blob: a63a54986577e3edf1862935979f07acb2e27602 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Handler for HTTP requests to compile and run playground examples.
// handlerCompile() handles a POST request with bundled example source code.
// The bundle is passed to the builder command, which is run inside a Docker
// sandbox. Builder output is streamed back to the client in realtime and
// cached.
package main
import (
var (
// In-memory LRU cache of request/response bodies. Keys are sha256 sums of
// request bodies (32 bytes each), values are of type cachedResponse.
// NOTE(nlacasse): The cache size (10k) was chosen arbitrarily and should
// perhaps be optimized.
cache = lru.New(10000)
useDocker = flag.Bool("use-docker", true, "Whether to use Docker to run builder; if false, we run the builder directly.")
// TODO(nlacasse): Experiment with different values for parallelism and
// dockerMemLimit once we have performance testing.
// There should be some memory left over for the system, http server, and
// docker daemon. The GCE n1-standard machines have 3.75GB of RAM, so the
// default value below should leave plenty of room.
parallelism = flag.Int("parallelism", 5, "Maximum number of builds to run in parallel.")
dockerMemLimit = flag.Int("total-docker-memory", 3000, "Total memory limit for all Docker build instances in MB.")
// Arbitrary deadline (enough to compile, run, shutdown).
// TODO(sadovsky): For now this is set high to avoid spurious timeouts.
// Playground execution speed needs to be optimized.
maxTime = flag.Duration("max-time", 10*time.Second, "Maximum time for build to run.")
// TODO(nlacasse): The default value of 100 was chosen arbitrarily and
// should be tuned.
jobQueueCap = flag.Int("job-queue-capacity", 100, "Maximum number of jobs to allow in the job queue. Attempting to add a new job will fail if the queue is full.")
// cachedResponse is the type of values stored in the lru cache.
type cachedResponse struct {
Status int
Events []event.Event
// compiler handles compile requests by enqueuing them on the dispatcher's
// work queue.
type compiler struct {
dispatcher jobqueue.Dispatcher
// newCompiler creates a new compiler.
func newCompiler() *compiler {
return &compiler{
dispatcher: jobqueue.NewDispatcher(*parallelism, *jobQueueCap),
// POST request that returns cached results if any exist, otherwise schedules
// the bundle to be run and caches the results.
func (c *compiler) handlerCompile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !handleCORS(w, r) {
// Check method and read POST body.
// Limit is set to maxSize+1 to allow distinguishing between exactly maxSize
// and larger than maxSize requests.
requestBody := getPostBody(w, r, *maxSize+1)
if requestBody == nil {
// If the request does not include query param debug=true, strip any debug
// events produced by the builder. Note, these events don't contain any
// sensitive information, so guarding with a query parameter is sufficient.
wantDebug := r.FormValue("debug") == "1"
openResponse := func(status int) *event.ResponseEventSink {
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
// No Content-Length, using chunked encoding.
// The response is hard limited to 2*maxSize: maxSize for builder stdout,
// and another maxSize for compilerd error and status messages.
return event.NewResponseEventSink(lib.NewLimitedWriter(w, 2*(*maxSize), lib.DoOnce(func() {
log.Println("Hard response size limit reached.")
})), !wantDebug)
if len(requestBody) > *maxSize {
res := openResponse(http.StatusBadRequest)
res.Write(event.New("", "stderr", "Program too large."))
// Hash the body and see if it's been cached. If so, return the cached
// response status and body.
// NOTE(sadovsky): In the client we may shift timestamps (based on current
// time) and introduce a fake delay.
requestBodyHash := rawHash(requestBody)
if cr, ok := cache.Get(requestBodyHash); ok {
if cachedResponseStruct, ok := cr.(cachedResponse); ok {
res := openResponse(cachedResponseStruct.Status)
event.Debug(res, "Sending cached response")
} else {
log.Panicf("Invalid cached response: %v\n", cr)
res := openResponse(http.StatusOK)
// Calculate memory limit for the docker instance running this job.
dockerMem := *dockerMemLimit
if *parallelism > 0 {
dockerMem /= *parallelism
// Create a new compile job and queue it.
job := jobqueue.NewJob(requestBody, res, *maxSize, *maxTime, *useDocker, dockerMem)
resultChan, err := c.dispatcher.Enqueue(job)
if err != nil {
// TODO(nlacasse): This should send a StatusServiceUnavailable, not a StatusOK.
res.Write(event.New("", "stderr", "Service busy. Please try again later."))
// Go's httptest.NewRecorder does not support http.CloseNotifier, so we
// can't assume that w.(httpCloseNotifier) will succeed.
var clientDisconnect <-chan bool
if closeNotifier, ok := w.(http.CloseNotifier); ok {
clientDisconnect = closeNotifier.CloseNotify()
// Wait for job to finish and cache results if job succeeded.
// We do this in a for loop because we always need to wait for the result
// before closing the http handler, since Go panics when writing to the
// response after the handler has exited.
for {
select {
case <-clientDisconnect:
// If the client disconnects before job finishes, cancel the job.
// If job has already started, the job will finish and the results
// will be cached.
log.Printf("Client disconnected. Cancelling job.")
case result := <-resultChan:
if result.Success {
event.Debug(res, "Caching response")
cache.Add(requestBodyHash, cachedResponse{
Status: http.StatusOK,
Events: result.Events,
} else {
event.Debug(res, "Internal errors encountered, not caching response")
// stop waits for any in-progress jobs to finish, and cancels any jobs that
// have not started running yet.
func (c *compiler) stop() {