| PATH := bin:node_modules/.bin:$(PATH) |
| PATH := $(PATH):$(V23_ROOT)/environment/cout/node/bin |
| SHELL := /bin/bash -euo pipefail |
| export GOPATH := $(V23_ROOT)/release/projects/playground/go:$(GOPATH) |
| export VDLPATH := $(GOPATH) |
| |
| js_files := $(shell find browser -name "*.js") |
| css_files := $(shell find stylesheets -name "*.css") |
| host ?= |
| port ?= 8088 |
| |
| .DEFAULT_GOAL := all |
| |
| |
| .PHONY: all |
| all: public/bundles public/bundle.js public/bundle.css |
| @true # silences `watch make` |
| |
| .PHONY: deploy-staging |
| deploy-staging: all |
| git rev-parse --verify HEAD > public/version |
| gcloud config set project vanadium-staging |
| gsutil -m rsync -d -r public gs://playground.staging.v.io |
| |
| public/bundle.js: browser/index.js $(js_files) node_modules |
| browserify --debug $< 1> $@ |
| |
| # TODO(jasoncampbell): Hookup the css compiler from www |
| public/bundle.css: stylesheets/index.css $(css_files) node_modules |
| cp $< $@ |
| |
| # Each profile (glob file with file patterns to include) from |
| # `bundles/<profile>.bundle` is applied to each example folder of the |
| # form `bundles/<example>/`. |
| example_profiles := $(shell find bundles -maxdepth 1 -name "*.bundle") |
| example_code_bundle_dirs := $(shell find bundles -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d) |
| example_files := $(shell find bundles -mindepth 1) |
| bundle_temp_file := public/bundle.json.tmp |
| |
| # Builds the playground bundles for each folder and profile combination. |
| # This task depends on example_profiles and example_files because we want |
| # to re-bundle if any of those change. However, the bundle tool works on |
| # directories, so we pass in example_code_bundle_dirs as the path argument. |
| public/bundles: $(example_profiles) $(example_files) | node_modules |
| $(RM) -rf $@ |
| mkdir -p $(dir $(bundle_temp_file)) |
| @for profile in $(example_profiles); do \ |
| echo "Bundling with profile \"$${profile}\""; \ |
| for folder in $(example_code_bundle_dirs); do \ |
| pgbundle --verbose "$${profile}" "$${folder}" > $(bundle_temp_file); \ |
| mv -f $(bundle_temp_file) "$${folder}/bundle_$$(basename $${profile} .bundle).json"; \ |
| done; \ |
| done |
| cp -r bundles $(@D) |
| |
| node_modules: package.json |
| @npm prune |
| # Temporary workaround: install pgbundle directly from source. |
| @npm install $(V23_ROOT)/release/projects/playground/pgbundle |
| @npm install |
| @touch $@ |
| |
| .PHONY: start |
| start: all |
| http-server public -p $(port) -a $(host) -d --cors |
| |
| .PHONY: clean |
| clean: |
| @$(RM) -rf public/bundle.* |
| @$(RM) -rf node_modules |
| @$(RM) -rf npm-debug.log |
| |
| .PHONY: distclean |
| distclean: clean |
| @npm cache clean |
| @$(RM) -rf public/bundles |
| @$(RM) -rf $(shell find bundles -name "bundle*.json") |
| |
| .PHONY: dependency-check |
| dependency-check: package.json node_modules |
| dependency-check $< |
| |
| .PHONY: lint |
| lint: dependency-check |
| jshint . |
| |
| .PHONY: test |
| test: |
| v23 run ./test.sh |
| |
| .PHONY: test-client |
| test-client: node_modules |
| tape test/index.js |
| |
| .PHONY: test-browser |
| test-browser: node_modules |
| run-browser test/index.js --phantom |