-party/core-pages/core-pages.html">
3<link rel="import" href="../../third-party/core-icons/core-icons.html">
4<link rel="import" href="../../third-party/core-icon-button/core-icon-button.html">
5<link rel="import" href="../../third-party/core-toolbar/core-toolbar.html">
6<link rel="import" href="../../third-party/core-selector/core-selector.html">
7<link rel="import" href="../../third-party/paper-tabs/paper-tabs.html">
8<link rel="import" href="tab-content/component.html">
9<link rel="import" href="tab-toolbar/component.html">
11<polymer-element name="p2b-pipes">
12 <template>
13 <link rel="stylesheet" href="../common/common.css">
14 <link rel="stylesheet" href="component.css">
15 <div class="container" flex>
16 <template if="{{ numTabs == 0 }}">
17 <h2 page-title class="empty-message">No pipes to show...</h2>
18 <div class="no-pipes-bg"></div>
19 </template>
21 <div id="tabsContainer" class="{{ {hidden : numTabs == 0} | tokenList}}" flex>
22 <paper-tabs id="tabs" class="{{ {hidden : numTabs <= 1} | tokenList}}" on-core-select="{{ handleTabSelectionChange }}" valueattr="key" selected="{{ selectedTabKey }}" noink></paper-tabs>
23 <core-selector id="tabPages" valueattr="key" selected="{{ selectedTabKey }}" flex></core-selector>
24 </div>
25 </div>
26 </template>
27 <script>
28 Polymer('p2b-pipes', {
30 /*
31 * Map of existing pipe tabs. Key is the tab key.
32 * @type {set}
33 * @private
34 */
35 pipeTabs: {},
37 /*
38 * Key of currently selected tab
39 * @type {string}
40 */
41 selectedTabKey : '',
43 /*
44 * Stack of previously selected tabs.
45 * @type {Array<string>}
46 * @private
47 */
48 selectionHistoryStack: [],
50 ready: function() {
51 this.numTabs = 0
52 },
54 /*
55 * Adds a new tab
56 * @param {string} key Key of the tab to add
57 * @param {string} name Name of the tab to add
58 * @param {DOMElement} el Content of the tab
59 * @param {function} onClose Optional onClose callback.
60 */
61 addTab: function(key, name, el, onClose) {
62 var self = this;
64 // Create a tab thumb
65 var tab = document.createElement('paper-tab');
66 tab.key = key;
67 tab.textContent = name;
69 // Create a tab toolbar and assign the close handler
70 var tabToolbar = document.createElement('p2b-pipes-tab-toolbar');
71 tabToolbar.toolbarTitle = name;
72 tabToolbar.addEventListener('close-action', function() {
73 self.removeTab(key);
74 if (onClose) {
75 onClose();
76 }
77 });
78 tabToolbar.addEventListener('fullscreen-action', function() {
79 var tabContent = self.pipeTabs[key].tabContent;
80 tabContent.fullscreen();
81 });
83 // Create the content of the tab
84 var tabContent = document.createElement('p2b-pipes-tab-content');
85 tabContent.setAttribute('key', key);
86 tabContent.appendChild(tabToolbar);
87 tabContent.appendChild(el);
89 this.$.tabPages.appendChild(tabContent);
91 // Add the tab to our list.
92 this.pipeTabs[key] = {
93 name: name,
94 tab: tab,
95 tabContent: tabContent,
96 tabToolbar: tabToolbar
97 };
99 this.numTabs++;
101 this.selectedTabKey = key;
102 requestAnimationFrame(function() {
103 self.$.tabs.appendChild(tab);
104 });
105 },
107 /*
108 * Adds a new toolbar action for the tab's toolbar
109 * @param {string} tabKey Key of the tab to add action to
110 * @param icon {string} icon Icon name for the action
111 * @param onClick {function} event handler for the action
112 */
113 addToolbarAction: function(tabKey, icon, onClick) {
114 if (!this.pipeTabs[tabKey]) {
115 return;
116 }
117 var toolbar = this.pipeTabs[tabKey].tabToolbar;
118 toolbar.add(icon, onClick);
119 },
121 /*
122 * Removes a tab
123 * @param {string} key Key of the tab to remove
124 */
125 removeTab: function(key) {
126 if (!this.pipeTabs[key]) {
127 return;
128 }
129 // Remove tab thumb and content
130 var tab = this.pipeTabs[key].tab;
131 tab.remove();
132 var tabContent = this.pipeTabs[key].tabContent;
133 tabContent.remove();
135 // Delete tab from the map
136 delete this.pipeTabs[key];
137 this.numTabs--;
139 // Select an existing tab from previous selection history
140 var toSelect = this.selectionHistoryStack.pop();
141 while ( toSelect && !this.pipeTabs[toSelect] ) {
142 // pop until we find one that still exists
143 toSelect = this.selectionHistoryStack.pop();
144 }
145 if (toSelect) {
146 this.selectedTabKey = toSelect;
147 }
148 },
150 /*
151 * Replaces content of a tab
152 * @param {string} key Key of the tab to replace content for
153 * @param {string} newName new name for the tab
154 * @param {DOMElement} el New content of the tab
155 */
156 replaceTabContent: function(key, newName, newEl) {
157 if (!this.pipeTabs[key]) {
158 return;
159 }
160 var tabContent = this.pipeTabs[key].tabContent;
161 tabContent.replaceTabContent(newEl);
162 if (newName) {
163 this.pipeTabs[key].tab.textContent = newName;
164 this.pipeTabs[key].tabToolbar.toolbarTitle = newName;
165 }
166 },
168 /*
169 * Adds the tab selection to history when selection changes
170 * @private
171 */
172 handleTabSelectionChange: function(e) {
173 if (!e.detail.isSelected){
174 return;
175 }
176 this.selectionHistoryStack.push(this.selectedTabKey);
177 }
178 });
179 </script>