blob: b5b55fdb30a620c5664cca47a7ffb359bd4dc697 [file] [log] [blame]
# Utilities for testing the playground builder tool.
# Used by tests in client and go/src/playground.
# PLAYGROUND_ROOT is obtained relative to the playground package in
# ${PLAYGROUND_ROOT}/go/src/playground .
# Assumes the playground package is included in GOPATH.
PLAYGROUND_ROOT="$(CDPATH="" cd -P $(go list -f {{.Dir}} playground)/../../.. && pwd)"
source "$(go list -f {{.Dir}}"
# Sets up environment variables required for the tests.
setup_environment() {
export GOPATH="$(pwd):$(v23 env GOPATH)"
export VDLPATH="$(pwd):$(v23 env VDLPATH)"
export PATH="$(pwd):${shell_test_BIN_DIR}:${VANADIUM_ROOT}/environment/cout/node/bin:${PATH}"
# We unset all environment variables that supply a principal in order to
# simulate production playground setup.
# Installs the release/javascript/core library and makes it accessible to
# Javascript files in the Vanadium playground test under the module name
# 'veyron'.
install_vanadium_js() {
# TODO(nlacasse): Once release/javascript/core is publicly available in npm, replace this
# with "npm install vanadium".
pushd "${VANADIUM_ROOT}/release/javascript/vom"
npm link
pushd "${VANADIUM_ROOT}/release/javascript/core"
npm link vom
npm link
npm link vom
npm link veyron
# Installs the pgbundle tool.
install_pgbundle() {
pushd "${PLAYGROUND_ROOT}/pgbundle"
npm link
npm link pgbundle
# Installs various go binaries.
build_go_binaries() {
shell_test::build_go_binary ''
shell_test::build_go_binary ''
shell_test::build_go_binary ''
shell_test::build_go_binary ''
shell_test::build_go_binary ''
shell_test::build_go_binary 'playground/builder'
# Bundles a playground example and tests it using builder.
# $1: root directory of example to test
# $2: arguments to call builder with
test_pg_example() {
local -r PGBUNDLE_DIR="$1"
local -r BUILDER_ARGS="$2"
./node_modules/.bin/pgbundle "${PGBUNDLE_DIR}"
# Create a fresh dir to run builder in.
local -r ORIG_DIR=$(pwd)
pushd $(shell::tmp_dir)
ln -s "${ORIG_DIR}/node_modules" ./ # for release/javascript/core
"${shell_test_BIN_DIR}/builder" ${BUILDER_ARGS} < "${PGBUNDLE_DIR}/bundle.json" 2>&1 | tee builder.out
# Move builder output to original dir for verification.
mv builder.out "${ORIG_DIR}"